A Vampiric Love Story (manxma...

By BananaBeeH13

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James Blackborne was a guy with a mysterious background. The least surprising thing about him was that he was... More

An Adonis
About Vampires
My Dad
Coffee and Old Friends
Our Pasts
The Truth
The Punishment
Leaving Behind Abuse
Claiming What's Mine
The Future
Everything Almost Out in the Open
A Phone Call
Mark & Eric 1
Vlad & Nick 1
Vlad & Nick 2
Vlad & The Family
The Books
Morning Troubles
A Lost Art
The Ball Continues
Another Morning
High Witch
Explaining Fears
A New Face
The Letter
Volatile Greed

Trial and an End

336 16 3
By BananaBeeH13

Nick had never been to the Judicial Hall where Vlad and the other Vampiric heads decided on the fates of law-breaking vampires, rogue vampires, or other dangerous people
or creatures.

The room itself was large, fitting at least 200 people inside. It was round and looked like a courtroom most people see on TV shows. Instead of there being a raised desk for one person, normally the judge, the raised desk fit nine people behind it.

There were no tables that sat a defense attorney with a defendant. There was only an empty marble floor in front of the raised table, a small railing separating the area from the public sitting area. The railing was wrought iron and ornately twisted, until it formed a small swinging door to allow access onto the marble floor. In the very center of the floor was a metal loop the size of a fist, that looked worn and aged, but no less sturdy. 

Nick sat in the very back against the back wall by a pair of double doors, Riley next to him who was holding Andrei; the child slowly waking up from his nap. He was in a dark blue dinosaur onesie that had green floppy spikes on the back. The courtroom currently had 50 vampires sitting in the public area, the chairs made of a pale wood. They were not the most comfortable of chairs, Nick wishing he brought a pillow or something to sit on. The vampires were from nearby clans who had heard of Lord Laketon's crimes, wanting to see what happened at the trial themselves. It had been 100 years or so since a vampire had broken a law and was sentenced to death for their severe actions. Nick was sure vampires just liked to gossip like everyone else.

Nick watched as his mate and eight other clan heads started taking their seats at the raised bench. Vlad was in the very center seat, Nick only feeling pride swirl inside him.

Iosiph was next to Vlad, looking severe. The call from Mary about Mark getting wounded (and surviving because of Eric) made Iosiph one second away from lopping off Lord Laketon's head himself.

More vampires entered the room, everyone's voices overlapping each other.

Vlad was crisply organizing papers into a pile, his grayish eyes with tints of brown, catching Nick's eyes. Nick smiled, Vlad's eyes softening at his mate. Nick shyly looked away, resting his hand on his belly, wearing a puffy jacket that was an icy blue.

Vlad had immediately bought him the jacket the second Nick started to shiver, Vlad noticing there was a hole in one of the sleeves of Nick's old jacket.

Nick's heart remained in a constant sense of warmth and happiness, especially after the two weeks that had transpired up to this point.

Two Weeks Earlier

"Is this the place?" A tall, muscular man with mocha skin asked. He was in a whitish gray fur coat with a black military backpack.

"That's what the letter said," a man who had dark skin and black hair, partially hidden under a blue wool cap, said. He had a thick scarf and jacket on to match. 

"This place is pretty nice though, for a vampire villa or whatever," the man in the whitish gray fur coat said.

"We've been traveling forever!" A young boy said, who was about 16 years old or so. He was in a silver coat, the gauges in his ears the same color.

"Mansion is up ahead, you'll be fine," an older man said, dark skin with wrinkles and world weary dark eyes. He was leading the other three men through the villa as though he had lived there all his life.

"You volunteered to come anyway Cyrus," one of the men laughed, the sound closer to that of a sharp bark.

"I didn't think it would take so long! And I can't help my curiosity, Dion," Cyrus, the younger boy said, sticking out his tongue.

"We don't even know if what the letter said was true boys," the older man said, all four remaining confident in their stride even with so many vampires watching them closely as they passed through the small village.

"Don't say that alpha!"

"Just don't get your hopes up. Especially you Malik," the older man said. Malik, the man in the whitish gray fur coat and military backpack pouted.

"We need to verify who sent the letter anyway about there being a rare of our kind," Dion said, tugging his wool cap to cover his ears to try and keep out the cold.

"What was the name again?" Cyrus asked, sneaking over to hop on his brother's back and try to steal his warmth and get a piggy back ride.

Dion snorted, side stepping his younger brother who ran into Malik. Malik was barely phased, built like a tank, easily maneuvering the younger boy so he was walking in front of them; not even missing a step.

"I think it was some guy named Laketon," Cyrus said with a shrug.

"If there is a rare, we will be taking her back with us regardless," Malik said, crossing his arms.

"You just want a mate Mal, don't lie," Dion laughed, bouncing his brows up and down.

Walking along the long driveway up to the mansion, the four seemed to straighten further, having spotted several guards roaming close by. The gleam from their armor flitted between the trees in the forest that surrounded the mansion.

The grounds of the mansion were well kept, Cyrus pouting that it didn't look like a place for vampires from all the horror movies he saw. The older man clicked his tongue at the boy, holding back a chuckle.

They finally reached the entrance to the mansion. Two large, shiny mahogany doors with silver door handles. Cyrus hopped to the doorbell before anyone could stop him, ringing it. Dion promptly smacked Cyrus on the back of the head.

The door creaked open, a pretty maid peeking out. She was in a frilly maid outfit looking suspiciously at them. She looked them over slowly, no doubt smelling something close to a werewolf's scent.

"Can I help you?" She asked quietly.

"Sorry to bother you ma'am," the older man said kindly. The maid seeming to relax a little at his gentle tone.

"We received a letter from a vampire with very important information we needed to confirm. Is there a chance we could have an audience with the Head Vampire here?" The older man asked.

"Who is this letter from?" The maid asked.

"A man named Lord Laketon. We are unsure of who they are or their position within the clan," the older man said, frowning at the way the maid stiffened slightly.

The maid eyed them once more, allowing them into the open entryway. The three younger men seemed grateful for the warmth that wrapped around them once stepping through.

"This way please," the maid said, leading them to a small living room with warm tones of browns, blues, and maroon. Cyrus immediately stood by the fireplace that was roaring, warming his chilled fingers.

"Please wait here while I get his Lordship. Mindy will be out with refreshments," the maid said, gone in nearly the second she finished her sentence.

Before Dion, or heaven forbid Cyrus could complain, another maid dressed exactly the same as the first, came out with a tray. She set it on the table delicately before leaving.

There was an assortment of cookies, scones, a teapot that was steaming from the spout with four overturned empty tea cups of pastel blue.

"Sweet!" Cyrus gushed, pouring himself a cup, starting to munch on the cookies.

"Try to keep yourself together Cyrus," Malik said, rolling his eyes but accepting the cookie Cyrus offered him.

"Pretty nice so far. Way different from the stories we've heard," Dion said, joining Cyrus with eating cookies and drinking tea.

"You want some alpha?" Cyrus asked, the older man shaking his head no. The old alpha sensed the vampire before seeing him, turning and slightly bowing his head in respect. The three younger men froze in place.

The man who greeted them was in his mid thirties perhaps. He looked to be dressed in business casual wear, but looked no less formidable. The three younger men were surprised with how the vampire looked, normally hearing of vampires being pale, sickly looking, and thin. He was pale of course, but nothing else rang true.

"I am sorry for the abruptness of this meeting. I am Alpha Baris. These are my sons Dion and Cyrus, and my best warrior Malik," Baris said.

"I am Markovnik Blackborn," Mark replied in kind, in a heavy Russian accent.

"But you can call me Mark," Mark said, his accent switching to a more American one.

"Blackborn," Baris said in shock, bowing his head even further than the first time; shocking the three younger men behind him who didn't know what was going on.

"Your brother is the King of Vampires, Iosiph Blackborn," Baris said with awe, Cyrus nearly dropping his cookie. Mark gave a low laugh that was warm.

"Some think in terms like that. You are correct however," Mark said, slowly walking around the room, almost aimlessly. His footsteps so quiet, Malik had to strain his ears to even hear the brush of his pant legs as he moved.

"What can I do for you Alpha Baris?" Mark asked, running his hand over the top of the dark brown couch, heading towards the window.

"We received a letter some time ago from a man named Lord Laketon claiming that there was a rare of our kind in the largest vampire clan in Russia. At first we scoffed at the claim, but then I started to wonder how the man found our pack. We are a very secluded pack, Lord Blackborn. Our numbers are so few that we would stand no chance against a large enemy. So, after much discussion it was agreed to check out the claim. No matter the outcome, I would like to know how he found us," Baris finished. Mark had ended up leaning against the windowsill with his arms crossed.

"Do you have this letter?" Mark asked. Baris nodded, pulling the letter out of the breast pocket of his jacket. He handed it to Mark before standing closer to the three younger men. Cyrus was chewing his cookie slowly as he watched the man. Dion and Malik were at attention like soldiers.

Mark started a slow pace in front of the window as he careful read the letter.

"And you've never met this man before?" Mark asked, his black eyes sharp and cold suddenly.

Baris shook his head no, Mark's shoulders relaxing minutely after a tense few seconds, the four noticed.

"That is good then. The man who wrote you this letter, Lord Laketon, is currently imprisoned for treason and will be executed in a couple weeks time," Mark said tersely, the four shocked at the news.

"I can have my men see how Lord Laketon came to find your pack, however, since he is not to be executed yet," Mark said with a shrug.

"So the information about a rare was a ruse then?" Baris smiling bitterly, "we will be grateful for any information you can gather from the man about us."

Mark suddenly raised his hand, telling Baris to hold on a moment.

"I never said there wasn't a rare here," Mark said carefully. All four men suddenly straightened, the youngest almost bouncing in place.

"But there are several things I need to confirm. Such as, are you really, what was the word? Zhivotnykh lyudi," Mark's heavy Russian accent coming out.

The three younger men cocked their heads at the word, Baris barking out a laugh.

"I have not heard that term in years! But yes, we are the animal people," Baris said, "Myself and my sons Dion and Cyrus can shift into two forms. Malik can shift into three. We have no rares in our pack and we have never seen one personally. The last person to see a rare had died some time ago."

"What do you know about rares?" Mark asked curiously.

"Ooh! Pick me!" Cyrus jumped up, Dion smacking his forehead in embarrassment. Mark chuckled at the boy.

"They're supposed to be rare cause they have fair skin and light hair. The exact opposite of us!" Cyrus finished, having ignored his brother's antics.

"They also," Dion started, glaring at Cyrus, "are supposed to be able to shift into a lot of forms. The old woman from our pack who had died, said the one she met was a beautiful woman who could shift into five forms," Dion added.

"Five!" Cyrus chirpped.

"Stop giving him so much information," Malik snapped, Mark's gaze steady on the young man.

"And what will you do if I introduce you?" Mark asked.

"We had initially wanted to take them to our pack to see if she was mates to one of our own," Dion said quickly.

"She belongs with people of her own kind," Malik growled, eyes flashing. Mark smirked, fangs elongating and eyes turning a dark red.

"Be careful of how you speak to me child," Mark said, lifting his hand only for the black military backpack that had been set down by the fireplace to fly into his hand. Mark pushed the backpack against Malik's chest, the man's arms automatically coming up to grab it.

Cyrus made a high pitch sound, Dion slapping his hand over his brother's mouth, all four men's eyes growing large in shock.

"And if I were to tell you they already have a mate?" Mark asked, his eyes and teeth returning back to normal.

"We would still like to introduce ourselves, in case she is curious," Baris said, trying to mediate since Malik spoke far too improperly to the vampire. Also trying to act that he's seen vampires use telekinesis, which is impossible and he hasn't.

"I am assuming from all the questions, that you think of her as family," Baris said suddenly, as though things just clicked.

"That is correct," Mark said, leaning against the wall next to the open doorway of the small living room.

"You expect us to believe that?" Malik asked sharply, Baris silently warning Malik to watch his tone.

"The rare is from the States. Their mate is here and we've all become like family," Mark said with a shrug as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

The five remained quiet, though Malik looked twitchy.

"If they want to meet you then it is up to them, understand?" Mark said, all four relaxing slightly.

"Though I wonder if you would feel the same knowing the rare is a he," Mark said, walking out of the room.

"A male rare? Is that possible?" Dion asked, never hearing of rares being anything other than female.

"Exceedingly," Baris said, shock still coloring his tone.

"I'll believe it when I see it," Malik scoffed. Cyrus promptly stuffed another cookie into his mouth.


"Nick..." Vlad's voice soft.

"I, I still can't believe this! This is, this is terrifying Vlad!" Nick's voice slightly hysteric behind the closed door.

"It's not like I've been a father before either babe," Vlad said gently.

Mark sighed, hating to interrupt the two during a serious discussion, rapping on the door regardless.

Mark walked in, seeing Vlad caressing his thumb along Nick's cheekbone. Nick flushed, not knowing how much of the discussion Mark heard. All of it, considering everyone's heightened hearing.

"Sorry you two. Something's come up," Mark said seriously.


Mark left the room after explaining the situation and the letter. Nick had gradually ended up sitting on the bed in shock, nervous butterflies erupting in his stomach. 

"Nick, do you want to meet with them? If you do not I can send them away," Vlad said softly, not sure how to feel about the situation himself. 

"I..." Nick's voice breaking a little, Vlad immediately wrapping an arm securely around his beloved's waist. 

Nick chewed on his bottom lip, Vlad's fingers sneaking under the hem of Nick's shirt to draw soothing patterns above his mate's hip. 

"I would like to meet with them," Nick whispered.

"Moy Svet (My light), are you sure? I do not want you to have anymore undo stress. Getting kidnapped is one thing and then finding out -" Vlad began.

"I'm alright moya lunu (my moon)," Nick sighing, bringing up his hand so he could caress Vlad's cheek. Vlad let out a heavy sigh, nodding.


Cyrus was eyeballing the last scone, Malik talking with their pack alpha while Dion ventured inside the little waiting area looking at everything. Cyrus turned, hearing something soft padding into the room. 

Cyrus promptly squealed, slapping both his hands against his cheeks, his smile showing all his teeth. He grabbed the immediate attention of the other three. 

A small child, one who was perhaps not even a toddler yet, had crawled in. He had dark black hair and big blue eyes. He was in a white bear onesie with a hood that had round ears on top and paws on his feet and hands. The baby had been happily crawling along, head popping up when hearing Cyrus' squeal. The baby gave his own smile that was gummy, giggling.

"You are just the cutest little thing I've  ever seen!" Cyrus waving his hands in front of his face like he was trying to cool down. 

"Cyrus, get a hold of yourself," Malik said, brow raising, but cocking his head curiously at the child. 

"What are you doing here little bear?" Baris chuckled, wiggling his fingers at the baby who wiggled his bottom, trooping along as he crawled.

"Andrei Matthew! You come back here and eat your carrots!" A voice called from a bit far away.

Dion and Cyrus snickered at each other, the four men watching the baby, most likely an escapee, scurry along the room. They looked up, seeing a petite man who looked more like a description of a vampire. He was thin with fair skin and black hair. He was in a nice pair of pants and a dark blue sweater. The young man froze when he saw the four men, his baby in the middle of the room by the cookie tray. 

"We are waiting for Lord Blackborn to return so we can finish our meeting," Baris said quickly, raising his hands in surrender, noticing the way the young man's eyes sharpened at them. The young man blinked in shock, a faint pink blush on his cheeks.

"I am so sorry for the interruption!" The young man said quickly, hurrying to scoop the baby into his arms. The baby wailed in surprise, still trying to crawl away. 

"He is adorable!" Cyrus squealed again, the young man giggling.

"Thank you," the man said, glaring at his baby who glared right back. Cyrus scooched a little closer, smiling widely at the baby, the baby repeating the action. 

"You almost made it little guy!" Cyrus laughed, wiggling his fingers at the baby, Andrei babbling in his daddy's  arms. 

"Please don't encourage him, he gets away with everything," the young man laughed, Cyrus joining him. 

"Riley?" Lord Blackborn asked, cocking his head and looking suspiciously at the four men who stiffened immediately at his entry.

"Andrei escaped healthy veggie time, again," Riley sighed, rolling his eyes. Mark snickered, running his fingers through the baby's hair. 

"Nobody likes vegetables vnuk*(grandchild)," Mark nodding sagely at Andrei, Riley glaring at the man.

"Why does everyone encourage him!" Kai grumbled. 

"Kotenka?" A voice called, a man looking similar to Mark stepping in, eyes sharpening at the four men; and especially Cyrus who was closest to his mate and son.

"My son, James," Mark introduced, James holding Riley against him so the majority of his body was towards the men while almost hiding Andrei from view. 

"Pa! A-Pa!" Andrei giggled, making grabby hands towards James, his eyes softening when they flicked down to his son, running his fingers through his son's hair, but immediately looking back at the four men curiously, not relaxing in the slightest. 

"Moy Lev, we're alright. Andrei just escaped again and interrupted a meeting," Riley said gently, Andrei making crawling motions, wanting to be put down again.

"Not surprised," James smirked, Riley now glaring at James.

"He gets this rebellion from you and I'm the one that suffers you know," Riley growled, James snorting a laugh, kissing Kai softly. 

"Uh? Who's the dad?" Cyrus asked, cocking his head, Dion smacking his forehead again.

"Don't ask things like that Cyrus!" Dion hissed at him, Cyrus flushing and looking sheepish. 

"Andrei is our son," James said, pointing to himself and Riley. 

"Two men -" Malik started, brows furrowing and speaking in a tone that neither Riley, Mark, or James liked. 

"Is not unheard of Malik," Baris said carefully, Malik getting thin lipped. 

James moved himself so he was a little more in front of Riley and Andrei, Cyrus and Dion looking apologetically at them.

"Well, is she coming down?" Malik asked, looking at Mark who raised a brow at the man.

"Yes, though I recall telling you that they are a he," Mark said sharply.

James and Riley looked sidelong at each other before something clicked. Before either could confirm what they were thinking, the four men stiffened.


The second Nick stepped into the entrance hall he could already smell scents similar to his own; though they had much warmer undertones. Nick was surprised by the scents, Vlad worrying his brows.

"Love?" Vlad asked quietly.

"Can you smell them Vlad?" Nick asked, voice hushed. The last time he could smell someone similar to himself, was when his mother was alive.

"I can smell something similar to werewolves," Vlad said, not sure why his mate was so fixated.

"No, it's different," Nick said, looking much braver as he headed into the adjoining room. 

Once stepping into the room, Nick was met with several pairs of eyes. The most intense ones being from four dark skinned men who were in winter traveling gear.

No one seemed to move in the room. The four newcomers stared at Nick in shock.

"I am Baris. Alpha to Black Sand. The people of many forms," Baris said, bowing his head and torso slightly, his hand in a fist, crossed over his chest.

"These are my sons Dion and Cyrus. Our best warrior, Malik," Baris introduced. The warrior Malik looked somewhere between stunned and confused. Dion had his mouth dropped a little and Cyrus lit up, looking ready to ask a million and one questions.

"My name is Nick," Nick said quietly, taking a step forward with Vlad just behind him. He had blindly grabbed for Vlad's hand, finding it easily as their fingers laced together.

"Mark mentioned that a woman had come to your pack a long time ago. What did she look like?" Nick asked, his hand tightening around Vlad's.

"She was of fair skin and hair, just like you. Tall and willowy. Her smile was bright and her eyes were blue," Baris said. A memory flitted through Nick's memory of what the woman looked like, always wishing that he had been born with his mother's blue eyes instead of gray.

"Do you have a picture of her?" Nick asked. Baris cocked his head at the question, slowly shaking his head no.

"We have not had the pleasure of seeing her again. She had only briefly stayed in our pack for a few months, deciding it was time to move on," Baris said. Cyrus looked like he was trying to shuffle closer so he could sniff at Nick. He refrained from doing so with the lanky, proper looking vampire behind Nick giving Cyrus a death glare.

"Do you know of whom I speak?" Baris continued, curious about Nick as well.

"Do you remember her name?" Nick asked, mouth dry and hope filling his heart. He only knew a little about his mother since she had died when he was still young.

"Let's see now..." Baris mumbled, scratching at his five o'clock shadow, "it wasn't a common name but still very pretty. Oh, it was Charlotte! She liked being called Charlie though," Baris chuckled. Nick burst out into a gorgeous toothy smile, eyes wet, moving a piece of his blond hair delicately behind his ear.

"It's very nice to meet the son of dear Charlie," Baris said at the realization, extending out his hand politely. Nick shook the man's hand, unable to stop smiling.

"I'm Cyrus!" The younger boy bouncing happily into Nick's space, grabbing Nick's hand to shake with both of his.

"And that's my brother Dion!" Cyrus pointing with one hand at his exasperated brother who was looking pointedly at Cyrus for his lack of manners.

"The grumbly prickly pear over there is Malik," Cyrus then pointing to Malik who ended up leaning against the window frame with his arms crossed; looking very much put out.

"I have two forms! I can turn into a fox and a roe deer!" Cyrus said, "my brother can turn into a wildcat and a Caucasian lynx."

"Cy," Dion grumbled, rubbing at his temples.

"Dad told us stories about your mom and she had five forms! How many do you have? How do you do it? How-" Cyrus was cut off mid sentence with Baris covering the boy's mouth with his hand, looking apologetic at Nick; the blond looking overwhelmed.

"He's just very excited to meet a rare but he's harmless," Baris said. Cyrus looked mock offended at that, crossing his arms.

"It's alright," Nick said shyly, smiling kindly at Cyrus who was no longer pouting. Nick turned his head to look at his mate, feeling Vlad's hand sneak under the back of his shirt so he was rubbing soothing circles into his low back.

"I'm not sure how many forms I have..." Nick said softly, looking up at Vlad.

"He has four main forms he likes to rotate between, but I'm sure he could be whatever animal he so chooses," Vlad said, nuzzling his nose against Nick's temple.

"The first form I was ever in was a dog," Nick said, Baris nodding encouragingly.

"Then a bear," Riley said from across the room, blowing bubbles against his baby's cheek; a happy squeal following.

"A type of jaguar or large cat," Vlad continued.

"That's one of Malik's forms! He can turn into a jaguar, a lion and a wildcat," Cyrus said, bouncing on his toes. Malik had a slight dark flush on his cheeks at being mentioned.

"I've never been a fox before and I love foxes!" Nick said excitedly, stepping closer to Cyrus who had large eyes, squealing.

"Another warrior in the pack is a bear but I'd love to see what you look like as a bear!" Cyrus said.

"Cyrus, that isn't polite," Baris admonished gently. Cyrus flushed, everyone who had been silently watching the conversation assuming it was rude to ask someone to shift into a form for them.

"It's alright Alpha Baris. I would like to see Cyrus' fox form too," Nick said. Cyrus looked like he was about to run around in a circle in a second.

"Are you sure it's safe to shift right now?" Vlad asked quietly against Nick's ear; everyone hearing the man anyway. Nick frowned, looking up at Vlad, unsure.

"Is something wrong? I can assure you we have not come with the intent to harm anyone. We are a peaceful people," Baris said, raising his hands up in surrender.

"My words were not directed at you and not meant as an insult, I assure you," Vlad said seriously. The three shifters cocked their head curiously at him, wondering what he meant.

"Vedma said it should be fine, at least until I am in my last trimester," Nick said shyly, Vlad's brows furrowing with worry regardless. He kissed Nick's temple warmly after a moment with a sigh.

"Just be careful, Moy Svet," Vlad mumbled.

"Yay!" Cyrus cheered, already taking off some of his winter garb. The other three dark skinned men looked stunned, Malik rubbing his hands over his face like he was trying to rub away his shock. The fact that they heard the word trimester associated with a male had stunned them in place.

"Cyrus, outside boy. Your mother will have your hide for being so rude to shift in someone's home," Baris said, crossing his arms, having gotten ahold of his emotions again.

"Fine," Cyrus groaned, hopping on one foot as he bounced towards the front door while trying to take off his shoe.

Nick couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's antics, the group slowly following outside. Once Cyrus hit grass, nearly butt naked at that point, he had shifted into black haired fox. The large poofy tail swishing about in excitement. Nick's heart stuttered, a bit overwhelmed that there really were others like him. Nick politely went off to the side to take off his clothes, Vlad guarding him from wandering eyes. Nick kissed him playfully, observing Cyrus who was laying down cutely on the lawn.

A fox Nick's mind whispered. Closing his eyes, Nick felt the shift in his body. It felt similar to when he shifted into his large cat form. Opening gray eyes, Nick took careful stock of how his body felt. Cyrus bound up to him, running in circles in his excitement.

"Don't crowd him now Cyrus," Baris said gently. The group watched the two shifters play briefly, Nick getting used to the different feel of being a fox. A large yawn left the blond fox, Nick shuffling off to the side to shift back and get his clothes on. Cyrus had to be snatched by his brother who was whining and rolling around on the grass, dodging his brother happily before he was caught. The group headed back inside to the main entrance hall. Vlad had his hand underneath the back of Nick's shirt, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against his back.


"I am glad we have met you, Nick," Baris said congenially, finishing the last dregs of his coffee. The large group had headed inside for a late lunch before reclining in the living room.

"Though I am unsure of the nephareous plans this Lord Laketon had for bringing us here, I am glad you agreed to see us."

Nick smiled softly, everyone standing to see the small party off. Baris had offered Nick and his family to come to their pack Black Sand whenever they would like. Nick was nearly brought to tears at the invitation, Vlad brushing away tears that had already escaped his beloved. 

"It is good to know we have allies south of Russia," Mark said, shaking hands with Baris, the two having talked quietly for a few minutes, off to the side. 

"Mark? Moya noch?" A voice called, the newcomers gaping at the man who walked in. He was elegant, tall, with sharp features, sporting a very pregnant belly. His eyes were sharp on the group, but his face was gentle. 

"Moya Zvezda! (My star)! You should be resting! Vedma said you are close now," Mark hurrying to the man, Eric kissing him gently, cupping his cheeks, before pulling away to look at the four dark skinned animal people.

"It is a pleasure to meet Markovnic Blackborn's mate," Baris bowing his head to Eric, "we wish you and the child health."

Baris bringing up his hands, one in a fist and one open and holding the fist, in front of him, head bowing again. 

"We wish you and the child health," Dion and Cyrus mumbled, doing the same motion, their voices with evident shock. Malik hadn't moved, mouth slightly gaping. Eric smiled softly at the men, heading towards them. 

"Before you go, I do recommend you see the Russian circus this year. I'm sure it will be life changing," Eric said mysteriously, everyone looking at him. Baris cocked his head in confusion, the four men backing up sharply when Eric's hair turned white along with his eyes. 

"W-Warlock," Baris' voice dry, gulping sharply. The vampires could hear the animal people's hearts speed up when their alpha's did.

"Riley, I do believe your mate has properly distracted you from Andrei's veggie time," Eric turning to him, hair going back to black, eyes returning to warm hazel. 

Riley's head immediately snapped to James', hair turning white, eyes blazing green, fuscia colored aura forming around him. James pouted at his mate, holding up Andrei in front of him like a shield. 

"But Kotenka, he ate vegetables at dinner," James murmured, Andrei wiggling little hands and feet at Riley, Riley cooling down his warlock side. Harumphing as he snatched his baby, turning so his back was to James. 

Cyrus made a squeaking sound, eyes round and huge along with the other three. 

"If my beloved says you should go to the circus, as random and strange as it sounds, it should be followed," Mark said sternly, Baris' eyes snapping to the head vampire. 

"How do we know it is not some kind of trap?" Malik snapped, Eric raising his chin, stepping towards the man. The three other dark skinned men did not stop him, still in shock and slightly terrified of Eric. Warlocks were unheard of, even the animal people believing them to be extinct. Even seeing petite Riley shift into something more formidable, there was just an air about Eric that made them want to back off. 

"You will have to learn to get past this notion of homosexuality not being normal or things will not go well. Strength comes in many forms, Malik. You will have to make a choice soon," Eric's voice low, nearly a whisper. A bead of sweat ran down his neck, Malik feeling bubbling anger form inside him before just as quickly cooling. 

"Thank you, we will consider it," Baris saying carefully, with another bow from all the men, including Malik, the four headed out of the main house. 

"What did you see moya zvezda?" Mark asked, placing his hand on Eric's low back, his mate having brought up his hands to cup the underside of his heavy belly. 

"The possibility of the animal people growing if the right choices are made," Eric said, Nick coming over to hug him, whispering a thank you. 

"Off to bed then!" Mark stated, half a second from lifting his mate up to bring him back to their bedroom.

"But Mark, I'm bored!" Eric whined, Mark completely ignoring him as he whisked his mate away. 


"Dad! We're over here," Riley called, waving his hand to his father who had come in through a side door with Mark. Mark kissed Eric warmly, deeply, brushing his hand through the dark black hair of the baby in the sling against Eric's chest. Mark headed up to the overlooking high table to sit next to his son Vlad, Iosiph on Vlad's other side already. The other heads of the clans were making their way up as well, the trial about to begin. 

"How is she today?" Riley asked happily, Eric beaming, looking so happy. He had given birth about ten days ago, Mark a horrible mess as Vedma and Zayden helped with the birth. Not that the rest of the family hadn't been either, Mary pacing in front of her husband during the whole thing. Nick kept flinching every time he heard Eric grunting in pain. Alex had big round eyes during the whole thing, Antone holding his mate close to his side. 

When the sounds of a baby crying were suddenly heard, it felt like the air stilled in the room all of a sudden. Eric's soft crying joined it, Mark nervously having made his way to his mate hidden in the medical room. Seeing the two brought back old memories, but all of it was new again. A new life he had that made him whole once more. 

That was the day Natalya Blackborn came into the world, big wonderous dark black eyes and thick black hair. Mark had burst into tears along with his sons. He had a daughter. 

"She's doing alright. Little fussy this morning. Her Father wouldn't let her go," Eric rolling his eyes fondly. His little girl had all the Blackborn men wrapped around her tiny little finger. She was in a soft pink wrap against Eric's chest, wearing a pretty cream colored head band with a big soft pink flower. Everyone had a field day buying little girl clothes at the baby store, another store indeed being attached to the only one in town. Her brothers were definitely already protective of her, Nat always smiling gummy smiles at them. 

"Bring in the accused," Vlad called, everyone in the hall quieting. Eric couldn't help but press Natalya closer to his chest, Riley doing the same with Andrei who was yawning, looking droopy eyed. Nick was rubbing his protruding belly, already looking farther along, ready to pop. 

Laketon was tossed on the stone floor with little ceremony by Antone, Zayden following behind him. Zayden cast a spell against the man's chains once they were locked to the metal ring on the stone floor. 

Laketon hissed up at Vlad and the rest of the vampires that sat in front of him. He looked a mess. Blood and bruises littered over him, clothes torn.

"Yevegniy Laketon," Vlad said, standing, "Your crimes are extensive. Attempted murder of Markovnik Blackborn. Attempted kidnapping of James Blackborn's mate and infant. Attempting to kidnap and sell Nick White to a black market seller. We found out you would attempt such a deed if Nick had agreed to go with the animal people of the pack Black Sand, hiring mercenaries to kill them as well," Vlad's voice even and smooth, everyone able to feel the undercurrent of rage from the vampire. Nick felt Riley's hand squeeze his own, looking up from his lap at Vlad's words. Soft dark brown eyes with gray meeting his own soft gray eyes, Vlad's tight shoulders easing slowly. 

Vlad continued to list the long list of crimes Laketon had committed, having scoured every paper trail and evidence they came across. There were ripples of disgust in the crowd, hisses and murderous intent that could be felt. 

"As such, with the crimes stated and proof collected, Yevegniy Laketon is herby sentenced to death by beheading, body burned to ash," Vlad said, the rest of the vampires up at the table with him stone faced, sneers and angry malevolence coming from them. 

"You think you can do this boy!? I am Lord Laketon. I have lived long enough in this world to do as I see fit. You dare challenge me!? You who has bedded some creature who carries your seed. You taint the vampire bloodline!" 

Nick hurried out of the room followed by Riley, Eric baring his teeth at the man before he hurried after the two. Vlad stood behind the raised bench, fury rolling off of him. 

"You aren't the only one either!" Laketon barking out a laugh, "planting your seed in warlocks? Are you mad!? They'll be unstable! Retarded!" Laketon laughing, blood dripping from his mouth, eyes crazed. The rest of the bench stood at his words, hissing and snarls coming from the other bench members. Zayden had stepped forward, gaze icy, having pushed John and Alex behind him since the two had been standing off to the side as guards for the proceeding. Antone had already unsheathed his sword that was at his hip, standing next to the kneeling atrocity at his feet. 

"You think I am the only one to think this!? You think there aren't others who will wish you dead?" Laketon howled.

"There will always be small minded people in the world. Bigots, jealous insolent fools who scream at others for being monsters, when they themselves are the monster," Vlad hissed. Iosiph raised his hand to silence anymore words from any of the vampires within the room, many of the vampires in the crowd yelling in outrage at how far Laketon had gone to hurt even those of his own kind. For not understanding that even if someone were a different specie, the mating bond was a work of God, or nature, or something higher. It's purpose only to aid that species. Whether it be vampires, or werewolves, the animal people or warlocks. It didn't matter. It was always for the better because it was essentially like finding the other half of your soul.

Antone handed the blade to Iosiph, rage in his eyes at the man who tried to kill his brother. With a swish in the air, Laketon's head was removed from his body. 

"Burn it," Iosiph snarled, the vampires in the room slowly leaving the hall. 

Nick was sitting further away from the Judicial Hall, Riley and Eric standing with their babies in their arms, talking quietly.

"Nick," Vlad suddenly there, cupping Nick's cheeks.

"I'm alright, just didn't want to hear anymore nonsense," Nick said, the rest of the family coming out, not wanting to be around for the burning; Vedma taking care of it.

"Oof," Nick flinching, Vlad's hands immediately over his mate's belly.

"Your children just don't want me to have kidneys," Nick pouted, Vlad beaming happily. Mary, her husband Tomas, Iosiph, and Mark chuckling at him, the others smiling. Riley and Eric sympathetic, though everyone was elated to hear that Nick was having twins. Vlad almost fainting.

"I'm glad it just finally over," Alex sighed, Antone holding his love close.

"There are too many snakes like them in the world," Zayden said, shaking his head, John holding him around the waist.

"I think our growing family will be strong enough to handle what is to come in the future," Eric smiling, Mark raising both his brows at his mate.

"Dad, what did you see?" Riley asked curiously, James holding him tight, nuzzling into his son's soft hair.


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