Chapter 18

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I woke up, still tired from yesterday's events, and got ready to go to work. When I got home last night, Kora made me tell her everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. She might as well live my life for me.

I was still kinda surprised that he asked me, but I really already had my answer. Before, the subject was with Kora, and she told me a lot about bdsm. It was a little weird talking about something like that with her, but with Zane it seemed kinda normal. And to be honest, I wanted to try it back then but I was just really nervous.

I'm wearing a dark green dress shirt tucked into my loose fitting dress pants for the day.

I made a light breakfast for Kora and I before heading out the door. I was kinda nervous but still happy all the same.

I arrived to work on time and followed my daily routine of going through stacks of paper, organizing files and sending them on the computer, lunch, and meetings. Gladly, there was no sign of Jackson today.

And before I knew it, the work day was over.
I was debating on going to his office to say goodbye, well hello actually. But I decided not to as I didn't know if he wanted to see me or if he was busy, he is the CEO after all.

I left the building and walked out to the darkened sky. The air always felt good around this time. As I took a breath of the relaxing air, I heard a sound.


There it was again. It sounded like...a camera? 'Surely, no one could be taking pictures of me, right?' I thought as I scurried to my car.

I reached home and did the same boring routine as always. I cooked dinner, which was just Mac and cheese and sloppy joes. It felt like a boring day without Zane, so I didn't feel like putting forth much effort.

"I'm home," Kora said walking through the door. Maybe she could spice things up.

"Hey Kora," I said.

"Hey Kade, I've been through a lot today, so I'm just gonna get a plate and head to my room," she said wobbling to her room and coming back out. She obviously overdid it again with whoever she was with.

"Ok," I said sadly. Guess she won't brighten my day, but I knew she needed rest. But I knew something else I could do.

"Goodnight," said the poor woman as she took her food in her room. "Goodnight," I said back. I put the remaining food away after I ate and headed to my room.

I opened my laptop and went on a site about bdsm. I knew Kora would be elated to tell me all about it, but I needed to do this part by myself.

I looked at what "toys" they use, how to address people, and what words to say. There was even a video that showed you how to use them.

I clicked on the video only to be met with Moana's coming from the screen. This was not what I expected, but i really should've known better. I was about to exit the video when something caught my attention. The sub's face. There was just something about his expressions that made it seem [surreal]. I watched as the dom punished the sub in ways I'd never seen before.

I sat there watching the whole video for about 10 minutes when I noticed I was aroused. I tried to palm it off, but it just ached more. I stroked myself as I thought about being in the sub's position, receiving the pleasure that comes from the pain. I also thought of Zane being the one inflicting it on me. Ohh Zane. Just the thought of him made me come. I was already fucking succumbing to him.

I turned ffo my laptop, used the bathroom, and went to bed. I definitely needed some sleep.

I woke up and did the same things over again, except I went straight to bed this time. It was the Friday before I knew it, and I was really starting to miss Zane. I know he said not to keep him waiting, but I wanted to know what he would do if I left him hanging. Besides, it's not like I had his number or anything.

It was around 7 o'clock and I was just laying in my bed, still thinking about how Zane would dominate me. It would definitely be his eyes that would do it, they were just something else entirely. I was thinking about ways he could possibly punish me when an Unknown number called me.

"Hello?" I asked. It could be any rando, so I was ready to hang up at any moment.

"Kade," the voice sent shivers down my spine. "How long are you going to keep me waiting?"

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