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   Mattia fixed his hair, focusing in the mirror. He was doing a little self care day. So he was making himself look as pretty as possible. Pretty on the outside, pretty on the inside.

   So he was wearing a binder, just for a masculine touch. Then a tight baby pink dress that flared at the waist down, but with no visible waist line. And on top of it a very short white cape that went down to right under their breasts.
   For accessories they had white arm guards with pink laces. Along pink socks and white thigh garters.  A small homemade choker made out of pink ribbon with a cute bell on it. Then a few rings and their favorite glasses. But round ones with thin black wire frames.
   And now he was doing his makeup. It had to match, obviously. So he put on a bunch of blush to match the pink, white freckles and highlight on his cheeks. Red eyeshadow on his inner corner, a dramatic wing and a small, thin spike with black liner. Then a white line right under his waterline with the same pencil he did the freckles with. Then xe did some basic nose contour with extra blush in the underside. For lips xe just did a simple red lip and a lot of gloss.

   Xe sighed and looked at xerself in the mirror. Perfect, pretty. 𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢. 𝙱𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚖𝚒𝚝.
   But he couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. Alejandro was in love with him. And Roshaun,,, he seemed strange, at the end of their call. Maybe... jealous?
   𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚍𝚊𝚢. 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚒𝚝. 𝙵𝚘𝚌𝚞𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚗𝚘𝚠.
   He grabbed his setting spray, spraying liberally. It was nice and cold. Like splashing water in his face but it wouldn't fuck up his makeup.

   "Okay Mattia. You can do this. Mall, movie, lunch, massage, nails. Simple. No need to be nervous." They haven't themselves a pep talk as they put on their shoes. Nice white wedges, to match the rest of the outfit. "You can do this."
   He finally came out of his room, grabbing one of the breakfast smoothies he made last night. He didn't feel like making anything. Especially since he really didn't want to run into Alejandro.

   She went out to the car and started it up( plopping herself in the driver's seat. The first destination was the mall, just to splurge. The earlier the emptier, aka better. No lines. And no people to give him weird looks.
   He pulled out his phone and went through his playlist, queueing songs. Monster Truck by Jasmin Bean, Brave as a Noun by AJJ, and Little Astronaut by Aku P to start the day off. A bit of everything.
   As he drove he thought about his plan for what stores to go to. Victoria's Secret first, since it was by the front. Then Shoe Locker, just to look around. They probably wouldn't buy anything( they didn't really have their style there. Then Hot Topic, since it was more their style. Even with how over commercialized it had become. Then he would just go from there.

   He parked the car and got out, grabbing his bag.  A nice pink over the shoulder one. Inside he had his wallet, phone, taser, pepper spray and a few other randoms. And of course his lipstick just in case he needed to fix it up. So it was kinda important xe bring it everywhere, in case someone decided to get aggressive. And y'know, so xe could pay. That's also important.
   He hurried inside, making sure he remained in well lit spots. There weren't many people around but he wasn't about to take any chances. Especially since there weren't many people around. Less witnesses.

   Just like he planned he went straight to Victoria's Secret. They wanted to get more casual underwear, especially bras, since they were pretty sure their boobs were growing a little. They were sore, which normally went they were about to grow even fucking more.
   He ended up picking out a set of matching white bra and panties, made out of white satin and cotton with a wire under the breasts for support. Then a couple similar sets but dark blue and dark red. He didn't wanna buy too many, as he had just spent a ton on lingerie. But that was fancy shit, not lounging shit.

   He walked up to the cashier with a polite smile. "Hello! I wanna buy these."
   The teenage girl blinked a few times. "Uh... are you sure that's like, your cup size?" She eyed his tits heavily.
   "Oh yeah— I'm binding right now so they look smaller."
   "Right. Sorry for asking I didn't mean to like out you." She smiled awkwardly and guiltily, scanning the sets quickly.
   "Don't worry about it." They smiled comfortingly and took their bag, speed walking out.

   They slipped into Footlocker, their face burning from the interaction. He really didn't mean to make the poor girl feel bad like that. He was just far more comfortable telling someone like her, who was younger. Perhaps too comfortable.
   Just as expected he didn't get anything at Footlocker, everything was too basic or he already had something almost exactly like it. He did eye these white flats, but decided they were too generic for him.

   She stepped into Hot Topic cautiously, glancing around. The place had a way different aura than he would like. More... "omg quirky !!!", which really just made him cringe and get flashbacks. But nonetheless it was the only place in the mall that sold anything remotely alternative.
   He stepped over to the pins first, examining them cautiously. He settled on getting pronoun pins, he, she and they. There was no xe option, unsurprisingly. He wasn't sure why he expected anything else, even from Hot Topic.
   Once they settled on the pins they went over to the band T-shirts, only to find a bunch of things that did not interest them one bit. Just a bunch of cishet white men singing about how hard life was or teenage girls who called themselves "indie." Not their taste at all. But they did still grab one that they liked the logo of.
   Finally he grabbed a couple pairs of skinny jeans of different shades and a nice pink, blue and purple pastel hoodie that was definitely too big for him. Then he brought it all up to the cashier. Both of them shared a silent, mutual understanding and neither of them had to say shit. That's why he preferred Hot Topic. It was filled with queer people that didn't bat an eye at someone with a different expression.

   He went to a few more stores and a movie before going to the cafeteria for lunch. By now there were people coming in, so the whole no lines thing was kinda ruined. But nonetheless xe got in line for Subway, ordering a spicy italian when xe got to the front.
   Once he got his food he went to a table that was pretty much in the corner, trying to keep to himself. He didn't feel like being called slurs today. So he just sat quietly, eating his sandwich and sipping his rootbeer and trying not to overthink. Which is just fancy talk for "I zoned out so hard I lost my sense of self for a bit."

   Once they were done they back out to the car, fixing their lipstick in the little mirror. Next stop was the beauty parlor where they got their nails done and got massages. He needed to relax, and massages are the most obvious way to do that. The nails... well he just wanted to be pretty is all.
   So he drove the ten minutes and parked, walking inside the same way he did with the mall. Like he had some big secret that needed to be kept hush hush and only be told to someone inside.

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