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Mattia groaned slightly and sat up, chugging the water on her bedside table. He had been feeling queasy every morning lately. But he just brushed it off, telling himself he was a bit sick or something.
Instead he went out to the living room, planning on getting some breakfast. Hunter was on the couch, as per usual. He was eating cereal, just like he did every morning.

"Morning," they hummed.
"Hey. Your voice sounds weird in the morning. More like a dude."
"Um... Okay?" They blinked and went to make some nice breakfast. They weren't about to take the expensive ingredients at their hands for granted.

He pulled out a thing of bacon, the eggs, a couple tortillas and some pork sausage. He started by putting the bacon in the pan and cracking two eggs. He put a bit of chili powder, italian seasoning, salt, pepper and shredded cheese into the eggs before beating them.
Once the bacon was done cooking he put the sausage on too, making sure to leave all the grease inside. Once those were cooked he replaced them with the eggs, scrambling them up thoroughly. While xe waited for those to cook xe cut up some veggies. He diced cucumber and red onion, then chopped some green onion and the sausage.
Once the eggs were cooked he split them evenly between two tortillas, put two slices of bacon on each, then topped them with the cut up sausage and veggies. Finally he put a thin sprinkling of onion powder, garlic powder, pepper, and paprika. Then he toasted both of them on both sides.

He put them on a plate and went to the living room. He sat next to Hunter silently and set the plate down in front of him. "What're you watching?"
"Death note."
"Yeah. Obviously."

They nodded slightly and picked up one of the burritos, taking a big bite. Hunter eyed them strangely.
"How long has it been since you've shaved?"
"You're hairy."
"It's unsanitary."
"Not at all."
"It's gross."

"So do you shave?"
"Why should I?"
"Well you said it's unsanitary."
"Yeah but I'm a dude. You're a chick."

Mattia made a low noise. Normally they wouldn't care one bit about someone calling them a girl, just correct them, but Hunter... Hunter had a history. He knew fully well he was doing it to avoid accepting he was genderqueer.
"No, I'm not."
"Well— you pretty much are."
"But I'm not."
"You should still shave!"
"I don't fucking have to Hunter. Even if I was a chick."

They both went quiet, not talking for the rest of the morning. Mattia finished his breakfast quickly, scowling the whole time. It was good, of course it was.
He retreated to his room as soon as he finished his food. She didn't wanna be around Hunter. Not while he was like this. As in, especially bitchy.

   He curled up back in bed, as he did every day. Like he was waiting for something. He knew damn well nothing would come.
   He had lost Roshaun. Forever. They weren't going to get him back. They just had to ruin the only good thing in their life.

   They cussed and got up quickly, digging through their closet for an outfit. He ended up picking a short black skirt, barely long enough to cover his ass, and a pair of suspenders. Then a soft, baggy red flannel shirt. It was pretty much falling off his shoulders.
   Then he grabbed a pair of fishnets, a pair of combat boots, and a few hair pins. Normally he wouldn't wear something like that, but he only brought so much.
   Then xe did xeir makeup quick. Red eyeshadow, black crease, small wing, heavy blush, and random dots of eyeliner across his face. Then black princess peach lips. Simple but nice looking.

   He stepped out of his room, adjusting his shirt. Hunter looked up again. "Hi. Are you not wearing a bra?"
   "What?" He wasn't, but that was none of his business.
   "You're supposed to wear a bra. They'll sad otherwise."
   "Why the fuck are you looking??"
   "Nobody would want you if they're sagging."
   "The fuck?"
   "What? I'm just saying."
   "I don't want someone that would reject me over something as stupid as my tatas sagging."
   "Yeah, okay."

   "Besides, they wouldn't even sag. If you don't wear a bra often enough they start holding themselves up on their own."
   "How the fuck do you know? You don't have them!"
   "Cause. It's common sense."
   "You're not my fucking doctor!"

   He huffed and went out the door quickly. Before they could completely leave Hunter spoke again.
   "You should wear more masculine stuff. People are only gonna see you as a chick if you don't."

   They growled deep in their throat and marched out, walking briskly. Hunter really just wanted to get on his nerves today huh? He didn't have to conform to shit. He didn't have to change to fit into their stupid cisgender beliefs of what gender is supposed to be.
   If he wanted to dress like a chick he would. It didn't make her any less genderqueer. If he wanted to dress like a dude he would. It didn't make him any less genderqueer.
   And Hunter's sorry cisgender ass didn't have any say in it. Hell, nobody had a say in it except him.

   "Annoying fuck," he mumbled angrily. Always trying to police them on how they dressed. They weren't gonna put up with this.

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