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Mattia woke up with a low groan. It was the first night he was sleeping at Hunter's. The mattress was way too soft. It was hell on his back. But he wasn't about to complain. It wasn't like that was his house.
   It was different at Roshaun's house though. His whole deal was spoiling them, so they would complain all they wanted. A part of them felt guilty about that now.

   He shuffled out to the living room in a baggy shirt and random boxers that he threw in his bag. Hunter was on the couch, watching TV and eating cereal. "Hey. You can make some breakfast if you want."
   "No I think I'm good. I feel... sick to my stomach."
   "Well considering you went outside while it was cold as balls you might be."
   "It was not cold at all. It's July dumbass."
   "Yeah? And it's cold. We're in New York."
   "I think you're just spoiled Hunter."

   Mattia sighed and went back to his room. Maybe he was really sick. That would explain why she wanted to throw up so bad. But there wasn't really an explanation as to why he would be sick.
   He just brushed it off and climbed back in bed, chugging the remainder of the water in his water bottle. It really didn't help the nausea. Instead of worrying about that he laid on his back, taking deep breaths.

   After a few hours the nausea went away. They decided to go to work. Which really just meant opening their laptop. They wanted to get their own apartment, not leech off of Hunter, so they needed to get money.
   So of course he called Roshaun first. It rung a few times but no one picked up. He frowned slightly and texted him. He got left on read. Roshaun was ghosting him.
   He was surprised, normally it was the other way around with clients. And Roshaun seemed so excitable. And there wasn't really a reason why he would ghost him...
   But instead of wallowing in xeir own pity xe just moved on to the next client, ignoring the way xeir heart was screaming to keep trying. He was still very much in love with Roshaun.

   He was on his third client before something interesting happened. Finally, it was becoming mind-numbingly boring.
   "Are you single?" That part was normal.
   "Uh, it's unclear at the moment. Why?" That's the answer he always gave.
   "I was talking to my associate today, Roshaun Diah. He went to take a call. He was calling the other person pet names the whole time. At the end he called them Mattia. I just wanted to know if it was the same one."

   Mattia bit his lip slightly, trying to think of what to say. "Uh... Well, I am not dating Roshaun. I do know him, but we are not together. The rest is private information."
   "He's a client?"
   "My client list is private information."
   "So he is?"
   "Even if he was I wouldn't be able to tell you."

   Mr. Karson nodded, smirking slightly. He definitely thought Roshaun was his client.
   "Sir, even if you did know any of my clients if you leaked that information I would leak yours too. I don't know how having a tranny fetish would do for your reputation," they snapped. They weren't about to let this old ass motherfucker push them around. And he certainly wasn't gonna let him blackmail Roshaun.
   Even if he was ghosting him, he still loved him. He still cared about him way too much. Too much to let his reputation be trashed, especially not because of him.

   "... Right."
   "Remain professional."
   "I have."
   "Blackmailing your associates based on false information is the last thing I would think of when thinking 'professional.'"
   "Who said blackmail?"
   "Your eyes. Now pay up."

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