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I followed her inside a room, which was spacious and luxury as the rest of the house.

I watched Rose, as she went inside the drawer searching for something. After few seconds, she smiled in satisfaction while approaching me.

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

She giggled, as she slowly brought her hands foward. My eyes travelled to a little red velvet box, which shone in the dim lights.

"W-What is that?"

I looked at her again, to meet her shining orbs filled with happiness as well as nervousness.

She slowly opened the box, to reveal a small silver ring. It had a pink diamond on top of it, which made it look elegant.

"Woah...It's beautiful..." I said, while taking a closer look at it.

"Felix gifted me..."

My head jolted upwards to see her flushed cheeks.

"For real?"

"Yeah...Actually he...gave me a proposal..."

"Oh, whi-"

"Marriage proposal..."



Her face looked like a tomato, as she blinked few time and looked away. My eyeballs would pop out any second.

Marriage proposal? Is he that serious about Rose?

"Are you serious Rosie?"

"Yup, I am..." She nodded, while keeping the box in the drawer again.

"So, did you accept it?" I folded my arms.

"What do you think?"

"Umm...I don't know. Maybe yes?"

She slapped my shoulder, while chuckling.

"Silly. No!"

She smiled, while walking towards the door.

"Then what?"

"I told him that, I'll think about it..."

"Oh." My face was blank, while processing what just happened.

"Let's go!" She twisted the knob, and headed outside the door.

I sat on the bed, recollecting what just happened.

Yeah, she did the right thing. Everyone takes time, no matter how deep the love is. And as her best friend, I will support her in her right decisions...

I sighed and walked towards the door. I twisted the door knob, and the loud music was audible again. Walking towards the crowd, I searched for Jungkook and Jimin.


"Excuse me! Sorry!"

Mumbling, I pushed through the crowd to find my group. The people crazily danced to the music. Some were drunk, some were just enjoying like it's their last time, and to be honest there were many freaking couples, swaying on the beat and making out.

"Excuse me!" I said again, while stumbling as I pushed more people on the way.


My head jolted upwards, to a familiar voice.


She hurrily reached for her pocket, and took out a bracelet.

"Here" She said, while bringing her hand forward.

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