Chapter 14

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Zane POV

"Yea, well, if you get your damned arms around my neck, I might be able to," he rasped out. I was surprised because I don't think I've ever heard him curse before. He wouldn't be doing it around me for long...

She let go of him and ushered us in before closing the door. We all sat on the couch of his open floor plan living room, as Kade started talking. "So, Kora, this is Zane Reyes. And Zane, this is Kora, my best friend. And, as you can see, we live together," he ended. "I KNEW IT! You're that CEO of R Industries! The place that Kade... works at..." she said trailing off a bit at the end. After a second, she got upset and looked at Kade.

"Are you sure about this? You know what'll happen if you guys mess up, right? Or if-" "I understand what's at stake and I still want to be with Kade. I'll take full responsibility if anything happens to go wrong," I stated directly and firm. I knew what I was getting myself into, with him being my employee.

"Well I'm glad you do. And Kade?" She said turning to look at him."Do you understand as well?" He blushed a little before looking up at me through his eyelashes. He looked away and began to say something but nothing came out.

"Um, so..." he gulped. "I'll go put on some new clothes," he said as he rushed out of the living room. He went into, what I guessed it was, his room and hurriedly closed the door. "Damn it, Kade. He always runs off when it gets serious," Kora said annoyed, but there was something in her voice that made the words seem sad.

Anyway, she definitely made an impression. It's kind of weird to see them together, but I guess, if you took time to get to know Kade, you would find he has an... interesting personality. That is, from what I can see. But she didn't have to confront him like that. He hasn't even said he wanted to be in a relationship with me, so it's a lot of pressure. But he should know the risks beforehand, as always. And I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't looking forward to his answer though.

"So," she said looking at me suspiciously. "Why are you hanging out with Kade? You said you still 'wanted' to be with Kade. Why?" She demanded.

Well, that's kinda hard to explain. I don't know why I needed him. Or why I wanted to take care of him. I don't know why I wanted to have him all to myself. I just know that I did.

"I'm not exactly sure. But I know I do," I said simply. "Also..."


Kade POV

"Um, so..." I hesitated. "I'll go put on some new clothes," I said rushing to my room.

I was not expecting things to go in that direction. I wanted to say yes. To say that I'll be there with Zane if something really does go wrong, that I'll be with him through it all. But I got nervous and choked up. I didn't want this to be the same as my last real relationship. I didn't want to commit to him and be betrayed later on.

They were probably disappointed, but I couldn't help it. I was ready to be with him, but I wasn't at the same time.

I put on new clothes that were more casual than my work ones. I picked out dark denim jeans and a loose-fitting black shirt that had words I never bothered to read. I went to the bathroom that was attached to my room and brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, and my favorite perfume.

I was ready to go, but I was nervous because I just ran away from the situation. I was about to just open the door when I heard a knock. I opened the door and found Kora slouching against the door frame.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to pressure you or anything. I thought you guys were already in a relationship. And I know how you get with things like this..." she said looking at me apologetically.

"I-it's fine. I understand that you're just looking out for me, and I'm grateful for that," I said getting closer. We hugged each other. It always ended like this. They were always small arguments, but we made up anyway. Although, it usually took a bit more time for her to come to me. I wonder what they talked about when I was dressing. I was only in there for about 10 minutes.

"Where's Zane?" I asked, turning to face her slightly pink face and eyes that didn't meet mine.

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