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Once we had made it to Family Video, Y/n had managed to talk about every single Stephen king movie, even some we don't have. "Y/ n you do realize we don't have like half of those movies right, most are at Walmart for like 20 dollars" I reminded her but she just shrugged, "I'll get you those if you decide you like those". I looked at her and asked "can you afford those?" And she blew out the smoke in her mouth, "I'll figure out a way".

I shrugged, not really dealing with the confusion of the situation, and got out of the van once we parked. Y/n followed out right after along with johnathan, argyle insisting he stays in the van. We walked in and Steve was already wiping the counters down, WHICH IS MY NERVOUS JOB. "What are you doing" I asked while running over, "I wipe the counter dingus" I reminded him as he rubbed his eyes, "right yeah".

I looked at Steve but before I could ask, y/n did, "what wrong". Steve rubbed his eyes once more, "Nancy was bothering me about my bat and said she wanted to keep it in her room as a safety measure even though she has like 2 guns or something. Anyways, when I tell her I don't have it she comes TO MY HOUSE and searched my room, of course not finding it. She leaves, goes to Dustin's, finds it, and takes it".

I looked back at johnathan because Y/n did and he raised his hands before shaking his head, "not my fault. I didn't wake up once last night. Nancy went to sleep once I did and I woke up to her beside me" he explained as I caught on quickly. "Wait why is johnathan here" Steve asked, "he's picking out a movie" I told him and y/n dragged johnathan over to the horror section, apparently they both like that.

I walked over to Steve and decided to ask some questions. "Do you think it's concerning how much Y/n smokes" I asked but Steve shook his head, "she dosent do anything stupid while she does it and it seems to calm her" he assured me but I still wasn't sure. I grabbed Steve and dragged him over, "y/n I want to talk, Steve help johnathan" I demanded, Steve and Y/n nodding.

Y/n followed me into the back room and her eyes got slightly smaller when I shut the door, she backed up into the wall. "What are you doing" she asked, her hands now balled up into fists. I took the details of her in and sucked in my breath, "no no I'm not gonna hurt you oh my god! I just wanted to ask you a few things" I assured her and her body realized along with her hands. "Im just worried that you smoke too much or something and you're gonna end up doing something stupid that you regret and I want to help you and be there for you but I've never smoke in my life so I don't know what it's like" I ranted on and on.

Y/n just stared at me as I talked then once I was done she walked over and smiled at me, "Robin...I'm fine, I've never done anything remotely terrible while high and I've smoked so much that I can control myself, I know what to do and what not to do" she explained to me while holding my face, "If ever do something that makes you uncomfortable or scared slap me. And no don't say you don't want to hurt me because I want you to if I ever become like that. Slap me".

I looked at Y/n then slowly nodded, "good, now I've never done that but my father has so it's a possibly but not a very high one" she assured me and I just kept nodding. I really really like Y/n and I trusted her, but I still was just a tiny bit worried. She looked down for a second before saying "ill try to stop smoking as much for you". My eyes widened and I grabbed her wrists, her hands still on my face, "what no you don't have to do that. If it calms you then I'm fine with it".

She shook her head and smiled, "that's the thing. You're fine with it but not completely and utterly ok with it" she said causing me to smiled, "y/n..I'm completely and utterly ok with you smoking if it helps your anxiousness". That earned me a smile back and a nod, "I'm still gonna try not to do it as much because I don't think my teachers enjoy me coming to school smelling like weed" she joked.

I shook my head and laughed realizing we were both teary eyed. I leaned forward and kissed her softly before she did the same. "Wanna have a...uh tiny little break Real fast" I asked earning a nod of approval, "maybe you can be my new addiction" she offered and I nodded, "I'd be ok with that".

I kissed her softly and back her up into a wall, both my hands on either side of her head and I was leaned down to kiss her. She had her arms rested on my shoulders as I moved one of my hands to cup her face. I was kinda excited to have more moments like this. Not caring but also caring who catches us and doing it in the stupidest spots because we are stupid.

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