Peppermint (DM smut love stor...

By BK_malfoy

532K 10K 6.2K

The rest of the class is filled with intruding thoughts. Why is Malfoy making you blush? Why is his touch mak... More

51 - DRACO


4.2K 98 72
By BK_malfoy

"WE FIGHT." DRACO ANSWERS LUX. "Right, Bec?" You nod in agreement with him.

"But I don't get who we're fighting for and against now?" Lux asks, perplexed.

"We fight for Potter, for Hogwarts. For our home, our family." You look to the three of them, as they all look around at each other. There was a chance that you would be killed by Voldemort if he found out you were rebelling against him, but there was also a chance you would all die regardless. "We fight for what's right."

"Thompson, there you are!" You turn around, seeing Theo running towards you. "I've been looking everywhere for you..." he trails off when he sees you and Draco.

"Oh, I um- I'll just..." he points in the opposite direction, going to walk away.

"Hey, Nott." Draco shouts, causing Theo to stop and turn back around. "It's cool."

He looks to Blaise and Lux, confused. "Wait, really?" He asks.

"Yeah, really?" Blaise also adds, making Lux slap his arm.

"Yeah, there's no way it's going to happen again. So, it's cool." There's a long pause from everyone. "Isn't that right, Bec?"

You roll your eyes at him and hold your left hand up, showing off your engagement ring.

"Fuck off!" Lux shouts, grabbing your hand and examining your ring. "Nice job, Malfoy."

Theo walks over to the both of you, shaking Malfoy's hand. Blaise then grabs Malfoy and pulls him into a bear hug, dragging him away.

"Congrats, Havelock."

"Theo, I'm sorry. But, it was always him."

"No... no, I know! It-it's fine." He brushes it off but you weren't sure you believed him, the look in his eyes seemed to betray his words.

Lux interrupts your conversation, which you were very grateful for, and pulls you into a hug. "Oh my god! I can't believe this! Why didn't you tell me?!" She shouts at you.

"I was a bit busy being a death eater, Lux. Couldn't exactly throw an engagement party, could I?"

"Oh my god! An engagement party, brilliant idea! After the whole war thing is over, of course." You roll your eyes at her as she goes off on a tangent, rambling about decorations and dress codes.

"Okay, so... are we really going to do this?" Blaise interrupts.

"I guess?" Lux answers.

"Wait, what do what? What did I miss?" Theo asks.

"Oh, not much. Just that we have decided to go behind Voldemort's back and stand with Hogwarts." Draco answers in a sarcastic tone.

Theo nods his head. "Right. Not much then." He smirks at Draco.

"Exactly. Let's go." Draco grabs your hand, pulling you back towards the war that was happening right beneath your feet. The adrenaline is coursing through your veins, making your heart pound faster and faster. You can hear the sound of screaming echoing through the empty halls.

"Bec!" Draco was waving his hand in front of your face, trying to get your attention.

"Huh?" You answer, almost running to keep up with him.

"Are you listening to me? Are you okay?" He looks concerned. You must have zoned out.

"I-I'm fine. I'll be fine." You continue heading towards the fight, running down the stairs hand in hand, Blaise, Lux and Theo following behind you.

"You don't have to do this, you know. You can disapparate now, you'll be safe. I'll make sure of it."

"No way am I leaving you or anyone else here to fight while I run away to safety."

"Yeah, I thought as much." He smirks at you. "I love you, okay?"

Before you can tell him you love him too, he pushes you out the way, slamming you into a wall. A bright green light skims past your face, missing you by inches.

"Stupefy!" Draco shoots a spell back in defence. He turns to look at you. "Bec, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He rushes over to you and pulls you into an alcove for cover, placing his arms either side of the wall next to your head.

"Don't be sorry, you just saved me! I'm fine, don't worry about me. And thank you."

He scoffs. "Asking me to not worry about you, is like asking me not to breathe." He looks you over, as if he doesn't believe you when you said you're alright.

"Draco, I'm fine. Honestly." You place your hand against his face, rubbing your thumb backwards and forwards. You see his expression relax at your touch.

"Okay. But be more careful." You nod and he turns to walk away and catch up with the others. You pause for a moment, taking a deep breath.

"Draco!" You shout, walking out of the alcove and not the hall, he stops and spins around to look at you, puzzled. "I love you too." You shout with a smile. He returns a smile and hurries back to you, grabbing either side of your face and crushing his lips against yours.

"Come on, we've got a war to win." He smirks as he intertwines his fingers with yours, pulling you along with him. You catch up with Lux, Blaise and Theo, all of you drawing your wands.

"This is crazy!" Blaise says, looking down over the courtyard. There were hundreds of witches and wizards throwing spells backwards and forwards, trolls were attacking students, hundreds of dead bodies lay scattered across the ground. Hogwarts didn't look at all like it used to, rubble lay all around, parts of the building had crumbled from explosions. All of a sudden, everyone stopped fighting, lowering their wands. You could hear a voice echoing inside your head, it was Him.

"You have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat." You see all of the Death Eaters lowering their wands. "In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me."

"Oh my god. This is it." You whisper to Draco. "What do we do?"

"We pay our respects." He answers, you look around between the five of you, everyone nods slightly in agreement. Draco walks towards a body, lifting it up off the ground. "Come on." You look closer and realise it's Colin Creevey. He was a year below you, a Gryffindor. He carries him gracefully in his arms, taking him towards the Great Hall. Lux takes your hand as you both follow Draco, Theo and Blaise to the hall. You enter, and all eyes turn to the five of you.

"What are you doing here? I think you need to leave." Seamus Finnegan stands as his voice breaks the silence in the hall.

"Please, we've just come to pay our respects." Draco walks forward, laying Creevey on a blanket on the floor. "We don't want any trouble."

"You don't want any trouble? You're taking the fucking piss aren't you, Malfoy? After everything you've done?"

"Watch your mouth, Finnegan. He's not the bad guy here! Has he done bad things? Yes. And I've done bad things, too. We all have. But, what you don't know, is how much it has tortured us. We never wanted to do any of this, but we had no choice." You look around the crowd of students and teachers, the dead bodies on the floor. "This is our home, too."

"Let them stay." The sea of people part, revealing the voice. It was Potter. He was stood next to the Weasley's and Hermione. You glance to the floor and see... Fred. Fred Weasley. "They're one of us." Potter announces.

Most people go about their business after this, a few people still unsure are staring directly at you. You can't bear it any longer so you look to Draco, seeing him nod to Potter in thanks. He puts an arm around you, pulling you back towards the others.

"Well, that went better than expected." Theo says.

"Yeah, as if Potter actually defended us." Draco scoffs.

"Hey, isn't that Professor Lupin?" Lux points between you and Draco.  You turn, seeing your professor laying on the floor, dead. Your hand comes to your mouth, as your eyes begin to scan the room, seeing dead bodies cover the entire floor of the great hall in rows. It suddenly hits you, how many people have died, how they'll never go home to their parents, they'll never learn another spell. Their life has been cut short. The tears burn at the back of your eyes. You can't stand it anymore, you turn and run out of the hall, trying your hardest to push the vomit back down your throat.

"Bec?!" Draco was running after you. "Are you okay?!" You stop, waiting for him to catch up to you.

"Look at all the bodies in there, how many lives have been lost to this stupid war?!" He doesn't answer you. He just looks down at the floor. "All those innocent people in there that chose the right side, the good side, they're all dead. And for what? So some sick fuck can rule the wizarding world?" He looks up and meets your eyes now. "Oh, god. I'm going to be sick." You begin to run down the hall, running into an alcove and throwing up.

"Bec, it's okay, I'm here." He holds your hair back and rubs your back soothingly. You stop vomiting and wipe your mouth with your hand. Draco pulls you into his chest, as silent tears begin to roll down your cheek. "Come on, come sit down." He walks you over to the other side of the hall, clearing the rubble and placing his blazer down on the floor for you to sit on. You both sit together as he puts his arm around your shoulder.

"I'm sorry." You say.

"Don't be. Seriously, you don't need to apologise." You sit in silence, allowing your emotions to settle.

"What do you think will happen?"

"I don't know, Bec. But, neither outcome is good for us. If Voldemort wins, he rules the wizarding world and that isn't good for anybody. And if Potter wins, we get sent to Azkaban for being death eaters."

"But, we didn't want any of this. We-we've chose the right side now. If Potter did win, he would tell everyone that."

"Things aren't ever that simple, Bec. People always need someone to blame, they need villains to function, they need good and bad. And that's us. Well, that's me. I'm the bad."

"No, Draco, you aren't. You are so good. Your heart is good, you're a good person. Just because you've done bad things doesn't make you bad. You're the only good thing in my life, you are the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I eat, sleep and breathe. I'm nothing without you!" He looks to you, with tears in his eyes. You watch as a tear spills over, it slides down his face leaving a clean trail on all the dirt.

"But, Bec? What if all that... what if it isn't good enough?"

"Then fuck them! It's good enough for me! And hey, we might even be able to ask for a joint cell." He laughs at you, hanging his head between his legs as his elbows rest on his knees. "You have to admit, we would definitely have some fun though, right?"

"Yeah, Bec." He looks up to you, his eyes glistening. "Yeah, we would."

Your conversation is interrupted by people leaving the Great Hall, heading towards the courtyard. You watch as students and professors begin to pass you, leaving the dead behind.

"What is going on?" You ask Draco.

"I don't know." You both stand up, looking through the crowd. "Hey! Zabini!" Draco spots him from across the corridor and beckons him over. "What's going on?" He asks once he's close enough to hear you clearly.

"They're back. And they've got Potter."

Thank you for reading lovelies!

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