Book 2!!!

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Hey guys!

I know you were probably wondering... What's with this unsatisfying ending? You can't just end like that!

Well, you're right. I can't. And I never had any intention to. This was intended to a series - most likely a trilogy with a few other books on either side. Because why not?

Anyway, there is a second book coming... but it will be done differently from the first. I will be writing the whole book before I start putting the chapters out. If you can wait a year, I'll start putting 2 chapters a week - every week without fail, from some undecided time in 2023 (my schedule is the worst!). Get excited!

So, I'm sure you were all wondering about the name... or you don't care. That's cool too. I'm telling you anyway. (And hint, the names are actually spoilers... but you won't get it until the end of the 2nd book. XD XD )

Kay, name for the 2nd book is:

Burning Frost


So original...

Anyway, I can't reveal the cover yet because there will be a massive change in cover style for the 1st book too... but I haven't made it yet... Designed, not made. 

Also, the second book will be considered mature. Honestly, this one probably should have been rated like that as well, but I didn't feel there was enough sexually related content for it to be considered mature. The next book won't contain a huge amount of sexual content (I don't enjoy writing that sort of thing), but there will be a bit more than this book. And, therefore, it automatically pushes it over the edge. Stuff that's alluded to in this book, will become more apparent in the next one. Sorry, not sorry.

Alright, that it!

If you get bored and want something else to read, I have another world you can read about for free here --->

If you need more Fire and Ice or any of the characters within, I will be releasing more short stories about them in-between which you can find on my patreon (+ artwork of characters) here --->

Love you all, hope you have a great day, and get excited for July 2022! Yay! xoxo

*May your heart sing and your flowers fly*

Until we meet again!

- Sylvia Shadow

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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