Chapter 30

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“Zane!” I yelled as I saw Jackson run up behind.

Zane went to turn around but Jackson hit the back of his head with a [metal pole? Idk-mayo] before he could. Zane staggered and leaned against the car for support.

“Zane!” I tried scooting from the middle of the car to the door but it was slammed shut by the driver.

“Stay inside. Don’t come out,” he said with authority and a certain look in his eyes before he turnt toward the one causing this mess. He pulled out a gun from a holster in his side and aimed. “Put your weapon down,” he ordered Jackson.

“Just hand Kade back over and things will be fine,” Jackson hissed back.

“Not happening. Put it down-“ he took a step closer but not before Zane charged toward Jackson and punched the hell out of his face. He slammed him onto the ground and punched him even harder into the ground.

I didn’t feel not even the tiniest bit bad for him, but after a bit it was too much. I actually thought he deserved a beating, but something really did seem off with him. He really did seem off his rockers.

I knew Zane had to be very angry and upset by what happened, but I couldn’t just watch as blood bled from his bruising face. He didn’t even have time to fight back. He might’ve deserved it to an extent but I think this was going too far. I went to move but someone acted before I did.

Jade rushed out of the car from the opposite side and ran to protect Jackson. “Pl-please st-stop. He’s n-not like th-this. I’m not s-sure what ha-happened to him,” she sobbed out while kneeling beside him and putting her arms around the battered body. I guess she decided to stay on his side after all. She obviously knew him longer than me and I couldn’t see her standing up for a bad person with her personality.

I forced the door open and shoved the driver out the way enough for me to get by and sprinted over to them. “Zane,”  I whispered as I locked my arms around his body. “That’s enough. I’m alright. Look at me, love.” He looked up at me and his face softened from his intense and hard one. He got up from his position on Jackson and and hugged me tight, pulling me away and toward the car.

“Zane,” I pulled away to look at his face and comfort him but he pulled me back into a deep kiss. A very sensual and needy one at that. I liked it but I could feel he was still upset. “Let’s go home,” I breathed out with pleasing eyes. We didn’t need to be here anymore and staying would only make things worse. He nodded with a sad smile and moved over to the car.

Before joining him, I quickly walked over to Jade. “Are you fine with taking him to the hospital or something?” I didn’t want to just leave her here, but it didn’t look like she was moving away from him.

“Yea. I’ll take his car and get him patched up. I’m sorry about everything. I didn’t know it was going to come to this. He’s never been so infatuated… I’m so sorry,” she was on the verge of tears again and I was kinda worried if she was in a state to even drive but I nodded my goodbye and hurriedly made my way back to my one and only love.

I took his hand in mine and led us back to the car, I could feel his gaze on my back, probably wondering about why I would aid her. It was mostly because I knew her and her personality. I’d also felt like we had become friends during our time at work together. She was always nice and caring towards others, but gave them a stern talking to when things went wrong. I wanted to return that even if it was little.

We left the two behind and settled back in the car, with me snuggling up to Zane and the driver ready to go. He started the car and drove through the woods on the dark path. He hadn’t been of much use, except for distracting Jackson while Zane got his bearings together. I hope he didn’t sustain a concussion from that blow. But it’s not like i really did anything either, and with this being ny fault and all, I should’ve done something more to help.

Then I realized that Danny was still in the passenger seat of the car, seemingly unmoved from the events that just took place. He didn’t seem to care at all, another reason why I thought he was up to something fishy. He didn’t say anything to me the whole ride, not that I was awake the whole time. I was on edge because of Danny there, but I felt so comforted with Zane that I let my guard down. Knowing Zane would be there with me the whole time, I drifted off to sleep in his arms.


I woke up to the sound of doors closing and felt a pair of arms wrapped securely around me. I stayed quiet in his arms as he walked towards our house calmly. Then he turnt around and faced Danny.

“He’ll drive you, and make sure to come over tomorrow,” he ordered and nodded toward the driver as he started walking again.

“No!” I shook my head frantically and pushed myself from off of him. “He has to explain now! He definitely owes it to me! And what if he does something-“

“Kade, my Love, calm down. I understand what you mean but you need sleep.” He said looking me in the eyes with his overwhelming ones. He was speaking the truth and I knew it, but i still needed an immediate answer.


“Shhh,” he put his hands around my waist and drew me back to him. “I’m trying to take care of you, but I can’t if you don’t wanna rest. He’s already agreed to come and tell you what happened. And trust me, he will surely come.”

I believed him, but I still felt uneasy in this type of situation. Danny could betray you at any moment.

I looked at Zane with the last bit of defiance I had and crossed my arms. I trusted him with all my heart, but Danny? Not at all.

He pulled me closer and looked straight into my eyes as he spoke lowly, directly to me. “Love, calm down. You heard what I said, right? You’re going to rest and be prepared for tomorrow, when he’s going to explain everything to you. This is the best option right now. Understand?” My mind was distracted with sensual arousal as his deep voice sent chills down my body. He stared with overpowering eyes that made me understand that I was to follow his orders by all means. And I would.

I nodded my head and let Zane pick me back up again and carry me inside the house.

I gave one last look before the door closed and set my eyes on Danny, who was still standing there watching us enter the house safely with a look on his face that somehow made me feel an indescribable emotion and pity for him. The car backed out of the driveway and we made eye contact that lingered for a bit before the door closed.

He looked sad, but at the same time regretful of something.

Zane carried me up the stairs, into our bedroom, and laid me down. He took off all my clothes and put one of his oversized shirts on me. It took all I had not to burst out crying at all he had and was doing for me.

He had done so much for me and he even saved me from being possessed by that delusional man. I just wanted to cry and let everything out, but I couldn’t. I knew it was better for me to communicate my feelings, but I was afraid he would be done with me if I caused anymore problems. I’d already made a huge fuss just now and shedding tears would only add to his problems.

“We’ll take a shower tomorrow, but for now just rest,” he said looking up to face me. “What’s wrong, Love?” He pulled my face closer to his and studied my eyes, already catching onto my feelings I thought I hid well. “Do you need to tell me something?”

There he goes again, worrying about me. Something I loved he did for me. He told me again and again how much he cares and loves me and I was still scared of the meaning being that. I love him too, but that’s exactly why there’s just going to be more problems because of me in the future.

I shook my head no, deciding to stay quiet. He nodded, deciding to let it go, probably thinking I was just tired.

He kissed me sweetly and deep, showing me there was no more to worry about. He gently pushed me flat down into the bed and tugged the blanket over me. He got in as well, after changing his own clothes, and hugged be close to him securely.

“I love you,” he stated with dark eyes that have always captivated me.

“And I love you,” I told him. I would forever, but that’s what made me nervous. And it’s also what gave me assurance.

For I loved Zane with all my heart.

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