𝔣𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔞 | perc...

By starkisscs

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BOOK 1: THE TITANS CURSE → THE LAST OLYMPIAN [ includes bonus chapters!! ] percy jackson x fem!oc warning: ch... More

‧₊ ❁ཻུ۪۪.┊fashionista
𝖛𝖔𝖑 𝖎 ▬▬▬▬ THE TITAN'S CURSE
𝖛𝖔𝖑 𝖎𝖎𝖎 ▬▬▬▬ THE LAST OLYMPIAN
‧₊ ❁ཻུ۪۪.┊heliophilia


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By starkisscs


ZOLA WASN'T SURE WHAT SHE WAS EXPECTING BUT, the boss looking like that definitely was not it.

He had slick black hair and a pencil moustache. Who wears pencil moustaches these days? Zola knew her mother would lose faith of humanity at the sight of this man and she wasn't even exaggerating. With his..three bodies and yellow teeth pushed together in a creepy smile. 

Not the kinda creepy smile you get from some men when you past a pub at like 11pm at night but a 'I would really really enjoy torturing you for my entertainment' kind of smile. 

Zola could understand the anatomy of his neck being connected to his middle torso. But two more chests popping out from either side? Yeah Zola realised again that science and Greek mythology would never mix. On each chest he wore a different colour bright t-shirt but it also made Zola ponder how he got a shirt on his middle seeming as he didn't have arms to put it through.

He wore the most enormous pairs of Levi's. Now don't get Zola wrong, she was fine with Levi's they are a cool brand; if you style it well. And the guy, didn't.

Eurytion suddenly urged all of them. "Say hello, to Mr. Geryon".

"Hi", Percy said. "Nice chests-uh ranch! Nice ranch that you have".

Zola face-palmed mentally. Of course Percy would mention the chest. Of course. Then again, he is the kind of person to go against advice and take the route that no one is going. Which is usually, the most risky one. 

"Geryon, I can't wait for-", a voice started.

A voice that Zola just about recognised as they entered the porch through the glass door.

Nico di freaking Angelo

"I swear you were more high-pitched before", Zola blurted.

Nico drew out his sword. That was..dark? And menacing..Zola hadn't seen anything like it before.

"Put that away, Mr. di Angelo. I ain't gonna have my guests killin' each other".

"But that's-", he started.

"Percy Jackson, Zola Lopez, Annabeth Chase and some of their...monster friends. Yes..I know".

"Monster friends?", Grover said indignantly. 

"That man is wearing three shirts", Tyson pointed out as if he just noticed.

"Is no one listening to the rule..don't mention his chests? Or do you all just wanna get killed?", Zola mumbled under her breath.

"They're here to kill me!", Nico said as he trembled with rage.

"So your plan is to kill us before we kill you? Nico can you hear yourself, why would we kill you?", Zola asked.

"You let my sister die!"

"Nico", Percy said as he raised his hands. "We are not here to kill you. What happened to Bianca was-".

"Don't say her name, you are not worthy to talk about her".

"Wait...how do you know our names?", Annabeth addressed Mr. Geryon.

 "A little birdie told me and I do make it my business to be..informed. Now Mr di Angelo, put that ugly sword before I have Eurytion take it off you immediately".

Reluctantly he sheathed his sword. "If you come near me, Percy", he threatened. "I'll summon help. You don't want to meet my helpers, I promise".

"I believe you", Percy said.

Geryon patted Nico's shoulder. "There, we've all made nice. Now come along, folks. I want to give you a tour of the ranch."


You know what Zola saw in the ranch? Poop, poop and poop. Maybe the occasional illegal endangered animals that Geryon seemed to have no care about. 

"Rooster ponies!", Tyson said in amazement. "Do they lay eggs?"

"Once a year!" Geryon grinned in the rearview mirror. "Very much in demand for omelettes!"

"That's horrible!", Annabeth said. "They must be an endangered species!"

Geryon waved his hand. "Gold is gold, darling. And you haven't tasted the omelettes"

"You disgust me", Zola muttered. 

"And it's not right," Grover agreed, but Geryon just smiled his creepy smile and continued narrating the tour.

"Now over there", started with a wicked grin. "We have our fire breathing horses. They're bred for war...naturally".

"What war?", Percy asked.

Geryon grinned slyly. "Oh, whichever one comes along. And over yonder, of course, are our prize red cows."

Zola looked across the land to hundreds of red cows. She would have thought she was taking a trip to Wonderland if it wasn't for all the poop. And don't forget the annoying, creepy guide man's voice too. 

"So many", Grover said.

"Yes, well, Apollo is too busy to see them," Geryon explained, "so he subcontracts to us. We breed them vigorously because there's such a demand."

"For what?", Percy asked.

Geryon raised an eyebrow. "Meat, of course! Armies have to eat."

"You kill the sacred cows of the sun god for hamburger meat?" Grover huffed. "That's the against ancient laws!"

"Oh, don't get so worked up, satyr. They're just animals." 

"And your just a naked mole rat", Zola said. "You don't see me wacking you with my broom..".

"Whatever you say dear".

"Yet", Zola added visibly gagging.

He turned to her with a brown grin.

"Actually...no. That's an insult to the naked mole rats", Zola said. "I need a bucket".

"Why?", Percy said.

"I need to throw up, this", she said gesturing at Geryon. "Disgusts me".

"And if Apollo cared", Geryon continued ignoring Zola's dramatics. "I'm sure he would tell us."

"If he knew," Percy muttered.

"Yeah", Zola agreed. "If".


"I don't care about any of this Geryon", Nico snapped. "We had business to discuss-"

"All in good time Mr Di Angelo...patience".

"Wait Triple G ranch. Isn't that the crates at camp?", Percy turned to Geryon. "Do you have a buyer named Quintus?"

"Quintus?..short grey hair, muscled and swordsman?"

"Yes", Percy said.

"Nope", Geryon said.

"How do you know what he looks like but you don't know who he is?", Zola asked.

"Guessed, duh".

"That's sus", Zola concluded.

"I don't care", Geryon said. "Now moving on, we have my stables".

He said as he ushered them towards a..

"You mean poop mountain", Zola corrected as she scanned the literally poop that filled the stables.

"Well, actually they belong to Aegas, but we watch over them for a small monthly fee. Aren't they lovely?"

"They're disgusting!" Annabeth said.

"Lots of poop," Tyson observed.

"How can you keep animals like that?" Grover cried.

"Y'all getting' on my nerves," Geryon said. "These are flesh-eating horses, see? They like these conditions."

"Plus, you're too cheap to have them cleaned," Eurytion mumbled from under his hat.

"Quiet!" Geryon snapped. "All right, perhaps the stables are a bit challenging to clean. Perhaps they do make me nauseous when the wind blows the wrong way. But so what? My clients still pay me well."

"What clients?", Percy demanded.

"Oh you would be surprised who would pay for this. Good birthday party entertainment too", Geryon said with a grin.

"You are a monster".

"What gave it way, the three chests?"

"This is wrong, you need to let these animals go", Grover protested.

"And what lose my clients for your satisfaction", he chuckled. "No!".

"These clients you're talking about", Annabeth started. "It's for Kronos army right?"

"I provide for anyone who has the cash to, sweetheart", he pointed to himself. "Businessman".

Geryon clambered out of the moo-mobile avoiding the poop and headed towards the stables.

"I came here for business businessman", Nico snarled, running after Geryon sword in hand.

"Yes, you'll get a deal, all right", Geryon yawned lazily.

"My ghost told me you could help. He said you could guide us to the soul we need."

"Wait a second", Percy said. "I thought I was the soul you wanted".

"You? Why would I want you? Bianca's soul is worth a thousand of yours!"

"Ouch", Zola said audibly causing Percy to send her an offended look and mouth 'shut up'.

"Now, can you help me, Geryon, or not?"

"Oh, I imagine I could. Your ghost friend, by the way, where is he?", Geryon asked a wicked gleam forming in his face.

Nico looked uneasy. "He can't form in broad daylight. It's hard for him. But he's around somewhere".

Geryon smiled. "I'm sure. Minos likes to disappear when things get...difficult".

"Minos?", Percy exclaimed. "You mean that evil king? That's the ghost who's been giving you advice?"

"It's none of your business, Percy!" Nico snarled before turning back to Geryon. "And what do you mean about things getting difficult?"

"Well", Geryon sighed. "you see, Nico—can I call you Nico?"


"You see, Nico. Luke Castellan is offerin' good money for powerful demigods...like you. And if he finds out about you and your little..secret. Well I may be a much richer man. That's business my dear boy", Geryon said with a chuckle.

Nico drew out his sword but Eurytion slapped it away with his and as Percy tried to get up Orthus pounced on him.

"I would stay in the car all of you, unless you want Orthus to slash Mr Jackson's throat", Geryon said.

They all reluctantly backed into the car.

"Now Eurytion, secure Nico", Geryon said.

"Do I have to?", Eurytion groaned.

"Yes, and pick up his sword. Gods know how much I hate Stygian Iron".

"So that's what it is", Zola mumbled.

"Now that you've had the wonderful tour, let's have lunch and then send a cheerful iris message to our friends in the Titan army and alert them of your presence.

"You fiend!", Annabeth cried.

Geryon smiled at her. "Don't worry, my dear. Once I've delivered Mr. di Angelo, you and your party can go. I don't interfere with quests. Besides, I've been paid well to give you safe passage, which does not, I'm afraid, include Mr. di Angelo".

"Paid by whom?", Annabeth questioned. "What do you mean?"

"Never you mind, darlin'. Let's be off, shall we?"

"Wait!", Percy said, and Orthus growled."Geryon, you said you're a businessman. Make me a deal".

Zola trusted that Percy would actually have plan even though it probably would be very risky.

Geryon narrowed his eyes. "What sort of deal? Do you have gold?"

"I've got something better."

"But Mr. Jackson, you've got nothing."

"You could have him clean the stables," Eurytion suggested innocently. 

"I'll do it!", Percy said. "If I fail, you get all of us. Trade us all to Luke for gold".

Zola sent Percy a 'you better know what you're doing face' to which he replied with a 'I'm gonna go with the flow' face.

"Great", Zola muttered. 

"Assuming the horses don't eat you".

"Yeah well I'll get to that part soon. But either way, you get my friends. But if we succeed you let us go including Nico".

"No! Don't do me favours Percy, I don't want-"

"Nico shush!", Zola scolded and surprisingly he kept quiet.

Geryon chuckled. "Percy Jackson, those stables haven't been cleaned in a thousand years...though it's true I might be able to sell more stable space if all that poop was cleared away."

"So what have you got to lose?"

He hesitated. "All right, I'll accept your offer, but you have to get it done by sunset. If you fail, your friends get sold, and I get rich."


"I'm going to take your friends with me, back to the lodge. We'll wait for you there", Geryon said with a nod. 

Eurytion gave a whistle and Orthus jumped of Percy and suddenly pounced on Zola who let out a surprised yelp.

Percy jumped out of the car before locking eyes with Zola.

"I trust you Aqua Boy", Zola said softly. "You got this..I know you do".

Percy gave her an appreciative smile. "Stay safe".

"I'll try", she said back.

Geryon got behind the driver's wheel and Eurytion hauled Nico into the backseat.

"Sunset", Geryon reminded him. "No later."

Before laughing at Percy once more, sounding his cowbell horn, and the moo-mobile rumbling down the trail.


Zola definitely did not like the idea of getting dragged out of the moo-mobile into a the house deck corner just to be tied up. Thankfully not gagged. So Zola did the one thing her mother told her to do if she ever got taken hostage or kidnapped....

"YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME, I KNOW YOU CARE. JUST SHOUT WHENEVER AND I'LL BE THERE!", she yelled. Hell yes! Of course she was gonna sing the most annoying song she could think of.

The others looked at her weirdly but watched her anyway, probably entertained by what was going on.

Geryon yelled. "Shut u-"


Geryon yelled something else but Zola was drowning him out with her screaming. 


"I've had enough of this, gag them all Eurytion".


She was gagged.

Zola may have been gagged with a piece of fucking gorilla tape but she could still hum. 


"Can you shut up dearie, or I will dump you in with the flesh eating horses", Geryon snarled.

"MAHNA MAHNA MA MA MA MA", Zola continued loudly humming the annoying 'The Muppets' song. "MAHNA MAHNA MA MA MA MA MAHNA MAHNA MA MA MA MA-".

"Alright Eurytion, pick her up. We are throwing her with the horses. 

"MAHNA MAHNA MA MA MA MA", Zola continued as loudly as she could as Eurytion untied her from the others, making their chains more free before throwing her other his shoulder.

She kicked with her tied up legs as she continued to hum loudly even though the lyrics were muffled. She could still be heard loudly, "NO I DON'T WANT NO SCRUBS. A SCRUB IS A GUY THAT CAN'T GO NO LOVE FROM ME, HANGING OUT OF THE PASSENGERS SIDE OF HIS BEST FRIEND'S CAR TRYN-".

At that moment Percy burst into the room. His eyes stormy and hair ruffled. "Let them go!", he yelled. "I cleaned the stables!".

One word was on Zola's mind: HOT

Who knew angry Percy was so....but she quickly recovered as he caught her eye, giving her a confused look as to why she was currently on the shoulder of Eurytion, who she was still currently kicking with all her strength.

"Ah finally the girl shut up", Geryon said as he wondered over to Zola pulling off her gag then flicked her face causing her to wince. Zola glared at the monster before growling and biting her teeth down hard at Geryon's hand, just about nipping it, causing him to jump back and wince too.

"That's what you get Dildo Waggins", Zola snarled.

"Don't touch her again", Percy warned glaring at Geryon his eyes still stormy.

"Don't worry as long as your girlfriend's quiet. No harm will be done. What I do want to know is...how did you manage it?", Geryon asked.

Percy looked like he didn't want to waste time and talk and just get out of there but he explained quickly anyway even though he kept glancing back at Zola and the others as if checking for signs that they were all okay.

"Smart", Geryon mused. "Should have poisoned that pesky naiad though".

"Okay..whatever, I did what I was supposed to do so let them go! We had a deal".

"Ah, I've been thinking about that. The problem is, if I let them go, I don't get paid".

"You promised!"

"Haha but you didn't promise on the River Styx, so the vow is not binding", he sang with glee.

"You bitch!", Zola yelled at Geryon, as Eurytion put her down and tied her back with the others. "Go to Hades!".

Nico gave her a look that said 'Hades does not want him'.

"I mean Tartarus! Go to Tartarus! Hades doesn't want you!"

"What she said", Percy snapped with a menacing glare as he drew Riptide.

"Eurytion, kill the boy while I keep her hostage. Then kill her. They are both really starting to annoy me", Geryon ushered as he strolled back to his chair.

"Eurytion you're my brother before you're this evil witche's worker, do what's right!", Zola shouted.

Eurytion was silent for a moment before he mumbled, "Kill them yourself", causing Geryon to stop in his tracks.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me. You keep sending me out to do your dirty work so...if you want the kids dead. Kill...them...yourself!", Eurytion growled accentuating his words.

"I should fire you right now!", Geryon roared.

"Then who should take care of your cattle. We all know you're too lazy to do it", Eurytion snarled.

"You know what, I will deal with your pesky ungrateful self later", Geryon said as he pulled out two knives and aimed them at Percy. Both deflected off his sword. One landed in the next field while the other...

"Watch it, Aqua Boy!", Zola said as the knife landed inches away from her.

"Sorry!", he yelled as he went on the attack. Geryon had picked up a hot red tong and seemed to be trying to wack Percy with it. Not that he seemed to able to be putting up a good fight at all. Guess he really was just a lazy old clown.

Percy jabbed him in his middle chest and Zola was ready to sing 'Ding-Dong! The Witch is Dead', as Geryon wailed crumpling to his knees. When suddenly, he started reforming and the wound healed fast.

"What kind of sorcery is this?", Zola yelled from where she was tied up.

"I have three hearts meaning, three times harder to kill", Geryon chuckled as purposely tipped over the hot coal causing Zola to scream as one grazed her shoulder.

Percy stumbled at Zola's scream. "I told you not to hurt her", he snarled. Suddenly, Percy was like a whizz jabbing Geryon but it didn't seem to work.

"Fuck", Percy cursed, rushing into the house.

"Coward!", Geryon growled.

"Shut up", Zola shouted. "Percy Jackson is no coward!".

Annabeth beside her gagged 'mhmmed' in agreement. 

"She agrees with me, and she never agrees with me so it's definitely true", Zola added with a wince as her coal mark burnt.

"Shut up, unless you want another burn", Geryon said with a psychotic smile before rushing into the house and drawing two swords from the wall. "Come out, come out wherever you are", he sang. "Your head is going to be right there Jackson! On my wall, next to my grizzly bear!".

From where Zola was she could see Percy grab a bow an arrow from the house before diving out of the open door into a safety roll. "I feel so appreciated!", Percy yelled back with a witty grin.

"Oh Gods Jackson, your seriously not gonna try and shoot a bow and arrow are you?", Zola yelled from where she was tied up.

"Where's your faith Feisty!", he yelled back as he readied the arrow waiting for the perfect shot. He really only had one chance.

Just before Geryon could turn, Percy shot his arrow into the side of his right chest and there was a loud THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, as the arrow passed clean through each of his chests and flew out his left side, embedding itself in the forehead of the grizzly bear trophy.

Geryon dropped his swords. He turned and stared at Percy. "You can't shoot. They told me you couldn't...".

His face turned a sickly shade of green. He collapsed to his knees and began crumbling into sand, until all that was left were three cooking aprons and an oversized pair of cowboy boots

"Bullseye", Percy said with a wink at Zola.

"I obviously never doubted you", Zola said as Percy ran up to untie her without even getting stopped by Eurytion.


"I mean..when you brought out the bow and arrow, I was like 'we are dead' but before that there was no doubt".

Percy chuckled. "Yeah..I'm pretty surprised myself. I mean..you saw me at shooting practise last year when I nearly impaled your brother's butt".

"That footage is never getting erased from my head. Ever".

"Neither is your hostage signing voice", Percy said with a smirk.

"You heard that from all the way over there?"

"Yup", Percy said casually, popping the 'p'.

"Good that means I was annoying enough", Zola said with a grin.

Percy chuckled again as Zola helped him untie the others.


Eurytion invited them into the house, where they were all seated comfortably on the sofas.

"How long would Geryon take to reform?", Percy asked.

Eurytion shrugged. "Hundred years, thank the Gods! He's not one of those fast re-formers".

"Before you said you died for him...How?

"I've worked for that creep for thousands of years. Started as a regular half-blood, but I chose immortality when my dad offered it. Worst mistake I ever made. Now I'm stuck here at this ranch. I can't leave. I can't quit. I just tend the cows and fight Geryon's fights. We're kinda tied together."

"Maybe you can change things", Percy said.


"Being nice to the animals and don't leave their poop lying around in the farm 'cause that's just disgusting. Oh, and don't eat the sacred cows either", Zola answered casually.

"Anything else?"

"Yes. Don't sell to the Titans".

"That'll would be alright", Eurytion said with a grin.

"And maybe..", Percy started. "You could get all the animals on your side and when that asshole reforms, he'll probably be working for you".

"That, I could definitely live with", Eurytion said with a grin.

"You won't try to stop us from leaving right?", Annabeth asked nervously.

"Shoot no".

"One thing though", Annabeth started as she rubbed her wrists together. "Do you know who paid Geryon for our 'free passage'?"

"Maybe he was bluffing?", Eurytion suggested.

"Wait..just to be sure. He didn't Iris-Message The Titans about Nico yet..right?", Percy asked.

"Nah, he was waiting till after the barbecue".

Percy turned to Nico, "You could stay here until we are done with our quest...it would be safe".

"Safe? Safe? ", Nico mocked. "Why do you care if I'm safe, when you're the one who got my fricking sister killed".

"Nico...Percy didn't-", Zola started.

"Of course you're defending him", Nico snarled.

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm literally stating that he wasn't at fault", Zola said calmly.

Nico huffed but continued to glare at Percy.

"The Geryon was right about something though", Annabeth started. "Kronos does want to capture you but that is if he ever finds out who you are. Just remember he will stop at nothing to make sure you're on his side".

"I'm not on anyone's side. Neither am I afraid", Nico stated.

"You should be", Annabeth said, "Your sister-".

"You don't know what my sister wants, do you know why? I'll tell you why. She's dead. And if any of you actually cared for her you would help me, Bring. Her. Back".

"A soul for a soul?", Percy asked.


"But if you don't want my soul then-".

"I'm not explaining anything to you", he said as he blinked his tears from his eyes. "And I will bring her back".

"Bianca wouldn't want this...she wouldn't want to brought back. Not like this", Percy insisted.

"You don't know her! How would you know?"

"We can ask her?", Percy suggested.


So that's how Zola found herself doing something that gave her 3am ouija board vibes. This is some creepy shit she thought as she watched Nico chant in Ancient Greek and pour some root beer into the pit.

And that's some evil shit she thought as he tossed a few perfectly good pieces of barbecue ribs into the pit. 

"Make him stop", Tyson whimpered.

"This is giving me 'The Exorcism' vibes", Zola muttered.

"You mean that creepy one where that girl crab walks down the stairs?", Percy asked.

"Yes..yes don't remind me", Zola said leaning against Percy's side. "That walk still haunts me".

Percy chuckled, "Maybe after this whole quest is over, we can watch some horror movies at my house", Percy whispered as he played with a bit of her hair.

"I won't feel sorry for you if you cry", Zola mumbled into his shoulder.

"Vice versa", Percy chuckled.

 "Stop him!", Nico suddenly cried, causing Percy to suddenly jump up uncapping Riptide. Zola followed suit uncapping End, her rare Stygian ice sword.

The ghosts backed away at the sight of both the weapons. But it was too late to stop the first spirit who had already solidified into the shape of a bearded man in white robes. A circlet of gold wreathed his head, and even in death his eyes were alive with malice.

"Minos!", Nico said. "What are you doing?"

"My apologies, master".

"Don't sound very sorry do you", Zola snapped as she brought her sword closer to the neck of the annoying ex-king.  

"The sacrifice smelled so good, I couldn't resist". He then examined his own hands and smiled. "And it is good to see myself again. Almost in solid form-".

"You are disrupting the ritual!" Nico protested. "Get-".

The spirits of the dead began shimmering dangerously bright, and Nico started to chant again to keep them at bay.

"Yes..yes you can keep changing Master after all; I've only come to protect you from these liars".

He tuned to Percy with a look of distaste. "Percy Jackson...my, my. The Sons of Poseidon haven't improved over the centuries have they?"

"Minos...my, my. The Son of a Horny God whom has probably forgotten he even stirred you", Zola countered.

Percy, Eurytion and Grover snorted at Minos's offended face.

 "Well-", Minos started.

"Get lost, we want Bianca di Angelo not you", Percy interrupted.

The Ghost chuckled, "You may have killed the Minotaur with your bare hands-".

"Which was badass, by the way", Zola interrupted earning a small smirk from Percy.

The ghost acted as if Zola never spoke up as he continued,  "But worse things await you in the maze and Daedalus would never help you".

The other spirits stirred in agitation and Annabeth drew her knife, helping Percy and Zola keep the them in the pit.

"Daedalus doesn't care about you half-bloods. You can't trust that bitter old man, haunted and bitter by the guilt of his murder and cursed by the Gods".

"Murder.?", Percy pondered. "Who did he kill?"

"Do not change the subject!", the ghost growled. "You are hindering Nico, stopping me from helping him get to his goal. I would make him a lord!"

"Enough Minos!", Nico commanded.

"Listen to me, I will protect you and I will turn their heads to madness like I did to the others!".

"Others?", Zola questioned confused.

"You mean Chris Rodriguez?", Annabeth gasped.

"That was you?", Zola yelled. "You cockroach!", she shouted in rage, her sword still pressed up close to his neck.

The ghost smirked. "The maze is my property, not Daedalus's. Those who intrude it deserve to be punished and what's worse than death? Madness".

Be gone, Minos!", Nico demanded. "I want to see my sister!".

The ghost bit back his rage. "As you wish, master. But I warn you. You cannot trust these heroes".

Suddenly, he faded into mist causing the other ghosts to rush forwards. Zola, Percy and Annabeth once again kept them all back.

"Bianca appear", Nico chanted over and over.

"Any time now", Grover muttered.

Suddenly a strong silvery light shone brightly and knelt down to drink at the pit and when it had rose, it was the ghostly form of Bianca di Angelo.

"Hi Percy, Hi Zola", Bianca said softly.

"Bianca", Percy breathed at the same time as Zola said, "Hi".

"I am so sorry", Percy said.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Percy. I made my own choice. I don't regret it".

"I regret it so much because we ended on so bad terms", Zola said as tears formed in her eyes. "And it was definitely all my fault and I-".

"That was from both sides Zola, we just clashed a lot but none of this was your fault".

"Bianca!", Nico yelled as he stumbled forward like he was just coming out of a daze.

She turned toward her brother. Her expression was sad. "Hello, Nico", she said softly. "You've gotten so tall."

"Why didn't you answer me sooner?" he cried. "I've been trying for months!"

"I was hoping you would give up."

"Give up?", Nico cried, voice cracking. "How can you say that? I'm trying to save you!"

"You can't, Nico. Don't do this. Percy is right".

"No! He let you die! He's not your friend".

Bianca reached out to touch Nico's face but her hands turned to mist before she could get four inches closer.

"You must listen to me", she said. "Holding a grudge is dangerous for a child of Hades. It is our fatal flaw. You have to forgive. You have to promise me this".

"I can't. Never".

"Percy has been worried about you, Nico. He can help. I let him see what you were up to, hoping he would find you".

"So it was you..", Percy said. "You sent those Iris-messages".

Bianca nodded.

"Why are you helping him not me?", Nico screamed. "It's not fair!".

"You are closer to the truth Nico and your mad at me, not Percy!".

"No, that's not true!".

"You're mad I left you to become a Hunter of Artemis, when I should have stayed with you. I get it Nico. I do. But you need to stop being mad at Percy, he did nothing wrong. Remember Kronos can use your anger against you".

She's right," Annabeth broke in. "Kronos is rising, Nico. He'll twist anyone he can to his cause."

"I don't care about Kronos," Nico said. "I just want my sister back".

"You can't-", Bianca started.

"I can! I can, I am a Son of Hades!".

"If you love me Nico...you'll stop trying", Bianca told him gently. "Please", she said as her voice started to trail off.

Spirits started to gather around them agitated and whispering 'Danger', over and over.

"Tartarus stirs..your powers are drawing Kronos's attention. We must go back to the underworld. It is not safe anymore", Bianca said.

"Bianca..wait!", Nico pleaded. "Please".

"Goodbye Nico", Bianca said. "I love you so much, just remember what I said".

Her form shivered before turning to mist, as did the other ghosts and they were left with a dark sky and a cold full moon.


"So this would lead us to Hephaestus, who would probably lead us to Daedalus?", Zola confirmed.

"Basically", Eurytion validated.

Annabeth clicked on the button not realising that it would turn into a...

"Spider!", Annabeth shrieked.

"She's a little afraid of spiders", Grover said.

"Spiders aren't that big of a deal. What is she like four?",  Zola said with a smirk. 

"You know 'cause she's Athena's daughter she has to be afraid of spiders", Grover said.

"Well I did say..Karma's a bitch", Zola said. 

Percy gave her a look.



"She did the same thing to me with the skeletons...".

The spider scrambled to the cattle guard and disappeared between the bars. 

"It's whatever....hurry", Percy said. "That thing's not going to wait for us". He said before rushing off with the others.

"Bye Eurytion! It was great meeting a nicer brother for once..even though you did try and keep me hostage in the beginning", Zola said quickly. "But...Sibling love!", she yelled over her shoulder before running off after the others into the maze.

"Bye!", she heard Eurytion voice call after her.


"I'm great at these", Zola and Annabeth said at the same time as they reached the series of iron rungs in the ceiling.

"I'm better", Annabeth said with a scowl.

Zola and Annabeth glared at each other both not backing down. Zola really did not understand why she felt the need to show Annabeth up so badly but she did it anyway and it felt good every time she beat her. But now...this bitch claims she better than Zola at monkey bars. 

The girl who had been doing it since her mother enrolled her into gymnastics years ago. Bitch please sit down, just because you  a̶r̶e̶ ̶s̶m̶a̶r̶t̶say your smart doesn't mean you are the best at everything. 

"Yeah", Zola said with a sneer. "I'm better actually", she said as she leaped onto the first rung and started swinging across. "And faster", she added over her shoulder as she swung before landing on the other side and rushing after the spider.

Annabeth huffed before following after her, the others closely behind.

They all followed the spider through the tunnel as it scurried along.

"Oh look a skeleton", Annabeth pointed out as they ran past a crumpled one in the middle of the path wearing the remains of a dress shirt and a tie.

"Shut up!", Zola said. "I'm not scared of them, the last one just triggered a bad demigod dream miss blow-hard".

"What do you mean by blow-hard?", Annabeth asked with a scowl.


"Guys!", Percy yelled as they ran. "Stop fucking arguing! Just focus on the damn spider".

Sadly, that didn't work for longer than two minutes because as soon as they entered a large room that the tunnel opened into that was littered with dozens of skeletons on the floor from ancient to recent, Annabeth had to open her damn mouth again.

"Oh look, more skeletons".

Zola had never wanted to bitch slap someone so hard but she bit her lip as she tried to ignore the annoying presence. 

Zola suddenly jumped back, as she noticed another beings presence in the room. It was definitely a monster, as no harmless mythological beast had a butt of a lion and a head of woman that literally defined a 'Karen'.

The monster stood on a glittery dais on the opposite side of the room and had a blue ribbon badge pinned to her chest that took Zola a moment to read: THIS MONSTER HAS BEEN RATED EXEMPLARY!

That was when Zola realised that she was a...

"Sphinx", Tyson whimpered.

Zola was not sure why Tyson seemed so worried but she did notice Percy's comforting hand on his arm and guessed he was probably feeling just very nervous.

Annabeth started forward but the Sphinx roared, showing it's fangs which forced her back.

 Welcome, lucky contestants!", she announced with a creepy but dazzling smile. "Get ready to play...ANSWER THAT RIDDLE!"

There was applaud from the ceiling and spotlights swept across the room, reflecting off the dais and throwing disco glitter over the skeletons on the floor.

"Fabulous prizes!", the Sphinx said. "Pass the test, and you get to advance! Fail, and I get to eat you! Who will be our contestant?"

Annabeth smirked at Zola before saying the words, "I got this". 

Zola wanted to protest because she especially did not at all like losing to Annabeth but she realised that Annabeth was the best chance at getting them past the Sphinx safely even though she still kept the score of 2-1 to her in her head, for her satisfaction.

Annabeth stepped forwards towards the contestant's podium, where a skeleton in a school uniform was hunched over it, she pushed the skeleton out of the way and it clattered to the floor.

"Whoops..sorry", Annabeth said.

"Welcome, Annabeth Chase!", the Sphinx cried.

"Wait...Annabeth didn't introduced herself", Zola said to Percy who was beside her under hear breath.

"Let's not question anything yet", Percy said back.

 "Are you ready for your test?", The Sphinx yelled.

"Of course", Annabeth said smugly. "Ask your riddle".

"Twenty riddles, actually!", the Sphinx said gleefully.

"What?..But back in the old days-".

"Oh, we've raised our standards! To pass, you must show proficiency in all twenty. Isn't that great?"

The fake applause effect filled the room again and the smug look was wiped off Annabeth's face as she started to get nervous.

A drumroll sounded from above and the Sphinx's eyes glittered with excitement. "What...is the capital of Bulgaria?"


"Correct!", The Sphinx grinned, as the fake effect machine activated. "Please be sure to mark your answers on the test sheet with a number two pencil".


"Make sure you bubble each answer clearly and stay inside the circle", the Sphinx said. "If you have to erase, erase completely or the machine will not be able to read your answers".

"What machine?", Annabeth asked.

The Sphinx pointed with her paw. Over by the spotlight was a bronze box with a bunch of gears and levers and a big Greek letter Ȇta on the side, the mark of Hephaestus.

"Now", the said the Sphinx, "next question-".

"Wait a second", Annabeth protested.

"Oh what now?", the Sphinx demanded with a groan.

"What about the riddle, 'What walks on four legs in the morning'?"

"I beg your pardon?" the Sphinx growled.

"The riddle about the man. He walks on four legs in the morning, like a baby, two legs in the afternoon, like an adult, and three legs in the evening, as an old man with a cane. That's the riddle you used to ask".

"Specifically the reason why we changed the test!", the Sphinx exclaimed. "You already know the answer. Now next question, what is the square root of twenty-five?"

"Five," Annabeth said, "but-".

"Correct! Which U.S. president signed the Emancipation Proclamation?" 

"Abraham Lincoln, but-".

"Correct! Riddle number four. How much-".

"Stop! These aren't riddles", Annabeth protested.

"What do you mean? Of course they are. These are specifically designed to test my students. Now, how much force is required to-".

"No. These are just a bunch of dumb facts. Riddles are supposed to test my knowledge".

"Annabeth, just answer the damn questions", Zola snapped. "We get that your smart. So I'm not sure who you're trying to prove yourself to".

Annabeth glared at Zola before stamping her foot. "I'm a child of Athena", she insisted. "And this is an insult to my intelligence. I won't answer these questions".

"Well done Child of Athena, for choosing the dumb option of not answering the questions and getting the fuck out of here because now we are going to get killed for such a stupid reason. Protecting your pride".

"Should have listened to your friend-".

Zola scoffed at the word 'friend'.

"girlie", the Sphinx continued. "because you haven't passed. You failed, big F. And since we can't allow any children to be held back, you'll be EATEN!".

The Sphinx bared it's claws before suddenly pouncing at the podium, where Annabeth was stood.

No!", Tyson charged tackling the Sphinx in midair causing them both to crash sideways into a pile of bones. This gave Annabeth just enough time to gather her wits and draw her knife. Tyson got up, his shirt clawed to shreds as the Sphinx growled, looking for an opening.

Percy drew Riptide as Zola drew End, both stepping in front of Annabeth.

"Annabeth, turn invisible", Percy said quickly.

"No! I can fight!", Annabeth growled.

"The Sphinx is fucking after you", Percy snapped. "For once, drop your pride and just do it".

Annabeth looked hurt but quickly put on her cap and vanished, just as the Sphinx pounced right were she'd been standing. Luckily, coming up with empty paws.

"No fair!", the Sphinx wailed. "Cheater!"

The Sphinx turned to Percy and Zola with Annabeth no longer in sight. They nodded at each other before raising their swords to fight when suddenly, Tyson ripped the monster's grading machine out of the floor and threw it at the Sphinx's head, ruining her hair bun and causing it to land in pieces all around her.

"My grading machine!", she cried. "I can't be exemplary without my test scores!".

The bars lifted from all the exits and everyone rushed through. The Sphinx tried to follow but Grover raised his reed pipes and started to play a tune that causing the wood in the pencils to grow, wrapping around the Sphinx's arms and legs holding her back. Thank the Gods for that!

"Annabeth!", Percy yelled as they ran through the dark tunnels.

"Right behind you!", she shouted back. "Keep going".


Zola had no idea how they found or caught up with the spider when they did but she felt they were finally having some luck in their demigod lives because there it was, banging it's tiny head against a metal door.

It looked like one of those old-fashioned kind of doors with submarine hatches, metal rivets attached around the edges and a wheel for a doorknob with a big brass plaque, green with age and there, written on the plaque was the Greek word Ȇta inscribed in the middle.

They all looked at each other nervously.

"So...ready to meet Hephaestus?".


signing off

I hope you enjoyed and...

Thank you for reading!

next part

coming soon...

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