Chapter 64: Tournament Arena

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Fire Temple

Light speared through the arena, surrounding colours and sounds in a glorious array of shining white. Reds blended with purples, spattered with blacks and oranges, faint yellow flares peeking through as Svorn scanned the audience. As he stepped out and became visible, the sounds only grew, a magnificent roar surrounding him.

Stands rumbled as excited viewers rose to their feet in a thunderous applause, cheering and shouting out words at the top of their lungs. Manic filled the common citizens and the soldiers that each State leader had brought. Meanwhile, polite claps echoed around the specialised sections where each Council member resided, separated with only a few of their top guards seated with them and standing behind them.

The Fire Lord jogged to the centre, stopping next to two professionals, hired for this type of event. They raised their arms, activating their abilities and directing their attention to the Fire Lord. Fire erupted in large plumes throughout the sky as their combine their abilities, one translating his voice through the fire, the other increasing the fire's projection strength – a microphone of sorts.

Raising his arms, the King indicated for the audience to calm, and so they did. He strode forward. "Ladies and Gentlemen! I'm not about to go through the whole explanation process; we know what this is: a fighting tournament! A battle of strength!"

The voices rose once more, cheering for the fights to start, cheering for the performance about to ensue.

With a wave of his hand, they settled once more. "As these fights are taking place in my Quarter of Fire, I have automatically become your host, your judge and – still – your king! Although, if you didn't realise I was the Fire Lord by now, something must be seriously wrong with your head."

Chuckles resonated through the crowd. Svorn knew exactly how to control this audience.

He gestured towards the specialised stands where the Council Members were seated. "We have some distinguished guests with us today, so let's introduce them, shall we? On my far left, your right, we have Lord Nargh!"

Hair blazing, Nargh sat, legs wide, comfort emitting from him. Three men stood behind him, their bulky forms, similar heights and wide smiles plastering them as almost identical. Gripping each other's shoulders and cheering, they encouraged Nargh to stand, which he did graciously, waving kingly in mocking glee before slapping his men on the back and sitting back down. He was used to these types of tournaments – they were a common occurrence in the North-Western State.

Contrasting him sat Lady Sorsia, poised and elegant in the box beside his. Occasionally, her three ladies-in-waiting would lean down and whisper to her, to which she would reply with a soft smile and a laugh as they giggled, stood and moved about. Beside her sat a much older lady, to whom she would occasionally gesture and wait for her firm expression to transform into an annoyed smile.

"Next to him, Lady Sorsia with her warrior maids! Don't be fooled; they may look pretty but they will eat you in your sleep!"

Chuckles echoed throughout the area as Sorsia stood, her maids bowing and giggling between themselves. With a bow towards the Fire Lord and a pleasantly polite applause, interspersed with occasional whistles, she smiled and re-seated herself.

Svorn smiled, seeing the next leader. "We have an interesting surprise seated never to her. That's right folks! Lord Jade has travelled all the way from the far edge of the Northern State today to grace us with his presence! Let's all make him welcome!"

Seated poised in an elegant green, Jade allowed the polite applause to wash over him, content to let it pass as the seven guards moved in tighter around him and the young woman next to him – his sister, no doubt. She sat bored in gold and green, the full colours casting her skin in a warm hue. However, occasionally Jade's eyes would wander to the one seated in the box over from him, a fiery anger entering them.

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