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   "With who?" Roshaun's voice was light and slightly panicked.
   "Alejandro." Mattia's voice was twice as panicked and filled with sadness and guilt. They felt like they cheated. Even though they and Roshaun weren't even dating.
   "You— I... Mattia, I cant deal with this right now. I have to get back to my meeting."
   "Okay. I'm sorry. Please call me back."

   He hung up without saying anything in response. Mattia shook furiously, tears spilling from his eyes. Roshaun was mad. Pretty obviously. He fucked up. He didn't think before making his choice.
He wiped his eyes softly and cleared his throat, putting himself back together. And then xe silently stepped out of xeir bedroom and walked over to the kitchen. Alejandro was in there cooking eggs, just like expected.

"I'm going to hunter's house. I can't— I can't stay here."
Alejandro blinked and frowned, nodding slightly. "Okay. I understand."

Mattia went back to his room and packed up a bunch of his shit, hurrying out the door. He didn't wanna see Alejandro. He didn't wanna be reminded of his mistake.
He showed up at Hunter's apartment out of no where, trying not to burst into tears again. Hunter blinked and looked them up and down. "The fuck?"
"Please just let me stay here— I'll be here for like a week tops. Please just let me stay."
"I... Okay, fine."

They knew what they were signing up for when they went into that house. Hunter and him weren't too close anymore, not after the incident.
He had gone to a party with Hunter one day. Just normal shit, he met a few of his friends. In the morning he woke up to find out one of them had drugged him. She wasn't sure how far they had gone with her unconscious body at the time. Later he learned that nothing happened, thankfully, but that didn't shake the fear he had ever since.
But Hunter himself, he was a much different beast. He always saw Mattia as a boy or a girl, nothing more or nothing less, depending on how he was feeling that day or something. And he would use the according pronouns. Never once did they or them leave his lips, MUCH less xe, xer or xeir.
Not to mention the constant wildly insensitive "jokes" he would say openly. All in all it just made him uncomfortable after he got past his "dark humor" phase.

But at this point he was the only one he could stay with. Only one with a safe house. Only one with a stable income enough to feed two people. Only one who would even let them in. So they were kinda stuck with him.
They came in with a nervous sigh, adjusting their bag. He already wanted to call Roshaun again. Hell, he wanted to go to his house. He wanted to be in his arms again, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
But he was mad at him now. He fucked everything up, he wasn't gonna come back. Xe felt like screaming and crying and curling up in a ball and never coming back. At this point all xe wanted was to be held and loved.
But he had lost that opportunity.

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