Teddy where are you? (tk) ✔

By Giggling_Pillow

383K 29.9K 15K

" What do you want!?..St-Stay!! back " Jungkook snarls, pupils dilated in fear , his hands trembling pushing... More

^.^ Fools
‹•.•› weird
◐.̃◐ k
'︿' miserable
(。ŏ_ŏ) whoa
≧∇≦ Shy Baby
:-P Chimmy
(⌒o⌒) warm
Friends ^ω^
hugs ♡
Calm before the storm
Not a dream
Good morning
Hell no!!
Life like hell
Life regrets
Important notice
Show me
Day 1
Day 1.2
Day 1...continue
Scent of Burnt toast
New home
Feeling of bite
Garry and Pancakes
New Chance on New Year
Second chance
Final Day
Burning planets
Maple leaf 🍁
New story


5.1K 464 179
By Giggling_Pillow

"So that's what happening"

Garry gulped down his last bite of his fourth pancake making Jungkook wonder if all helivians eat a lot while he just finished telling him everything he needs to know from Ouija board to mark on his neck
purposely excluding details that would do no good to him


"Pal , you're a human "

Garry tone turns low and Jungkook hung his head low , he dont know what to say , he's positive that Garry won't like to indulge with him anymore or maybe he made him remember what he misses ,after all Garry have mentioned multiple times looking forward to go to heaven and get a new life

Jungkook hears shifting of plate on dining table, Taehyung left him alone with Garry to talk to him even though it was pretty obvious that he didnt want to leave him alone but then Garry wouldnt be able to talk in fear of v aka Taehyung.

"Hey pal "

Jungkook looks up to him slightly taken aback by Garrys smiling face

"I'm not mad at you , thats foolish to think , Im shocked and a tinsy bit sad that you couldn't tell me sooner but hey ,look eventually you opened up to me "

Jungkook smiled big as relief flooded his veins after all Garry's his good friend ,even though they know each other for barely a day but he would rather not loose him .

"you know pal , I still can't believe that I befriend a living breathing human who's mate of one and only v ,that too still in single piece. And I'm surprised my limbs are still attached after looking at v and on top of that he cooked breakfast for US!!! Do you understand?

Breakfast. Cooking. v. For.us "

Jungkook giggles looking At Garry who is flapping his hands wide eyed as if he just got an autograph of his superhero or maybe favorite supervillain .

Guess everything is going to change for better at last

"Emotions can be defined as psychological states that comprise thoughts and feelings, physiological changes, expressive behaviors, and inclinations to act. The precise combination of these elements varies from emotion to emotion, and emotions may or may not be accompanied by overt behaviors".

"you didnt just google it" Jungkook right eye twitched , its miracle in itself that hell have internet access but he shut his mouth when both taehyung and garry charged on him offended

'we have internet ,we are not backwards'

"oh uhm..no why would I, I can figure this out myself"

Jungkook and Taehyung agreed to let Garry help the demon to understand emotions after all he's not a demon so he's capable of all humanly emotions but maybe not so successful in teaching about them.
And yes, taehyung know about fake tattoos that is hiding Garry's secret of not being demon but is he going to tell him that he knows


He would rather watch Garry's little act of pretend to keep him and his angel both amused.

"we appreciate your help but I guess I should try, how about you cook or draw something?"

Jungkook softly address him, cautious to not make him feel bad , Afterall Garry is big soft baby disguised in scary look of tattoos and lip piercing that he plays with when alone or in his own world.

Garry sulked knowing he can't be of help but immediately brightened up on 'draw' part , he would love to draw.

" okey dokey,  I'll be in kitchen drawing pancakes "

Garry jumped on his feet making his way back to door giving a nervous smile to taehyung who reflected same, but Jungkook will consider this huge step in between them Afterall he isn't fainting everytime he sees taehyung, that's worth giving him a award

After Garry shut the door which was not needed but okay , Jungkook faced the demon who is tapping his long fingers of claw on the carpeted floor

" I'll be honest, I don't know how to start this Afterall I never imagined teaching a demon about emotions in hell where google works "

Jungkook sighs as the demon looked back at him with his deviously beautiful ruby eyes that squint for small smile peeking fangs on corners of his red lips.

" well how about you tell, in what human educative mode schooling did they teach you about feelings , I can join too "

The demon's eyes sparkled on his amazing idea
While jungkook's fingers curled around the carpet to physically restrain himself from facepalming

" That's not how it works "


" Feelings are born with it, we feel them , see them, observe them and name them to express to others where actions don't sum it all up .we don't have specific subject for it in syllabus

Our actions, reactions basically our whole personality is based on how we perceive our feelings
It's the driving force that makes us or breaks us, it's what separates us from machines

Best word for emotions would be I guess Bittersweet "

Taehyung's focus is laser sharp, wanting to listen more, know more, he gets a sudden energy to scoot closer not only because it's Jungkook but because he's learning about something he have, he can use

" what you are feeling right now is excitement, you're curious "

Jungkook smiled looking at the demon's surprised expression with transparent look of excitement in his feature that he isn't noticing himself, how his tail is restless on carpet constantly reminding jungkook of a puppy while earlier it wasn't this harmless when it wrapped around him

Teaching the demon is great tiring task he took on himself, he could have easily left the demon clueless about it Afterall he isn't bound to help him but then these feelings bite him back in form of pity and excitement of seeing pure reflection of untainted  uncontrolled feelings of demon

For once he feels he's in control in front of demon

" let's do one thing "

Taehyung scoots closer on his knees, sitting attentively ,still repeating and processing the word ' excitement ' with his newly felt shuffle in him

It's not like he have never felt excited before, he felt excited when he watched Jungkook bring him to his home in form of teddy bear even though he was tossed by sofa later that's totally different .

He felt excitement when he marked him, kissed him multiple times

But this one is something peculiar to him, that he truly felt first time just for learning to connect a word with a feeling.

It's simple

Everything before was complex, nothing small just for this feeling of 'excitement' , he had to dig deep

But this time it's like he just had to bend down and pick it up off ground without any need to dig

" How about you tell me what are you feeling in best way possible and I'll name it to you "

Taehyung considered it, though this idea is quite slow but it'll be effective, he can remember those words with feeling connecting them with memories, that'll help him remember

" okay angel "


...........................   ...............................
And well for my goodly first update of my studies :

Completing daily goals is hard lol!!

I've only managed to complete roughly 60% of my actual goal in past three days

But satisfaction of completing that 60% will do more good than disappointed over that 40%

So I updated

Share how's your study plan going those lovely people who accepted my proposal

Honestly I'm shocked I didn't get ignored on my proposal 😆😂😂
Instead I got so many replies

Love you giggles 💕

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