Chapter 8

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"Do you have anywhere to go?" Zane asked, looking at me expectantly. I finally knew his name to match his face.

"Nowhere in particular...Wait we can go to my favorite restaurant! Only if you want to," I added lowly. I was still a little shy, but he made me fell safe. Like I had nothing to worry about. Which is why I said I would come in the first place. There's just something about him that makes me...

"Which is...?" He asked again, looking at me with his overpowering eyes.

"Red Lobster," I say, not breaking away from his gaze. He smiled with content as I looked at him.

"Red lobster it is then," he told the driver.

I looked away, out the window so he wouldn't see my light blush. From what? Im not sure, I guess I like seeing him happy for some reason.

There was little silence before he asked, "What's your favorite color?" My favorite color? Was he trying to make conversation? In that case, There was not harm in answering . I thought a bit on it before I answered, "I don't really have a favorite color. I like all of them, I guess. I wear darker colors more though."

I've never really thought about it before. But I don't really wear brighter colors because they stand out. I used to wear them before though, when I was carefree and had fun most of the time. Well, I thought I was having fun, but inside, I knew I wasn't.

"Really? Mine is navy blue, and similar to you, I like to wear dark colors. Maybe not for the same reasons though, judging from the expression on your face. Is something wrong?" He asked, worry lining his words just a bit.

My face? Oh, right. I usually try to keep a happy or blank face because I'm not the best at hiding my expressions. Seems I forget about hiding my feelings when I'm with him. But am I really so easily readable?

"Not really. It's just..." I said hesitantly, just as we came around to the restaurant. "Oh, look. We're here, let's go in," I said quickly, opening my door as I tried to change subjects. I was almost out when Zane gently pulled me back into the car and closer to him.

"Don't be scared to talk to me. I understand that you're still not ready to talk about serious things, but that doesn't mean you can't talk freely with me. I would rather you feel comfortable with me," he said with his body-shaking voice. Not looking away or blinking once to tell me he was serious.

"Ok," I said, getting caught in hits dazzling eyes. I understand what he means. He just wants me to talk to him and not be so shy. It wouldn't be hard, actually I'm not even that shy around him now.

All he ever did was be nice to me and even take care of me for a night. Plus, he basically said he had feelings for me when we were in his office, which I still hadn't processed much.

But it felt... right, for some reason.

"Glad you understand. Now, let's eat. I'm starving," he said playfully as I laughed a bit at his statement. That had to be the first funny, non-serious things he's said to me. I laughed a bit more as he scooted the both of us out the car when I purposefully didn't move. I was practically giggling by the time we made it out the car. I hadn't felt this kind of happy in a while, maybe years, actually. It was like a spark lit inside me.

I looked up at him to find that he was looking right back down at me with a stunning smile across his face. "I love your laugh, Love. It's so beautiful," he said as he leaned down and pecked a kiss on my cheek, close to my lips. Just being around him gives me butterflies, so if he keeps saying things like that, I might have a heart attack.

I blushed as I quickly expressed my thanks and headed inside first. I politely smiled at one of the familiar employees as he showed us to our table which was close to the back, near the wide windows.

The view was as pretty as always. I still couldn't help as my eyes wondered outside to look at the small clear pond with trees that surrounded the pond on the other side in a circular way. There were lily pads and small pink flowers floating, along with a few sticks that added to its naturalness. I wanted to make an artificial one at home, but I learned to just stick to tech work.

I turned my head around and saw Zane looking at me with indescribable eyes again. I could never figure out what he was thinking when he looked at me like that, but it made me blush because no one ever looks at me like that.

I darted my eyes away from him to look at the menu. I didn't have to though, I already knew what I getting. Mmm, I can't wait for those biscuits...

I was about to ask if he knew what he wanted when my phone rang.


"Kade! Where are you? You're usually home by now, I was getting worried," Kora asked loudly. Probably enough for Zane to hear.

"I'm... out." I said, looking slightly at Zane.

"With who? And don't lie either, I know you rarely go out as it is."

"The person I told you about the other day, at the club," I whispered low so he couldn't hear me.

"Oooh okie. I thought something bad was happening and you were just hanging out with your boo! You'll be out the whole night then, if that's the case, so bye!" She said very loudly as she hung up on me before I could get any argument in. He definitely had to have heard that last part. She was definitely gonna get hit when I got home.

Great. Now he was gonna get the wrong idea. I started getting nervous again.

"Love," he said deeply but slowly, calling my undivided attention as I waited for his next words.

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