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I followed him, till we reached an ice-cream parlor. He stopped and looked at the ice-icreams.

"What happened?" I asked for his sudden reaction.

He turned his gaze towards me.

"Which flavour?" He asked in a serious tone.

"U-uh..." I was taken a back after hearing those words.

Wait...I actually thought something else...well I'm a little dirty minded you know...

Blush suddenly crept my cheeks and I looked down and avoided his gaze.

I cleared my throat and looked up, I could see him smirking a little...but it dissappeared quickly and turned into a really sweet smile.

Wait...what was that?

"Umm...chocolate?" I said.

"I love chocolate too..." he smiled and ordered us two chocolate cones.

After a while, we sat on the chairs licking our ice-creams. I could feel his eyes on me, but I ignored. After all he was a nerd...

We sat in akward silence.

"Are you okay?" I suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

He glanced at me and then looked down. He was upset or nervous...I don't know.

"I am okay..." he looked at me and gave me an assuring smile.

I smiled back.


I picked up my phone, to see Rose calling.

"Hey Rose, where are you?"

"Y/n, we are at the clothing section. Come asap!"

"Yeah sure in 5 minutes!" I said and hung up the call.

We soon finished eating.

"Thanks..." I said.

He chuckled. "Anytime" he said smiling.

We walked towards the clothing section. It was huge. I spotted Rose and Jungkook and we joined them.

Me and Rose did a lot of shopping, while Jimin and Jungkook sat outside chatting.

We finally exited the mall and walked to our homes, biding byes to each other.

It was 9, when I reached my home. I had my dinner and quickly ran to my bed, as I was really tired.

I changed my outfit to comfy pyjamas and laid on my bed scrolling through my phone.


There was a sudden notification from an unknown number.

I opened the message.


Unknown: How was the ice-icream?

Ohhhh...I realized who it was!

Y/n: Jimin?

Unknown: Yeah!

I changed the name quickly to 'Nerd 🤓'

Y/n: It was good!

Nerd 🤓: Glad you liked it.

Y/n: Wait, how did you get my number?

Nerd 🤓: Jungkookie...

Y/n: Oh, you two seem pretty close...

Nerd 🤓: Kind of.

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