Chapter 66: Healing Touch - II

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Surface - Close to an exit from Criminal Corps

Jared frowned. "What do you mean by that? I thought we'd already decided to help her...?"

Lucas sighed, "Yes, but as Ben mentioned before, we are on-the-go emergency medics for whenever either of us or mistress gets into a... situation. We're not experts in this field and we're in an unfamiliar environment. We can only do so much with what we have. Geoira needs proper help from a certified medic."

Pursing his lips, Jared looked at the tree behind them, mind ticking over the possibilities. "I'll go down. I'll just go down to Pale Glass and bring back up a medic."

Ceecee raised an eyebrow. "Pale Glass isn't under your rule or my rule. Do you truly think you'll be able to convince them to travel all the way to the Surface to help not only a member of Fire, but a Fire war commander? They won't listen to either of our orders and, you know Pale Glass, they're known for their free will and adamancy not to obey any orders from Ice Kingdom or Criminal Corps."

Frowning, Jared wrapped his arms around himself. "Then I'll just travel back to Ice Kingdom and get someone from there."

A sigh as Lucas looked down at the woman, pulling a small 'sleeping blanket' over her form. "Adding in the time it would take you to find someone who would treat a Fire soldier and return back here, she would be long dead by then."

"What if you carried her to somewhere in the land above the Ice Kingdom?"

Larcens raised a hand, stopping Lucas from speaking his intended words. "I actually took a quick peek at one of Mister Bob's maps of the Surface... There's a small sea running across some of the Southern borders of Pale Glass... You'd have to circle all the way around it to head in the direction of Ice Kingdom."

Lucas nodded. "She'd be dead by then. Remember, we don't have any transports up here – any movement we complete would have to be via walking."

Benjamin shrugged, a nonchalant expression on his face. "See? We should just leave her to die and go back to Ice. It'd just be better for all of us – so don't have any hard feelings, we couldn't do anything and it's painfully hot up here." He smiled.

Turning to him, Ceecee placed a hand against his forehead. "Are you running a fever or something? I've never heard you be so cold and heartless before."

Unfortunately, Benjamin was unable to resist the temptation. He pursed his lips, flicking her hand away. "Shouldn't I be freezing then?"

She scowled. "Temper that attitude, Benjamin or it'll lead to your downfall."

Yet to learn the best times to keep his mouth shut, Benjamin twisted his lips, scoffing. "Geez, I was only joking. You didn't have to take it so harshly, old hag."

Her eyes narrowed as she stood, crossing her arms. "I'm giving you one chance to apologise for that."

Standing to match her, Benjamin stepped back, a spot of sunlight showing on his forehead. Lucas grimaced, anticipating the fire his friend was about to step into. And, just as he'd predicted, Benjamin plummeted into the fire. "Are you deaf? I'm not about to go apologise for a joke. If it's the 'old hag' bit you're worried about, I'm not about to apologise for telling the truth either. Free speech and all, yadda yadda; I'm just speaking my mind, so you can just suck it up and lick my-"

"Lucas, knock him out."

Lucas stood, nodding. "Yes, mistress." His hand shot out and retreated in a single motion as Benjamin's eyes rolled back and his body slumped. Placing a hand behind Benjamin's back, Lucas caught him gently, quickly supporting his head and drawing him into a bridal carry and setting him down against the tree.

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