Snowbird/Fairgame Oneshots (B...

By AlphaWolf0215

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This started off as a Snowbird (Qrow x Winter) book...but I fell IN LOVE with Fairgame (Qrow x Clover), so th... More

Undercover Mission
Snow White Queen
Author's Note
An Idea
And The Winner Is....
It's a.....a bruise.
RWBY cereal!!!!
Snowbird on RWBY Chibi.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Happy Father's Day!
Winter's Secret
Sick Birdie
Two Ships
Fair Game: Qrow Done F'd Up
Lucky Snowbird: Starry Night
Lucky Snowbird: Cute Stuff
Fair Game: Date Night and A Street Fight
Fair Game: Caretaker Qrow
Lucky Snowbird: Cozy Night In
Snowbird Baby
Fair Game: AAAAAAAHHHHH!😭😭😭😭😭
Fair Game: Lung Infection
Extra: Art
Fair Game: Sparring Match
Fair Game: Wedding
Lucky Snowbird: Birdnapped
Fair Game: You Need A Break
Fair Game: I'm So Cold
Fair Game: Meet The Parents
Fair Game: Team CPPR
Fair Game: A Kiss From A Rose
Snow Day
Extra: New Story
Fair Game: Fragile Little Rose
Fair Game: We Are Family
Fair Game: Anniversary
Lucky Snowbird: Recovery
Fair Game: Nightmares
Fair Game: Lunch Date
Fair Game: Calling In Sick
Fair Game: Ace Op Betting Pool
Fair Game: Good Luck Isn't Always A Good Thing
Fair Game: Good Luck Isn't Always A Good Thing pt.2
Fair Game: Bird's Nest
Fair Game: Bird's Nest pt.2
Fair Game: Bird's Nest pt.3
Fair Game: Bitten
Fair Game: Bitten pt.2
Fair Game: Sick Child
Fair Game: Waking Up Next To You
Soulmate AU
Lucky Snowbird: Destress The Ice Queen
Fair Game: Faint
Fair Game: James Is NOT Okay
Fair Game: Not A Normal Stomach Ache
Fair Game: Don't Mess With Joanna's Boys
Fair Game: Birdflu
Fair Game: Some Dads Are Good, Some Aren't, But You're The Best
Fair Game: Tonsillitis
Fair Game: Give Him Back!
Fair Game: It's Just A Sprained Ankle
Fair Game: Heat Exhaustion
Fair Game: A Near Drowning Experience
Fair Game: Hoodie Thief
Fair Game: Coma
Fair Game: Coma pt.2
Fair Game: Lepidopterophobia
Fair Game: Headcanons
Fair Game: Clover's Parents
Fair Game: Father/Son/Son-In-Law Camping Trip
Fair Game: I'm Sorry
Fair Game: I Can't Breathe
Fair Game: Please Hold Me
Fair Game: Framed
Fair Game: Framed pt.2
Fair Game: Framed pt.3
Fair Game: Taking Care Of Daddy
Fair Game: Prank War
Fair Game: A Familiar Kind of Tenderness
Fair Game: Avalanche
Fair Game: Sweet As Roses
Extra: Face Reveal
Fair Game: Back From The Dead
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding (Characters)
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding pt.1
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding pt.2
Fair Game: The Bird At My Window
Fair Game: Warm Baths and Foot Massages
Fair Game: Family Time
Fair Game: Sickness and Helplessness
Fair Game: Here For You
Fair Game: Clover Doesn't Like Horror Movies
Fair Game: OTP Cuteness!
Fair Game: Sick and Stubborn
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.1
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.2
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.3
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.4
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.5
Fair Game: Attention
Fair Game: This Isn't A Joke
Fair Game: Raspberry Cheesecake
Fair Game: Lover's Quarrel
Fair Game: Nightmares Are The Worst
Fair Game: A Much Needed Vacation
Fair Game: Don't Sneak Up On An Ace Op
Fair Game: Baby's Bad Dreams
Fair Game: Soulmate AU
Fair Game: Fever Dreams
Fair Game: Fever Dreams pt.2
Fair Game: Unconscious Birdie
Fair Game: Unconscious Birdie(Alternative Ending)
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped!
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped! pt.2
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped! pt.3
Fair Game: Qrow Is A Crow
Fair Game: Qrow Is A Crow pt.2
Fair Game: Deadly Shrimp
Fair Game: Missing Child
Fair Game: Wisdom Teeth
Fair Game: Qrow Can't Swim
Fair Game: It's A "Bruise"
Fair Game: It's A "Bruise" pt.2
Fair Game: The Flu Sucks
Fair Game: The Flu Sucks pt.2
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.2
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.3
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.4
Fair Game: Roommates pt.1
Fair Game: Happy Father's Day
Fair Game: Roommates pt.2
Fair Game: Roommates pt.3
Fair Game: Roommates pt.4
Fair Game: Roommates pt.5
Fair Game: Roommates pt.6
Fair Game: Late Night Cuddles
Fair Game: OTP Cuteness 2
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.1
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.2
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.3
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.4
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.5
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.6
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.7
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.8
Fair Game: Poison Ivy
Fair Game: Poison Ivy pt.2
Fair Game: Tortured Bird
Fair Game: Tortured Bird pt.2
Fair Game: Save The Crow
Fair Game: Caught In The Act
Fair Game: Rainy Days
Fair Game: Otp Cuteness 3
Fair Game: "F**k You!" "...okay."
Fair Game: You Look Good In A Cape
Fair Game: Fighting The Flames For You
Fair Game: Sticky Situation
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.1
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.2
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.3
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.4
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.5
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.6
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.7
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.8
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.9
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.10
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.11
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.12
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.13
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.14
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.15
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.16
Fair Game: Qrow's Past pt.1
Fair Game: Qrow's Past pt.2
Fair Game: Fem!Clover
Fair Game: Birds of a Feather Don't Always Stick Together
Fair Game: Getting Caught🙄
Fair Game: Random Stuff
Fair Game: Spending Time in Argus
Fair Game: Strep Throat
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.1
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.2
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.3
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.4
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.5

Fair Game: A Blessing In Disguise

159 4 10
By AlphaWolf0215

The moment the sun rises is the moment Clover opens his eyes. His boyfriend, Qrow was still asleep in his arms, his back to his chest. With a lazy smile, Clover presses feather light kisses to the back of Qrow's neck. Qrow lets out a quiet little hum of pleasure, then shifts and meets his lips to Clover's. They have a little early morning make out session before Clover gets up out of bed...much to Qrow's disappointment.

"Noooo, come back to bed." Qrow groaned.

"Sorry, hun, we both have to attend a meeting with the general, so get up." Clover replied patting Qrow's leg.

"Nope. Not today." Qrow said hiding under the covers.

Clover chuckles and shakes his head. Qrow is not a morning person, if he could he would stay in bed until almost noon some days. 

"Come on, Qrow, this meeting's important." Clover said grabbing the covers.

He pulls but Qrow pulls back, so it turns into a tug-of-war. 

"Okay, what's it gonna take for you to get out of this bed?" Clover asked.

"...shower sex?" Qrow replied poking just his head out from the covers.

Then he smirks and wiggles his eyebrows, causing his boyfriend to blush and hide his face behind his hand.

"Y-you're a brat." Clover giggled.

"Yeah...but I'm your brat." Qrow said.

And with that, Clover throws the covers off of Qrow and picks him up then carries him into the bathroom. They did, indeed, have sex in the shower like Qrow wanted. After getting dressed, they head towards the general's office. Along the way, Clover notices that Qrow was frowning uncomfortably at his left arm as he rubbed it and flexed his fingers periodically.

"You okay, hun?" Clover asked him.

"Dunno, my arm feels kinda numb and tingly." Qrow told his boyfriend.

"It probably just fell asleep, don't worry too much about it." Clover assured him, rubbing his shoulder.

"'s probably nothing." Qrow agreed.

The two enter the general's office and stand with the other Ace Ops. The meeting started off pretty okay, but it somehow turned into a heated argument between Qrow and Ironwood, which turned into a full blown screaming match. The Ace Ops stood awkwardly to the side, not wanting to intervene, but also prepared to do so if the argument turned physical. The two were screaming at each other so much that their faces began to turn red.

"YOU KNOW WHAT, JAMES, YOU'RE A FU--" Qrow shouted, stopping mid sentence when he felt an extremely intense pain explode in his chest, knocking the breath out of him.

"Well? Finish your sentence, Qrow, I'd love to hear what ever childish insult you have to say." Ironwood replied, not paying attention to the way Qrow clutched at his chest.

With a pained yelp, Qrow falls to his knees, his chest feeling like it was both on fire and being smashed with a hammer...and his left arm going completely numb and limp. Ironwood's anger is replaced with concern when he sees Qrow suddenly collapse to his knees.

"Qrow? What's wrong?" Ironwood asked.

"Honey?!" Clover said running up and kneeling next to his boyfriend.

"Qrow, honey, tell me what's wrong." he said placing a hand on his back.

"M-my chest....hurts...bad...can't breathe....c-can't feel my arm." Qrow gasped, tears of pain in his eyes.

"That sounds like a heart attack." Vine said.

"Lieutenant Elderne, call for emergency medical assistance, now!" Ironwood ordered.

Elm nods then takes out her scroll and calls for help. Clover does his best to keep his boyfriend calm...while also trying not to freak out.

"Take slow breaths, baby bird, in and out." Clover told him, rubbing his back.

"I-I can't...m-my chest...arhg!" Qrow whimpered before crumbling to the floor.

Now he's laying on his side, curled up in a ball clutching his chest, his vision beginning to blur and double.

"Qrow! D*mn it, Qrow, stay awake!" Ironwood said kneeling at his side, opposite to Clover.

"Why is this happening to me!? I'm only 46, I'm too young for a heart attack!" Qrow thought in his panicked mind.

Everything started going dark once the medics arrived. They place him on a gurney and quickly wheel him to the infirmary. Clover and Ironwood get up off the floor and stand there shocked at what had just transpired.

"This doesn't make any sense why would this happen?" Clover asked.

"I don't know. I mean, he's not old enough for a heart attack." Ironwood shrugged.

"You don't think he could have something wrong with him that caused this, do you?" Clover asked worriedly.

"Hope not. Let's wait to see what the doctor says." Ironwood replied.

Clover heads to the infirmary and waits outside of the room Qrow was being treated in. He takes out his scroll and messages Ruby and Yang, telling them what's going on with their uncle. Then Clover suddenly remembers when Qrow was complaining about his arm feeling numb just before the meeting and remembers that he told Qrow that it was nothing and that he shouldn't worry about it.

"I'm such an idiot. He was obviously feeling off beforehand and I just brushed it off like it was nothing. Now...h-he might die of a heart attack and it's all my fault for not being attentive enough." Clover quietly cried, burying his face into his hands.

Ruby and Yang arrive just as the doctor was coming out.

"Is it true!? Did Uncle Qrow have a heart attack?" Ruby asked.

"How is he?" Yang asked.

"Doctor, how is doing, is he okay?" Clover asked the doctor.

"Mr. Branwen had a moderate heart attack, he's stable now, but still very weak. We're gonna keep him here for a couple days to monitor his heart. Now...does the patient have any history with alcohol abuse?" the doctor replied.

"Yes, he's been a heavy drinker for most of our lives." Yang told the doctor.

"He quit just before we arrived in Atlas." Ruby added.

"Are you saying his heart was weakened by the alcohol and that's why he had the heart attack?" Clover asked.

"Yes, excessive amounts of alcohol intake does a lot of damage on the body. Mainly the heart, liver, stomach, and kidneys...which brings me to the next set of not so great news. While working on his heart we discovered that he's in the early stages of liver disease. It's treatable and he should be fine within a couple months. But without the heart attack, we never would have caught it and it most likely would've gotten worse to the point where it was untreatable and he would've eventually died. a strange way...this heart attack was a bit of a blessing in disguise." the doctor explained.

Clover was a little shocked...he, nor Qrow, had no idea that he was actually that sick. He knew the next few months was gonna be a bit difficult...Qrow doesn't like anything having to do with medical stuff, so he's not going to like all the treatments and medicine he's going to have to take. The doctor lets Clover, Yang, and Ruby into Qrow's room, where he laid in a bed, pale as a ghost, bags under his eyes, and hooked up to various IV's and a heart monitor. The beeping of the heart monitor was steady, so that was a good sign. Clover sits down in the chair next to the bed and hold his boyfriend's hand. Ruby and Yang sit on the other side of Qrow and hold his other hand. An hour later, Qrow wakes up and smiles weakly when he sees his family by his side. 

"Hey guys." Qrow said, his voice hoarse and weak.

"Hey, honey." Clover said kissing Qrow's hairline.

"We're glad you're okay, Uncle Qrow. We were so worried." Ruby said as she and Yang hugged their uncle.

Next, Clover explains everything that the doctor said to Qrow.

"Ah d*mn, really? I had no idea my liver was that bad. These treatments are gonna suck aren't they?" Qrow groaned running his hand over his face.

"Yeah, but the doctor said you'll get better in no time. They were able to catch it in its early stages...though that was only because of you almost dying of a heart attack. And for that you'll have to take a pill, but until you get used to the medicine, you shouldn't be exposed to high levels of stress." Clover explained.

" was pretty much good luck that I had a heart attack otherwise I would've died a slow painful death from liver disease." Qrow said.

"Uncle Qrow, don't say it like that! Clover already feels bad enough about the whole heart attack thing, don't make it worse by bringing up sh*t like luck!" Yang scolded.

"Oh, sorry, babe, I didn't mean it like that." Qrow told Clover.

"It's alright, hun, I'm just glad you're okay now. You really scared us all when you collapsed like that and were clutching at your chest." Clover said, holding Qrow's hand and rubbing his thumb on the back of it.

There was a knock at the door, and Qrow calls out to whoever it is to come in; it was the general. Ironwood walks over to the bed and stands next to Clover.

"Hey, Jimmy, what brings you here?" Qrow asked.

"I just came by to see how you were doing." Ironwood replied.

"Well, I'm not dead, so that's a good thing. But, it turns out my liver is more f**ked up than my heart, so I'm gonna have to have a bunch of stupid treatments for the next couple months." Qrow told him.

"Woah...well...I hope you recover well." Ironwood said.

"Me too." Qrow replied.

"Hehehe." he chuckled.

"What?" Ironwood asked.

"It's just...for a long time...I'd always though I'd be the one to give you a heart attack." Qrow answered.

"Hmm, well I don't see how that's possible...according to you, I don't have a heart." Ironwood chuckled.

"Hahaha, yeah." Qrow laughed.

Once visiting hours were over, everyone except Clover left. Clover stayed by Qrow's side the entire time he was in the hospital. And he also never left his side throughout all the treatments Qrow had to go through for the liver disease he had. Qrow was very happy to have the man he loved to take care of him in his time of need. 

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