[Chapter 20]: Dreams of Nightmares

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Ice Kingdom

It had been a hard day, a long day, a tiring day. She had been stressed, on edge, her concentration hadn't stopped being used as she had had to focus from one thing to the next in rapid succession.

What size army did he usually send as his probe? What abilities did they usually have? Where would he keep his most powerful men? What time of battle would he usually bring out his machines? Where would his top generals be? Where would he be?

And it went on and on, for what seemed like forever.

Eliza was getting tired. Especially as she was spending all her free time in mental preparation for the meeting with the Fire Lord.

So, as she stared at her bed, and it called out longingly, she didn't hesitate before falling on it fully clothed. Within seconds, she was asleep. Within seconds, the dreams entered her mind.


The sky was an inky black. Around her, that same black. An impenetrable cloud that consumed all, and there was death. She knew that instinctively. She could smell it. Somehow.

A strange sense of deja-vu. This had happened before. She'd been here before, had experienced it before. Somehow.

The dark cloud started to clear in front of her eyes, and the beginnings of a face could be seen. The face was young, yet its hair was white. As she watched however, the darkness started to cling to it, permeating it with darkness, turning it black as night.

And then the screams started. Huge vicious screams that ripped and tore its way out of the child, just as the darkness hooked its claws in the child's skin and ripped. Blood covered the ground.

Eliza couldn't look away from the sight before her. It was like her eyes were forced into a forward position, and as she tried again and again to rip her eyes away from the horrific sight, they were only glued more in place.

She wrenched herself forward, and slowly, she was able to take one step. And then another. And then another. Until she was running.

Yet the child was always the same distance away.

Sobbing, she looked behind her to see the hands of her three children holding her back.

A small voice in her head started whispering. Telling her to ignore them and continue forward. Telling her not to pay any attention to them as they were illusions. Yet, she couldn't stop herself as she reached towards them when their bodies started disintegrating.

Forcing herself on, she continued running towards the child ahead. Her feet pounded on the ground that was somehow hard, that was somehow a substance, even though it appeared like air.

She became closer and closer to him, for somehow, she knew the child was a boy. Somehow, she had seen that the child was a boy in the past. Somehow, she was remembering.

A body stood in front of her, blocking her path. Thorn. It hurt when she moved to go past him and he put out an arm. It hurt her, when he said "Don't" in a voice that was so tender, so beautiful, so what she longed for.

Yet, she ignored him, and pushed past him, and then she was in front of the boy. And he was so familiar.

His eyes, for that was the first thing she saw, were so beautiful and so innocent. They were like starlight, fallen from the heavens, to grace the earth with their presence.

Then she noticed his cheeks, once so full of life, now pale and grey. Lifeless. His neck covered in shadows and blood.

The darkness leapt away from him, as she came close, creating fire in her hands, creating light. And they revealed the truth.

His body was naked, yet the boy didn't try and cover himself up in front of her. He didn't try and cover the scars that covered his body in an unearthly glow. Each of the scars were pointing, were leading to something.

On his side, was a hole. A hole that tore his side open and filled it with black. Scars surrounded the wound, and scarlet blood covered it. The darkness leeched into his veins and spiderwebbed up him, slowly taking over him.

Eliza looked up again at the boy's face, filled with such sorrow. She stared at the boy's mouth, lips black, blood spilling out.

The boy opened his mouth as tears filled her eyes. The inside of his mouth was black, his teeth were covered in red, in blood. Words spilled out of him, "Save..." They were so soft, almost imperceptible. "Me..."

He spoke them again, this time a bit louder. "Save me..."

And again. "Save me."

And again, and again until he was screaming the words. "Save me!"

Suddenly, she was whisked away, but not before she heard one more word, "Please." And it was these word that broke her. A word that was spoken from someone who had no more hope, who had no more life, who was broken.


Bob entered the room, meaning to find Eliza and tell her how everything was going. He found her. He stood still in shock.

There she was, sleeping. She was beautiful, her mouth slightly parted, still fully clothed. She must have been tired. More tired than he was.

Well, I guess that's what worry does to you, he thought. She must be missing Thorn so much. He couldn't image what it felt like, or how hard it'd be on a person to not only have their husband, but also their three children taken away from them. He wondered how she was able to move on. To do what needed to be done. But then, I guess she's always been strong and strong willed.

Her face became contorted in pain, and she started tossing and turning. The pain swelled through her and tears bled down her cheeks. She started murmuring words he couldn't understand.

Going over to her, Bob pulled up the sheets until they covered her. He then placed a hand on her forehead and whispered words. Her body instantly relaxed and her face became again peaceful.

He smiled and left the room, closing the door silently behind him.


When she woke, it was light again. The sun was up, the Ice animals were chirping and calling each other, yet she was nowhere near as happy, as peaceful, as calm.

She could remember it, the dream, as clear as day, as if it had actually happened. This time, however, she could also remember the face of the child. She knew who he was, the boy in pain.

She could not, would not tell anyone about her nightmare-dream. Not even her children. Not even Thorn. No-one. Not even the person it concerned, for she knew him well.

She didn't think he would take kindly to her dream, whether it was an illusion to the past or if it was just a dream. If it was fact or fiction.

Yet, somehow, she knew that it was true, that something had happened. Something had happened to him. Something terrible. Something horrible. Something unspeakable.

Oh Svorn, she thought. What happened to you? What have you gotten yourself into?


Hey Guys!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

We're back to the council next! What will happen? What is Svorn going to do in the council? What does the council want to discuss? Why did they need HIM so badly? What are they planning?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

Are there any character that you desperately want to hear more about? Which character do you want to have backstories for? Tell me in the comments! :) 

*Words are your best defence against the nightmares*

- Sylvia Shadow

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