Chapter 9: The Dream

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Ice Kingdom

Everything was black.

Pitch black.

It wasn't like the 'knowing black' that you're safe when you close your eyes.

It was a vicious, unholy, terrifying creature of black that swarmed her brain and pounded fear.

It was an inescapable black like nothing mattered, only her suffering. 

And the black had teeth that tore into her memories, blocking her from them.

And she didn't know who she was.

And she didn't know where she was.

And she didn't know if she was a 'she' or a 'he' or if she was even human.

She didn't know the time or how to escape the pit. 

She had no idea where the exit was or even if there was one.

She did know why she was there. Because someone wanted her to be. Someone wanted to control her. Something wanted to own her.

Paralyzing terror struck in and out in waves of desperation. The idea that she had ever been free was impossible to imagine. She could only think of the darkness. Only think of the fear. Only think of the creature.

Then a deep, commanding, unobstructed voice. "I know where you are. Stop trying to hide, or it'll hurt more. It's just a needle."

Then, from another direction. The same voice. An unidentified voice. "If you keep doing that, I'll cut you."

And in her ear. "Stop trying to pretend, little lamb."

She flinched. All she want to do was crawl into a ball and hide from the voice. But she couldn't. 

Another voice echoed around, one that she recognised... who was it? "What are you doing in here? Get out!" A pause. And it came louder. "If you want to be useful, grab the axe." A laugh. Building in volume. Cackling. Crazily. She felt something hard against her throat. "You pick one, or I'll take out the garbage. Useless brat!"

She didn't know how, but there was a faint feeling that these words meant more than they were letting on. She swallowed. Her mouth was dry. She couldn't feel her legs. Or her arms. Or her body. Was she just a body-less corpse?

Another voice came in. She could recognise this one as well. It was... the name was on the tip of her tongue... she knew this voice well... "Just hold it! It's not hard, you idiot!" A childish laugh. "Woops!" Another laugh. "I'm not letting you out! Not until you apologise!"

Another voice. Soft. A choking sob. "Sorry. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Please let me out!"

The laugh again. "Does that hurt? If it hurts, why aren't you saying anything?! Speak! Are you dumb! Speak, scream, shout, something! Listen to me! Why aren't you saying anything!"

The voice was quiet now. Almost solemn. "I have to leave. Mum says I have to leave. She's taking me to one of the states. I keep thinking she's going to leave me in one of the pits and come back without me. I don't want to leave." A pause, then. "When I'm gone, are you going to be okay?"

The softer voice again. "No."

"Do you hate me?"


"Do you want me to leave?"


"Do you want me to kill you?"

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