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"Why do they call it family video if half the store is rated R" Y/n asked while looking through the horror section, "no one wants to watch a R rated movie with their mom". I laughed at her statement then walked over to the counter to wipe off a sticky part that Steve wouldn't stop complaining about. "I don't understand. If they're gonna come in here don't leave your fucking drinks all over the place" he complained because el and max had coke by to pick up a movie to watch tomorrow night, wanting to get it before it was gone.

"Ok can y'all two stop asking questions because my brain is starting to hurt and we still have 2 hours left of work" I pleaded, setting the spray bottle back under the counter. I looked up at the silence that had filled the room, Steve was laying on the floor while Y/n was staring at me with disbelief in her eyes. "2 more hours" she repeated, "yup, 2 more". She rubbed her eyes and shook her head, "I'll be back" she informed in the terminator voice before reaching into her pocket and heading out back.

I looked at Steve and he lifted his head slightly off the ground. "You know how many dirty hippy feat have touched that floor" I asked that for him jumping up, "yup ok back to work". I went into the back room and took out the box of new summer movies they wanted us to include. I grabbed the box, lifting it up onto my leg to get a better grip, then I walked out back into the open, Y/n was cleaning the top of the shelves.

"Oh I told her to clean them because they're getting dusty and she apparently needs to sneeze so I thought it would help" Steve explained as I set down the boxes near the shelf I had to fill, "see I would say you're both idiots but she's high so I can exclude her". Y/n turned around and smiled, "I actually went to school high for like a year and that was the best performance I've ever done" she informed me. I nodded and smiled, "yeah I'm sure you did".

Just then mike, el, Will, and max rode up on their bikes and quickly running not even caring to make it stand, except will. El slammed the doors open as will yelled "TOMMYS TELLING PEOPLE Y/N AND HIM FUCKED IN THE BATHROOM". I looked at will surprised he could even curse but then it hit me what he was saying, y/n not so far. "What do you mean. Like his friends or actually going around and say 'hey I fucked Y/n the new girl' " I asked while Y/n turned around and rubbed her eyes, "wait who's I fuck".

"No one yet. Freckles is going around and tell people he fucked you in the bathroom today" I explained to her more slow for her brain to process each word in saying, her eyes widened. "Is she high" max asked and I nodded as Steve decided to join in, "I'll beat his ass". I turned to Steve and smiled, "see last time you tried that it didn't work out" I reminded him earning myself a stuck out tongue, which I returned.

Y/n was now staring at the floor not moving a muscle, "y/n?" I asked scared we'd like killed her or something I don't know. "This happens a lot with johnathan. He's high then finds out something shocking and then he just stared at the floor thinking about it for awhile" will explained while we all stared. I walked over to her and grabbed her ok hand, "come with me". She looked up at me but before she could ask any questions I dragged her into the bathroom.

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