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Mattia dug through their closet with a huff. "I need to pack for a week. But knowing Roshaun he's gonna want me to ruin some of my clothes... So let's pack double."
"I don't think that'll fit..."
"Shut. You're right. Fuck... I'm gonna call Ro."
"Yeah," he said it like it was obivous.

His phone buzzed a few times before Roshaun picked up. "What's wrong dear? I'm at work."
"Hi daddy! My suitcase is too small. What do I doooo?" His voice suddenly turned high pitched and a little whiney.
He sighed lightly, "how much is a suitcase? Doesn't
matter- I'll send you $100 okay? Go to Walmart or something and get yourself a bigger suitcase. If you need more just text me, kay?"
"Ouuu! thank you daddy!"
"Of course dear. I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you! Bye daddy!" He hung up and waited for Ro to paypal him.

Ale looked at him strangely. "The fuck?"
   "what?" Mattia blinked, grabbing xer keys.
   "Why were you acting like that?"
   "To get money dumbass. Cmon, walmart time."

The two drove to Walmart, blazing their music. Jazmin Bean, to be specific. They were both of their favorite artist.
They went inside, going to where the worker pointed. They went through the available suitcases, trying to find a nice one. "Goddamn these are more expensive than I thought."
Eventually Mattia selected a nice, dark purple case. Definitely big enough to hold his clothes. It was like $45, so Ale grabbed a couple black backpacks, one for each of them. It all added up to $85.

When they got home Mattia spritzed the bags with his perfume. They wanted to get rid of the strong factory smell. Alejandro started grabbing all of Mattia's toiletries. His custom shampoo and conditioner, lotion, face and hair oil. "Do we have travel containers for the shampoo and conditioner? Also the lotion? The oil is small enough."
"Uh, yeah. Hold on." They stopped picking through their clothes for a second and grabbed the pack of 6 fancy travel bottles. One of his other sugar daddies bought them when he lied about going on vacation. Really he just wanted to ghost them.

Once Ale was done putting everything in the bottles he put them in a quart bag. He grabbed the small suitcase, tucking the bag into the front pouch. Then he grabbed another ziplock bag, putting in Mattias sugar scrub, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, a pack of face masks and face cream. They put that bag in the small pouch too.
Meanwhile Mattia went through his clothes, picking out articles he knew went together. Once she selected twice the amount she would need, she started folding them all up. He put them in his new suitcase in 3 columns, all folded up the way Marie Kondo would fold them.
On the far left he had his bottoms, including skirts. Middle he had tops and dresses. On the far right he had all the oversized shirts he wore to bed. Then they put their socks, tights, panties and bras in the little mesh pouch on the underside of the cover.

"What makeup do you use most often? I don't think it's all gonna fit," Ale asked as he finished putting most of Mattia's stuffed animals in the smaller suitcase. The only two that didn't go in there were Caesar and Koba, his two monkeys. Those went in their carry on bag with their blankie. They were his comfort items, so they needed to be accessible.
"Uh, Nyx palette, James Charles palette, black and white liner... Y'know what. Lemme do it myself. You keep folding my undies n' shit."

Mattia and Alejandro switched places. Ale on folding duty and Mattia on makeup duty. He grabbed a few sandwich bags. One for his foundation, concealer, blush, and contour stick. One for brushes and beauty blender. One for lipstick and gloss. And one for his eyeliner, lip liner, and eyebrow pencil. The eyeshadow palettes could go in on their own. They all went in the front pouch of the big suitcase.
Ale finished first, of course, and got to work on the carry on bag. It was supposed to hold all the supplies for if he ever regressed. So in the biggest pouch he put a couple onesies, Koba and Caesar, and his blankie. It was a bit of a squish, but it didn't matter. Not to Ale.
   In the medium pouch he but a couple pouches of formula, a baggie of xer favorite binkies, their DS with games, and xer favorite sippy. Snacks weren't allowed on the plane so that would have to wait for a different time.
   They were regression related but in the smallest pouch they put pads, tampons and of course his phone charger. He didn't get his period very often, since he was like. half boy or whatever. But it was better safe than sorry.

   "Is that all?"
   "Um, I think. Wait— grab my laptop and help me pick out accessories."

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