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   The next day was more or less boring. Roshaun had an emergency at work so he (very sadly) left xer with Alvaro, Vic and Taylor. And the workers were still working on xeir room, so xe couldn't really hang out in there.
   So he ended up just sitting in Roshaun's room. He facetimed Ale for a bit, then took some... pictures, for his other clients. Of course he made sure the room behind him was barely visible. Wouldnt want any of them asking any questions.

   By the time all that was done Roshaun still wasn't back. Then again it was only 1:30. And he left at 10 am. 3.5 hours probably wasn't enough time for how urgent he seemed.
   "Mattia!" someone called from behind the door. They jumped slightly and rushed to go open it. Alvaro stood there politely. "Lunch is ready."
   "Oh sick!" They chirped, adjusting their bralet. He was wearing a bralet, button up and skinny jeans. And of course plenty accessories. A choker, several chains, and metal cuff bracelets and anklets. He even put on fake makeup to complete the look.

   "Cmon, I'll escort you."
   "I don't uh... need one?"
   "Roshaun said he doesn't want you wandering around alone."
   He sighed hard. "Alright. He's so— weird." He took his arm gently and walked down to the kitchen with him.

   When they got down Taylor was still setting the table. Before they could sit down the door opened suddenly. Part of him got excited, thinking it was Roshaun. But instead Kairi rushed into the kitchen.
   Alvaro's face lit up and he rushed over to him. He was taller than Kai, but only by about 2 inches. "Hey!" He chirped and kissed his cheek affectionately.
   "Hi love," Kai hummed, "sorry, I cant stay. I'm just picking up Roshaun n' I's lunch."
   "Of course. It's on the counter right there."

   Kai nodded slightly and grabbed the two glass containers. In each here was one big container with two separators, and on the side a water bottle was clipped to each. The water bottle had two levels, one with what appeared to be a smoothie and one with cans of soda.
   "Sorry everyone. I'll be here to talk tonight." He hurried out. Alvaro sighed hard and went back to the table.
   "It's okay Alvaro, he said he's coming over later! You can have a nice night together!" Mattia chirped gently.
   "Yeah, duh." Alvaro's tone turned smug. Or we'll, he tried to make it smug. Mattia figured it was best not to press him.

   She turned to her plate, fixing her bralet again. Taylor made mac n' cheese, apple slices and a sandwich on homemade bread. Then next to each plate was a smoothie in a wine glass. He was always impressed at the meals.
   "What would you like to drink?" Taylor chirped.
   "Root beer!" Mattia smiled. Part of him was worried he was becoming too spoiled here.

   They all settled in together as soon as she got their drinks. Mattia was seated next to the end of the table, where Roshaun would normally sit. Alvaro and Taylor sat across from him and Vic sat right next to him.
   Vic leaned over, smiling hard at them. "So. Are you a guy or a girl?"
   "Uh— I'm genderqueer." They smiled back nervously.
   "Right but like, isn't there an alignment thing?"

   "Um— yes but not every nonbinary or genderqueer person is aligned."
   "Well, are you?"
   "Yeah but— thats like um, pretty insensitive."
   "Oh I didn't mean it like that!"
   "I know! Just like, for future reference."

   "Hey Mattia!" Alvaro called, saving them from the awkward conversation.
   "Oh um— yeah?" He looked at him in relief.
   "Um—" he glanced at Vic and back to Mattia. "How did you meet Roshaun?"

   He swallowed hard. Sex work didn't really have a great reputation a lot of the time. Especially with rich people. "Well uh— I'm a sex worker. I get most of my money from being a sugar baby."
   "So you're like— he pays you for sex?" Taylor made a face. Disgusted, almost. He got more and more nervous.
   "Well um— sort of? I- i mean um, it's like, different now that I'm y'know, uh, here. N-now it's like uh, role play? I guess? Like I p— um, pretend to be like, with him." He stumbled through his sentence awkwardly.

   "I really did not want to think about Roshaun having sex," Alvaro piped up after a few seconds of tense silence.
   Mattia busy out laughing, relieved they weren't judging him. "Well— if it makes you feel better we haven't actually had sex yet."
   "Yeah, just like phone sex n' shit."
   "That does not help."

   "So like, do you love him?" Vic butted in.
   Mattia blinked slightly. "um— no? I don't think so... He's just a client y'know?"
   "Are you allowed to be in a relationship?"
   "Um— I dunno. I'm not looking for one anyways."
   "Cause...? Personal shit."

   He finished his food quickly and retested upstairs. Xe spent the rest of the day watching TV in Roshaun's room. The whole time xe was pouting, wanting him to come back. He wanted him to told him.
   Then it hit him. He was lying to himself. Roshaun really did mean something to them, more than just a client. Maybe not love, per say, but something.

   "Fuck?" they whispered to themselves. He had never been in a relationship before. much less been in love. Why Roshaun? Why a client?
   Then the door opened.

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