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It's been 15 minutes, I'm still jogging. Till now, I just completed 10 rounds.

"10 more to go..." I whispered to myself, while huffing. My legs started paining too much and I felt like the sun soaked all my energy. I craved for something cold, like ice-cream...

Just then, my attention went towards the students who were already leaving.

I paused on the track, and panted heavily for a while.


I looked up to see, Rose running towards me. "Are you okay?" She asked, touching my shoulder with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm okay..." I smiled assuringly.

"Y/n, I'll be going now. We will meet at my house after the school. Is it okay?"

"Yeah sure!" I nodded and smiled.

She nodded back with a slight smile, and ran towards the school building.

"Jung Y/n, 10 more rounds..." Ms. Lee ordered, while her eyes were stuck on the phone.

That means she was watching me the whole time...Ugh!

I groaned and started jogging again.


"2 more..." I panted heavily, as I couldn't breath. It was too much. My legs had cramps, and my head was spinning continuously in the scorching heat.

My eyelids started becoming heavier.

I still jogged, but I started feeling dizzy.

"1 more..."

Just one more y/n, one more. You can do it.

My body and my brain couldn't cooperate with each other. I felt loose and dizzy again.

This time, I couldn't control myself. My body got heavier and I smiled to myself seeing the marked line. But the smile soon faded away, and my eyes closed.

My body just fell on the ground with a thud and I passed out.


I opened my eyes, as I could see a familiar roof.

"Jung Y/n?" A sweet voice asked.

I turned my head to see, our school nurse. She came with an energy drink and some tablets in her hand.

I blinked few times, before sitting straight. I nodded to the answer. My head was throbbing badly.

"Here, have these..." she offered me the tablets and the drink.

"Thank you"

I took them, and gulped them down. Then gulped the drink fast. Woah, I was really thirsty.

"You can rest for some time if you want to..." she suggested.

"Ah, I'm okay now. I think I'll head to my home..."

"Okay, take care..." she smiled.

"Thank you Ms. Kang..." I smiled.

I slowly got up and walked towards the door, with my bag. As I got out, I heard a familiar voice.

"Are you okay?"

I turned my head to see, Jimin leaning on the door with his hands crossed.

I rolled my eyes, and ignored him. I walked past him, towards the exit.

I heard footsteps behind me. He was following me.

"Stop following me!" I shouted and looked at him.

He stopped in his tracks.

"It happened because of you! Nerd!" I turned back and started walking again.

Suddenly, I felt a strong grip on my arm. I turned back to see, Jimin looking right into my eyes.

I looked at him with confusion.

"What?" I asked.

He smirked. Before I could react, he pulled my arm and took me towards the parking lot.

"What- Jimin! What the fuck are you doing? Leave!" I shouted, while trying to free my arm from his grip. But it was of no use. He was way too stronger than me.

Wait, does this Nerd hit the gym or what?

I laughed mentally at my over imagination. He pulled my arm, and pushed me in the passenger seat. He walked to the driver's seat and closed the door.

There was an akward silence. So, I decided to break it.

"Where are we going?"

He looked at me with a blank expression.

"Do you wanna have ice cream?" He asked all of a sudden.

I widened my eyes. To be honest, I was really tired from all that jogging session. And I really craved for icecream.

How did he read my mind? Fine...Just once won't hurt. And anyways, I'll make him pay...

"Y/n!" Jimin's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Umm...okay" I said and he started driving.

Yeah, we were in a car and he was driving. Wait...He. Was. Driving.

I widened my eyes and looked at him, holding the steering with one hand and the other ran through his silky hair.

The sun shone on his face, which made it glow. The fake glasses, made his eyes look more bigger. I could admit, he was attractive. And those one hand driving skills, made me go crazy, as I used to watch the boys in the movies, who drove that way.

"Am I that hot?"

I snapped me out of my thoughts, and I realized I was staring at him like a creep. I quickly averted my gaze to the window, to hide my burning cheeks and cleared my throat.

Just then, a thought came into my mind.

"Didn't you say, you don't know how to drive?"

He chuckled, while his eyes were fixed on the road. He removed his glasses and hung it on his shirt.

"And you believed me, huh?"

I rolled my eyes.


He looked at me, smirked and returned back to driving. The ride was quite, until finally we reached the destination.

We got out of the car, and I saw a colorful cafe. It was so beautiful. We entered inside and ordered.

"What would you like to have?" A handsome man asked us.

"I would like a large scoop of chocolate brownie icecream, with whip cream and choco chips..." Jimin looked at me, and waited for my answer.

"Umm...2 please" I couldn't think of anything else, so I ordered the same as him. He paid, and we took a seat near a large window. It had a beautiful scenery of a fountain and a large garden with colorful flowers.

I had to admit, this place was pretty!

After a while, our ice-creams arrived and without a word, we digged in it. I took the first scoop, and it felt heavenly. I quickly digged to the rest of the icecream.

I took a glance at Jimin, and my heart stopped for a second.

He was staring right into my soul, while holding a scoop of icecream in his mouth. His deep gaze, made me feel something inside. And I couldn't describe that feeling.

I shifted my gaze to my icecream, cleared my throat and went back to eating. After a while, we both were done and we headed towards the car.

The Nerd and the Tomboy || PJMWhere stories live. Discover now