Chapter 34: Pain of Abandonment

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Fire Temple

The Temple loomed over him like a giant, yet Svorn gave no indicators of discomfort. Of course, he didn't. He had grown up here after all. He had grown up sneaking out of this miserable place, escaping the terror hidden within. And now? And now he was sneaking back in. What an ironic turn of events.

The stone wall before him was a mass of scrapes and burns – normal for Fire. Yet, it was most certainly not a normal wall.

Svorn's misty breath clouded the air with dense sorrow, as he whispered, "Please bring me to Elena. You know the rest."

Flames flickered across the outside of the building creating a smoky screen with words sparking beneath. 'You might want to not walk around with a death sentence over your head.'

Svorn raised an eyebrow as black leathers were deposited at his feet.


He smiled. "Thanks."

Swivelling his head, he scanned for any hint of people. When satisfied, he again turned back to the wall and walked into its jaws.

The floor moved beneath him, the stone bricks on either side clicking and spinning as he was brought to an empty room. Fire lit up the walls around him, casting him in a magnificent aura that seemed to scream elegance.

He smirked and started peeling off the deadly green. As each layer fell to the floor, it was swallowed and instantly transported.

Once he was shrouded in the dark leathers, he looked down at himself and sighed. "You brought my battle gear...? I'm not fighting. I have no need to wear an ability deflector..."

The fire once again danced across the walls, 'You're going to need it. Trust me.'

Stone flashed past him in a wave before he was placed directly in front of a shocked redhead.

Her eyes widened, mouth firmly shut as she realised who was in front of her. Her feet moved – perhaps against her will – backwards and a swallow echoed her hasty retreat. However, all this was in vain when she felt the walls close upon her and shove her forward.

Svorn quickly held out his arms, catching her stumbling body. She responded with a grimace and a step backwards.

"What do you want?" Was all she said.

His face dropped along with his voice as he tried to comfort her. "Elena, I-"

"No, Svorn." She crossed her arms. "Why did you throw me away? Like garbage."

His face crinkled in confusion. "What...? I didn't-"

"You pushed me away from you. You tried to get rid of me, and now you want me to help you with your injury and I... I'm saying no."

Svorn's hands dropped. "How did you get out?"

"What does it matter? You're just going to put me back there, cast me away again-"

And suddenly Svorn was right in front of her, gripping her shoulders and staring into her eyes. "Everything I did was to protect you. Everything."

She didn't know where it was coming form, the anger. But it swelled inside of her and took over her body, capsizing the shaky raft that had barely kept the lava in check. And, although she truly cared for him, although she'd already told herself she would forgive him and help him and ask him what the problem was, there was too much fire.

And not just fire. Fear as well.

She knocked his hands off her shoulders and shoved him backwards. "No, you don't understand! You go and hurt the people who are trying to help you, you cast away the ones who truly care for you and then you sit there and sob over your own losses."

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