Chapter 19

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"Kade. How long are you going to keep me waiting?" Zane asked with a deep voice that I missed hearing in my ear.

"I have an answer," I breathed out. I was still a little aroused from past events and hearing his voice just added to it. The longing and need for him was heavenly but unnatural at the same time.

"Great. Would you mind coming to a club with me tonight?" He asked.

"Yes," I blurted. I would go anywhere just to be with him. Especially now, in this moment I wanted him the most.

"Then I'll be there shortly, Love. Oh! Make sure to wear something shiny," he stated as he hung up.

I rushed over to my closet and picked the best outfit I could find. I freshened myself up in the bathroom and styled my hair before coming back out and putting on the outfit I picked. I lightly sprayed on my favorite sweet perfume as I made sure everything was ok. I'll captivate him, one way or another, by the end of the night.

Zane POV

I was going nuts not seeing my Love for 3 days straight. Luckily, I was distracted by a mountain of paperwork. But it didn't last long. Just the thought of his small frame below my larger one had me spiraling in insanity.

I couldn't take it anymore so I called him. I was trying not to because I was waiting for him to reach out to me first.

When he picked up the phone I could immediately hear the longing in his voice that he was trying to cover up. And it only made me want him more when he eagerly agreed to come to my club with me.

I wanted to show him the real thing and give him some insight to some of what we could do.

I was already ready so I slid in my car and took a short drive to Kade's house. I rang the doorbell when I got there. I could hear shuffling before the door finally opened and out came a stunning Kade.

He was wearing a sheer midnight blue button up shirt and if you got close enough, you could see his pretty nude nipples. It was half tucked alluringly into his tight pants that hugged his ass just right, like my hands would soon. And a satin jacket over top.

He looked up at me batting his eyes. There was no way he wore this without knowing what it did to me. I hadn't seen him in a while, and this is what he showed up in. It was kinda unfair, even though I told his to wear something like this, but I liked it nonetheless.

"You look amazing, Love," I told him deeply, as he shivered from just my voice. He looked into my eyes as he stood on his tippy toes and kissed me. He slid his tongue in, trying to gain control as he liked me in the eyes with pleasure written all over his. I quickly pushed mine and his tongue in his mouth and seized dominance as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. It was a deep and heated kiss before I stopped it. I wanted more, but that had to be all for now.

"We have somewhere to be, Love. We'd better go before we don't make it at all."

"That's fine with me," he said seductively.

I shook my head in disagreement as I pulled him to the car. He really knew how to get me going.

We were only driving for a bit when Kade asked, "what are we going to a club for?"

"We're going to my club. The one you were at last weekend. But we're going upstairs this time," I said.

"What's upstairs?"

I chuckled, "You'll see." He was in for a show, quite literally in fact.

We arrived at the club and I got out of the car to offer my hand to my sweet Kade. He took it and got out of the car, slowly and sensually. I was on my last 2 straws at this point and he was just begging me to take him.

"Kade," I said sternly, giving him a warning, as I pulled his waist into mine.

"Ok fine," he huffed.

We walked into the club, skipping the line, and went straight for the double doors on the side. Kade gasped in the change of scenery. We had picked out a theme for this weekend and it was neon by popular vote. We had done it once before, and people loved it. Although, it was redecorated so it looked a bit different.

There were neon bars, seats, walls and lights. Even the dance floor was neon. It was a mixture of greens, purples, yellows, and blues. We even had limited drinks for this theme only.

"Oooh. I want one," he said picking up one of the bright blue drinks from a waiter passing them around. I didn't think that was such a good idea, with what happened last time. I wasn't sure how much he drank beforehand but I knew it couldn't have been much.

"One sip at a time, Love," I warned, knowing how those tasted.

"Yea, yea," he said before talking a sip. He scrunched his face and coughed as it went down his throat. "You want the rest?" He asked looking up at me hopefully.

"No thanks," I laughed as he put the glass on a table. I liked strong drinks but those were a different type I'd strong. We finally got to the doors and the guards opened them for us. I didn't need to show my VIP Card as they knew my face.

Kade POV

We went up the stairs after they opened the doors for us. I cleared my throat a little because that drink was still burning the hell out of it. It went away after a while though.

I was still kinda upset because he didn't fall for any of my tricks, yet. But I could tell I made an impression.

We were done walking up the flight of stairs and stopped at a door.

"If you're uncomfortable with anything, we can leave immediately, ok?" I nodded waiting for the surprise. "Are you ready?" I nodded eagerly in response again, getting impatient.

He opened the door to reveal the big surprise. A surprise so magnificent it almost made me drop to my knees.

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