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   "Hello dear," Roshaun cooed from the doorway. Mattia looked at him and let out a king, heavy breath.
   He put on a wide smile. "Hi daddy!"
   "What's wrong my love?" Roshaun softened slightly. It was obvious he was stressed.
   "Nothing!" He lied easily. He really didn't want him to know what he was thinking about. Not yet.

   "Okay, um..." Roshaun glanced at the TV. Mattia paused it obediently. "Your room is done. Wanna see?"
   "Sure!" She chirped and got up, linking their arms. Ro smiled and kissed the side of his head. He giggled lightly and pressed closer to him.

   He led him down over to his room. He opened the door slowly. Mattia gasped loudly.
   Inside was like a whole different room. The previously neutral brown carpet was now gray. Two of the walls were made out of real black brick, with graffiti decorating it. The other two walls were purple with white trim. The closet and bathroom doors were painted black.
   On the wall across from the bathroom was the bed. The grime was black and the sheets were magenta. On the rim of the headboard and underneath were LED lights. The same light strips were on all the door frames. Under the bed was a rug with a black and white geometric pattern.
   At the foot of the bed was a small black shelf. The shelves all bad hot pink and white organizers. On top was a TV. Next to the bed on one side was a hot pink beanbag and on the other was a side table matching the shelf. Across from the closet door was a couch, facing the TV diagonally. Black frame, hot pink cushions and white pillows.
   Across from the bed was a hot pink and glass desk with a fancy white chair. On top was Mattia's laptop, a stack of books and magazines. And next to the books was a glass case with a bouquet of roses. Under it was a smaller rug with the same geometric design. Across from that was a white vanity with all his makeup sorted neatly.

   "Oh my god!" They squealed and ran inside. "Roshaun! It's amazing!"
   "Thank you my dear. They did the bathroom too."
   They gasped and ran into the bathroom excitedly. The floor was now a grayish-brown wood instead of the previous shitty tile. In the center of the room, splitting it, was a divider with real vines going down it. The walls were link tile halfway up and white the rest of the way.
   On the right side there was the shower and toilet, along with a small side table. Said table had a pauperi basket on top and extra toilet paper on the bottom. The shower had the two walls pressed into the corner made out of the same pink tile and the rest made out of glass. Except the bottom, which looked to be made of marble. The toilet was bolted to the wall and all black besides the toilet seat, which was white.
   On the left was the counters and a bunch of potted plants. The counters matched the side table. In the middle there was the sink, a white boot with copper handles. The handles bad a black dry-brushing over them. Next to the counter was a full-length mirror with a fancy pink trim. Above were a few shelves with all their skin care products.

   "Do you like it?" Roshaun asked softly.
   "I love it!" they shouted and ran over to him, jumping into his arms. "It's amazing!"
   Roshaun laughed lightly and kissed him deeply. "Mm, I'm glad my dear. It's a hefty bill, so it would be bad if you didn't."

   "R-really?" He softened and looked at him like a sad puppy. To spend a bunch of money on himself was one thing. But to make someone else? That was so much worse.
   "Yes...? 'Bout 50k."
   "50k!?" he whined. Guilt took even deeper root in his stomach.
   "Mattia, my love, I'm worth millions. I'd spend that much money on you any day."

   Xe smiled slightly and hugged him tightly, squeezing slightly. He picked xer up and set xer on the couch. He settled down next to him, patting his lap. He obediently crawled into it and cuddled into his chest.
   "Hey um... Can I talk to you?" he asked softly. He wanted to talk to him about how he felt.
   "Of course you can, my love." He smiled comfortingly.

   Mattia swallowed hard, trying not to panic. But looking at Roshaun just made it worse. He was so kind to him. And so very handsome...
   "Uh, can we like- um—" They avoided eye contact, feeling their throat close up. "I- I um... Can I like, date people?" Instead of saying what they wanted to say they just asked what Vic asked earlier.
   Roshaun's face fell immediately. "Well... I'm not trying to take away your integrity as a person... So, yes. Yes you can. As long as you're okay with what we do together."

   Mattia nodded slightly and kissed his cheek affectionately. He sighed lightly and turned on the TV, pulling him close against his chest. He closed his eyes and pressed against him.
   "I love you," Roshaun hummed, petting his hair. He decided it was best to ignore him.

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