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"Hey," Roshaun greeted quietly. Mattia didn't say anything, just crawled in bed with him. "Do you wanna talk? Or do you need more time?"
He swallowed hard. "Um... U don't wanna get into too much detail but, um," he wiped his eyes, "I don't have a great experience with sex."
"That's okay my dear. Take your time." He kissed his head gently. He smiled and cuddled up to him softly.

"Do you still wanna share a room with me? If you need to like, he away from me, that's fine," they offered shakily.
"Hey no! I'm not upset love. I'll still pay you kay? And if we don't do it this time we can another time."
"A-another time...?"
"Of course. You thought this was gonna be the only time I fly you over?"

They giggled and blushed, kissing his cheek softly. He smiled hard and pulled them closer, peppering their face in kisses. He squealed lightly, spreading his legs and looking up at him.
"Baby, what are you doing?" He smiled nervously.
"I wanna try again. Less freaked out this time. Just- no like, um, penis." He shifted and pulled his dress off again. "I promise I'll call the safe word if I get anxious."

Roshaun hesitated and nodded, kissing his nose sweetly. Xe giggled excitedly. He smiled and got between xeir legs, affectionately rubbing xeir thighs.
He looked up at him lovingly and slipped his corset and sweater off. Ro carefully slid his panties down. He didn't stop to admire his pussy this time, instead settling down on his chest and kissing his clit gently.
They gasped lightly, reaching down and rubbing their own clit hard. He chuckled slightly and licked up their slit, tasting their juices. "Ohhh fuck— that feels so good!"
"Mm, I'm glad sweetheart. You taste good my dear."

He kept licking softly, not sure how he would react to penetration of any kind. He gently pushed Mattias hand away from his clit and replacing it with his own. He rubbed the nub with his thumb, using his pointer finger to spread his folds.
Then, very carefully, he slipped his tongue inside his vagina. He gasped loudly, bringing his knees up slightly. "Oh— oh hell- holy fuck!"
He pulled away and rubbed her thighs gently. "Is this okay?"
"Yes! Why did you stop?" he whined and spread his legs wider. His eyes weren't all panicked this time.

Roshaun smiled hard, he was so happy he trusted him more this time. He settled between his legs again, sliding a finger in. He looked up at them, making sure they weren't freaking out again. They looked relaxed, in pleasure, even.
"P-please... more..." he whined.
"You want more, my sweet?"
"Yesssss!" He pressed against his finger greedily.

He laughed and put another finger in, using his thumb to rub his clit. Then he started licking around his fingers greedily, slurping slightly. His juices were so lovely and sweet. Most likely a lot of pineapple.
"Oh wow— so- so— ah!" It feels so good! Thank you daddy!" he cried, tears in his eyes.
"Babe— are you okay?" He pulled his head away but kept his fingers inside.
"Yes!" Xe whined loudly. "I just— no ones ever touched me like this before..."
"Really baby?"

"Except— no. Nevermind. I- I— of no... I shouldn't have thought 'bout that..." Xe shook harder.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"Just— just for a bit. A break, y'know?"
"Of course love."

He pulled his fingers out carefully and licked them clean. Mattia watched quietly and made grabby hands at him. Roshaun smiled hard and picked him up, cradling him in his lap like a toddler. He giggled slightly and cuddled into his chest happily.
He softly gripped his jaw and tilted his head up. They looked into his eyes innocently. They looked calm, trusting, loving, even. A burst of happiness rushed through him. a they trusted him, knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt them.
Mattia squealed softly as he started his face everywhere he could reach. "My baby," he mumbled between kisses, "all mine."
"Yes daddy— ah!" He giggled. "All yours." He felt like a liar. Roshaun wasn't his boyfriend. He was just a client. And he certainly wasn't his only one.

"Okay daddy," she hummed, laying back against the pillows again, "I'm ready."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I trust you."

He smiled brightly and got between his legs again. He spread his folds and pushed his tongue inside enthusiastically. His nose bumped awkwardly against his clit. "Mmm... fuck you taste good."
"Thank you daddy," he purred softly, spreading his legs wider. Roshaun slipped a finger inside, kissing their clit gently. They giggled and pressed against his finger desperately.
"You're so needy," he hummed and added another one.
"Mmmh, sorry daddy. It just feels so— fuck!— good."
"Don't apologize, my love. It's adorable." He started scissoring his fingers.

Mattia squirmed excitedly, moans slipping out of their mouth like water. Roshaun kept smiling furiously. He was calling hard, and it scared him. Just one day and he was acting like a bumbling dork.
"M-mmh! W— fuck— what will ha-appen whe-en we're- ah, d-done—" He whined brokenly, drool coating his lips and chin.
"I'll give you a nice bath, get your snacks and your studies, and we'll watch the movie in here."
"But- mm, what abou' y-you...?"

Roshaun blinked. He had been so focused on Mattia that he hadn't noticed how painfully hard he was. He had been keeping it in his pants this whole time. Meaning his dick was pressed against the denim. Which hurt like a bitch.
"I'll just hack off. While you're in the bath. Kay?" He smiled comfortingly.
"Okay daddy! I'm— oh- close!" Ahe squealed and gripped his arm.

Roshaun chuckled lightly and leaned back down, licking and sucking at his cunt. He moaned loudly, squirting all over his face. He laughed lightly and licked it all up excitedly. "Fuck, you really do taste amazing."

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