Chapter 28

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Zane POV

I put my phone back in my pocket after having gotten off the phone with the little fucker and walked towards the car.

I was pissed the fuck off at this point. The little fucker was playing around with me and I don't play games, especially when it comes to my love. I'm not sure what he thinks he's getting out of this, but no one's taking my Love.

Hmm? I changed direction and entered one of the dark alleys and hid in the shadows as whoever was following me walked pass. I snuck behind him and twisted his arm behind his back as I shoved him against the harsh brick wall, my hand on his head.

"Mind telling me what you're doing?" I demanded as he hissed in pain. "I'm not in the mood for waiting so spit it out." I smushed his face harder against the wall to prove my point, I wasn't in the mood to be ticked off when more.

"I understand. Just let me go for a sec. I'm trying to help you," he groaned out. I eased up a bit because my instinct told me he really knew me somehow. "I know where Kade really is."

"As do I. But who are you and how do you know Kade?" I questioned on. Exactly what was his relationship to him that he was also involved in this situation? Or was he just another trick sent by that little fucker?

"I was watching over him, but I was d-distracted so when I noticed he was being kidnapped, it was t-too late," he said regrettably.

What? Was he stalking my love? And since the fuck when? I pushed him more on the rough bricks as I pressed him for more answers. "I haven't hired anyone to watch over Kade, so I'll ask again. Who the hell are you?!"

"I-I'm Kade's b-brother!" He winced and shouted from pain. His brother? As in the one who's sabotaging him?

So the little fucker was actually this pip-squeak? This little fellow was small and puny, there was no way he even had the strength to abduct Kade, with him looking all skinny and boney like he hadn't ate in days. Besides, I was just on the phone with the little fucker who, apparently, wasn't Kades brother and this fellow was already behind me then.

Haaa. What to do... hmm.

I could fuck him up here and now regardless if he was his brother or not because he shouldn't have been following my Love around, but then again... he said he wanted to help and he sounded sincere enough. I could tell there was something else to him though. I was afraid I might break one of his skinny bones if I did more than this anyway. He was a fragile little thing, he didn't look over 20.

"I'll have you prove if he's really your brother or not later. At the moment, I have to be somewhere."

"NO!" He shouted, turning his wide eyes to me in horror. "You c-can't meet him there! Kade is somewhere else, and I know where. You j-just can't go wherever he said t-to, he's p-planning something awful," he added as his tiny frame started quivering. He looked like he was about to colapse any minute so I let go of him and turned him around, seeing as he wasn't going anywhere, anyway.

"Then where is he really? And how can you prove it?" I got right to the point as time was wasting every second from standing here with him.

"He's in a cabin, not too far from here. And I know because I tracked the guy who trashed his condo last month. He actually works at your company in Kade's department, but im not sure what they do, since im not allowed in. But anyway, i was watching to make sure you guys got home safe when I saw him kidnap a woman and drive off." He paused for a moment to take in some air as he followed me to the car. I couldn't afford to waste more time, and he seemed to be telling the truth, so far as I could tell.

I still wasn't sure why he was basically stalking Kade when he had betrayed him anyway. And if he wasn't the one behind this, did that mean he wasn't the culprit behind the others?

"Anyway, I decided to follow him first and he led me to a cabin 15 minutes from here. After they went inside, I looked into the window and saw him strap her to one of the chairs and he started uttering words to himself, about how he'd lead you away from Kade and kill you and maybe even that girl. But I realized I wasn't in a position to help, but then I decided to inform you about it, since you'd handle it better than me."

I see. So he wanted to kill me. Lots of people wanted me dead because of how fast I rose to the top and replaced my father, but none of them tried, knowing the harsh punishment they'd get if they got on my bad side. He wouldn't be able to anyway, for I lived for Kade. And if he's still here, then I would always be there by his side.

"Ok, lead the way there then," I said getting in the car.

"Then hell know where you actually are where you don't show up and-" he started but I didn't let him get far with his useless ramble.

"That doesn't matter. Let him come, in fact, I want him to. I can easily save Kade and deal with him later," I said as he also sat in the car. Whether he came when I was there or not, I was still going to make him pay for even touching my Love. He'd suffer handsomely either way.

"Let's go. And tell me why you've been keeping tabs on my Love."

"It's here."

I rushed out the car and headed towards the door, scanning my surroundings. I slowed down as I went up the creaky stairs and pressed an ear against the door. It didn't hear anything, so I proceeded inside with the little pipsqueak somewhere behind me.


Kade POV

My heartbeat spiked as soon as I heard a creek outside. I became very alert since Jackson left and I jumped at the slightest sounds.

True, he hadn't physically hit me or anything, but the way his eyes traveled hungrily on me was... disgusting. He had a sick expression on his face the whole time and it scared me to think he really might go off and kill Zane. He still had no idea that I wasn't going to be there with Jackson.

I heard the front door open and I tensed from anxiety. Had he done it? Really? No. My Zane couldn't have died. There's no way. Was it? My mind rambled on and on about the possibilities as the constant footsteps came closer and closer to the other side of the door. They paused for a second and just stood at the door.

I peered over at the dejected Jade and figured she wouldn't be off any help in a serious situation, due to the physical and verbal abuse Jackson had stricken on her. I didn't want to be rude, be she was absolutely useless under pressure. But then again, so was I. I had been just sitting here, tied up, awaiting my fate.

The door handle turnt slightly and it squeaked open eerily. What would Jackson's next move be now?

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