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We got back intime for lunch and decided to eat outside in under the bleachers, Eddie hanging out with max, Lucas, and Dustin while smoking. "Where do you think mike and el are" I asked while Y/n laughed, "either making out or checking up on will". I nodded before looking over at Eddie and the rest, they were busy laughing at each-others stupidity so I took the chance.

I grabbed Y/n'a face and kissed her quickly. Her eyes widened but eventually softened once she processed what happened. "What was that for" she asked flustered causing me to smile brightly, "Its what you wanted, I didn't kiss you in front of will so I decided to make up it by kissing you here" I explained. I saw a look change in her eyes and she leaned forward, "why don't i pay you back then for your kindness" she offered and instantly I took it.

She leaned in and kissed me on the lips before pulling away. I leaned back in and connected our lips once again to continue the kiss. Y/n moved a little closer before wrapping her arms around my neck and I placed my hands on her hips. I could hear the others still talking so I knew they weren't paying attention. I didn't mind except the fact I wasn't out to them but I didn't know if  Y/n was or minded.

I eventually pulled away and asked "what if they see us" but she just smiled a pecked my lips, "Robin I don't care if they do but if you do then we can stop" she assured me, but I didn't want to stop. I kissed her once last time then said "you need to finish your lunch" and I instantly knew what she was gonna say so I covered her mouth. She licked my hand to disgust me but I smiled, "your tongues been in my mouth, I don't mind".

That earned me an eye roll and a bite to the hand then causing me to pull away, "meanie". "You want me to kiss it better" she asked in a squishy baby voice and I laughed in response and started getting flustered, "no go away!" Just then they all came under the bleachers and joined us, Lucas pointing out y/ns lips were slightly purple and max slapping in the head for looking at her lips.

Once lunch was over we went back to class and talking in the classes we had then I met her outside on the edge of the school, "where's your bike" I asked and she turned to face me away from the phone she was about to pick up, "johnathan and argyle dropped me off this morning. Johnathan needed to talk so he got argyle high then we talked" she explained.

I nodded and was about to ask about what but she picked up the phone and dialled a number. "Hey John I need you to drop robin and I off at Family radio.....yes I'll pay for a movie for you and Nancy" she negotiated causing me to laugh slightly. She hung up and turned around, "johnathan will be here in 6 minutes", she then looked me up and down.

I looked her up and down after and she instantly threw herself at me, the kiss starting off rough but then got softer and more sensual. I was longing for her to touch me but I ignored it and just continued on making out with her. Eventually, we heard the struggling of argyle vans and pulled away from eachother, fixing ourselves.

We got in, I sat in the back with Y/n and smelt the weed, Johnathan had a joint in his hand. "Hey thanks for picking us up" Y/n said while taking it from him and setting it in her mouth while Johnathan nodded, "it's alright, I'm just glad you called before argyle was about to leave to go for a drive" he informed us.

Y/n nodded while breathing in the smoke and passing it to Argyle who looked like he had already had enough, "so robin how are you" Johnathan asked, smiling nicely. I always liked his smile. "I'm good, you" I asked and he nodded, "great as I can be, Nancy and I are having a movie date night tonight" he explained. I looked over at Y/n and smiled slightly, "we're doing that too" I told him and y/n smiled taking the joint from argyle, Johnathan refused. "Well maybe y'all can recommend a movie for us" he asked and y/n instantly went on a rant on all the great kind of movies, I smiled and took my turn to listen to her rant about something for once.

I enjoyed listening to her talk about soemthing she loved.

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