Chapter 29: Hide

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Fire Temple

The brilliant rays of the sun dripped its magnificence all around Rav, smothering him in glittering gold. Peace radiated throughout his body, piercing his soul and clogging his throat. A tear dribbled down his cheek as he smelt the fresh breeze and smiled. It was perfect. Everything here was so perfectly perfect, nothing like how he had felt in Ice. Why is that? He wondered.


The voice came from behind him, startling him and he quickly wiped away the tear trickling down his cheek. His back grew stiff and rigid, and he automatically reached to his empty side.

"Yes?" He asked, turning around.

The lady in the red jumpsuit stood there, staring at him oddly. "If you don't mind, I would like to ask you a question."

He nodded his head. "Of course, go on."

She bit her lip before continuing. "Where are you from?"

He frowned. "Why the sudden interest?"

She had brought him through a secret passage to a balcony, so as she continued, she led him back into his room.

"Well, it's just the way you looked. The only other person I've seen looking remotely like how you just seemed, was Svorn and, well, he's an oddity."

Rav shook his head, disgusted. What a horrible thing it was to be compared to a man like the Fire Lord.

"You looked so peaceful staring out at Fire, so beautiful. You didn't look like you were about to murder someone, you didn't look calculating, you were relaxed – not on guard and always prepared for someone to attack you. Any other inhabitant of Fire would muse that perhaps you wished to die."

Rav shrugged, embarrassed. "Well, I'm not from around these parts so I find it a bit difficult not to enjoy the view and the freedom."

She bit her lip, thinking. Opening her mouth, she spoke again. "So where did you say you were from?"

"Nowhere important." He said quickly, before moving on. "You haven't met my brother or sister, have you?"

"No, I haven't."

He held out a hand to her, "Well... the doors about to open. Would you like to meet them?"

She held up her hands and smiled. "No, I think I'll be perfectly alright. I wouldn't wish to impose."

"I'm sure they'd love to meet you."

"No, no." She looked behind her. "I think I should be going. Svorn will be back any time now."

"Oh," He looked down. "Will you come back and visit us?"

She smiled. "Of course." Pointing towards the metal plates that decorated him, she continued. "I hope you use them wisely. Don't go attacking anyone." She then pointed to the metal plates she had found earlier and stacked on a desk for him. "Don't forget to give those to your siblings."

She turned towards the sliding wall in which she had entered. She tapped it.

Nothing happened.

She tapped it again.

Again, nothing.

She pulled and pushed and slammed her fists into it, to no avail.

Running over to the passage to the balcony, she started trying to open it. No success.

"Great scott!!!"

She took a deep breath and turned around to face Rav. "It appears that a dilemma has arisen. I can't get out."

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