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Once that class was over I headed onto second with Robin beside me. A few seconds into walking, Eddie ran up to us. "Hey guys, woah Y/n you look good...anyways have you seen will" he asked after complementing me. "What do you mean? Have you not seen him all day" robin asked looking around, "no I haven't and Mike hasn't either. No one has".

I quickly stuffed my things into my bag and tried to remember all the places will told me he had been one night, he gave me his point of view from the whole thing. I ran out of the school and to the middle school checking the courtyard then the bathrooms then finally thought about the old radio room.

I walked down the halls, quietly since class was still happening, then I found the door. I opened it slowly to find will reading a book with a dragon on the front. "Hey will" I whispered causing him to look up quickly but then relax once he saw me, "hey Y/n" he responded. I looked around before walking in, this was where they all discussed dart...I remember things easily. "So why are you hiding from the others" I asked looking at him.

He shrugged before looking up and closing his book, "I just didn't feel like interacting today. Mikes too busy with el, Lucas has to be with max all the time, and Dustin usually just talks about something Steve or Eddie did" he explained then laughed to himself, "it's like they're married". I nodded and sat down on the bucket beside him, "you can always hang out with Robin and I" I offered but he shook his head, "y'all seem like you need to spend a little bit more time alone".

I slapped my face and rolled my eyes, "does everyone know" I asked causing will to smile, "we're family Y/n, of course we know each-other. El dosent know yet cause she's not related, just don't let her enter your mind" warned them he whispered, "and plus we can tell eachother apart anyways". I smiled and hugged him, "can I ask you something" I asked causing him to look up, "what".

"Do you like mike", will looked around the room then scratched his neck, "ok I did but then he became an asshole so now I don't. I don't really like anyone right now" he explained to me as I observed him, he still likes him on the inside. "Need me to rough him up a bit" I asked earring a nod from will, "yes please". I laughed along with him till mike and Robin busted i to the room. Robin ran up to me and hugged me, "shit y/n I thought you were lost or died or died or uh died i don't know" she complained while squeezing me tighter.

Mike walked over to will and asked "why have you been here all day? I thought soemthing happened will!" He yelled but I could see the worried ness in his eyes, "because you're with el, Lucas is with max, and Dustin's always talking about Eddie or Steve" be complained. Mike leaned down and hugged him, "tell me
Next time you decided to go sulk so I can leave el to knock you back". Will smiled and nodded before telling Mike he could go back to school and mike nodded and left.

Robin was looking into my eyes know and I didn't know if she was gonna kiss me or punch me. "Are you gonna kiss me or punch me" I asked earning a laugh from both people, "how about I do both". I raised an eye brow and smirked, "in what way" I asked causing her to flick me in the head and stand up, "dingus". I stood up and complained about her not kissing me but she ignored me, "will you coming back to school" she asked but will shook his head, "I think I'll stay here a tiny bit longer".

I nodded and walked over to him, "I won't be home tonight so call me when you get home" I instructed him and he nodded, "I will. Now leave and go make out with your girlfriend". I felt my face heat up and when I turned around robins face was red too, "ok let's go. Bye will" Robin said before leaving the room, I left behind her. As we walked back to the High school it was quiet but comfortable, I decided I'd ask her about it later.

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