Obey (Shall we date, Obey Me...

By mimiteh_

23.5K 1K 275

Two humans, two angels, and two demons become exchange students in each realm. When Z wakes up, she finds her... More

To My Lovely Fans
Twenty - Four
Twenty - Five
Twenty - Six
Twenty - Eight
Twenty - Nine
Thirty - Two
Obey Me! Book Two

Thirty - One

179 10 1
By mimiteh_


"Now, now. Please sit, yes?" Shai snaps his fingers to a maid, "Bring my guest some wine." Shai sits down and smiles at everyone.

I sit down and close my eyes. I tried to find Z in this place, but I couldn't sense her anywhere. I hope she hasn't forgotten us already.

I sensed weird energy in one room. "Z!" I opened my eyes and contacted the guys mentally.

"I found her, but there is something strange about her. I'll try to reach her. Keep me covered." I close my eyes once again and go back to where I found Z.

I focus all my energy on trying to enter her mind. It took some time, but I could get in. Her mind seems dark and lonely. I walked around looking for her and heard someone crying.

I follow the crying. I see Z crying on the floor, "Z?" I approach her slowly.

She wipes her tears and looks up at me. She started shivering, "Z? Do I know you?"


Beelzebub laid Belphegor on his shoulder. "Is he okay?" Shai asked Beelzebub.

"He is always sleeping," Beelzebub answered him shortly.

Shai nodded. The maid brought everyone a cup of tea. Mammon refused and glared at Shai. "Why do you want to marry OUR Z?"

Shai smirked, "Because she's beautiful, yes. I like beautiful things."

"So, you want to collect her, like you collect beautiful things?" Leviathan puffed up.

"Aha! You are some interesting beings. I don't like to share what is mine, so it will be best for you to leave, yes?" Shai smiled.

Belphegor woke up gasping, "We all have to go in. Quickly!"

"I would like to speak to my brothers alone. Is that okay? Do you have a quiet room?" Lucifer asked Shai. Lucifer let the Demon King, Osiris, and Anubis know what they were going to do.

They nodded, "I would like to speak to my son alone as well." The Demon King looked at Diavolo.

"And I think you and we should speak, Shai." Osiris let him know.

"Well, that is fine. The brothers can use the room on the left. Father and son can use the room on the right. While the three use my study." He smiled and walked away.

Osiris and Anubis nodded to the brothers and left with him. The Demon King grabbed Diavolo and went to the room.

"Okay, let's hurry," Belphegor told the brothers. They went into the room and sat down. "Hold hands. Close your eyes and focus on Z."

They fell into the darkness that Belphegor fell into, "Z?"

"You're back!" Z runs up to him and hugs him. She stops when she sees the brothers and hides behind Belphegor.

"Why is she acting like that? The process just started." Satan looked at Belphegor, then at Z.

"It seems like it's working faster than we thought. Z doesn't remember me either, but I was able to gain her trust." He pulled Z out of hiding.

"These are my brothers. They love you as much as I do." He smiles at her.

She stepped out and looked at all of them. Then her eyes stopped on Beelzebub. "Beel!" She ran to him and hugged him.

"She remembers him?!" Mammon pouted.

"Ugh! That's not fair!" Asmodeus also pouted.

"Do you think it's because she bonded with him first?" Satan started thinking.

"Impossible! We bonded the same day." Mammon yelled.

"But did you take her first?" Asmodeus smirked. Mammon looked upset. "I guess not!"

"You don't remember them?" Beelzebub asked Z.

"I'm sorry." Tears formed in Z's eyes.

"No, darling. Do not cry." Lucifer kneeled in front of Z, wiping her tears away.

The guys huddled around her. Z looked around the group, and she felt familiar with them. They are her family, but she does not remember them. She started crying even more. The guys huddled closer and hugged her.

Z fell and lost consciousness. Her body slowly disappeared. "What is happening?!" Mammon shouted.

"I think she's waking up. Let's go back." Belphegor told them.

Shai quickly stood up, "My gem!" When he ran out, Osiris and Anubis followed him. As Shai ran down the hall, he bumped into the brothers who were looking for Z, "What did you fools do!"

They ignored him and kept running. "No!" Shai started going crazy. "She is mine!"

Diavolo and the Demon King both ran out of the room they were in when they heard all the commotion.

"I can sense her!" Belphegor ran to the third floor.

Shai yelled and transformed into his giant snake form. He quickly slithered his way to the third floor.

Shai blocked the door to where Z was.

The brothers stopped and looked up at him. "She's ours, ya snake!" Mammon jumped and transformed. Mammon tackled Shai down. "Beel, Luci, help me keep him busy. The rest of ya go get our Z back!"

Beelzebub and Lucifer went to help Mammon. The rest of the guys ran towards, just to be stopped by Diavolo.

"Diavolo, step aside!" The Demon King growled at his son.

"I'm sorry, but I have already decided." Diavolo transforms into his demon and stands his ground.

"Than. Why don't I show you the future you two will create?" Belphegor transformed into his demon form.

Osiris and Anubis helped with Shai and dragged him next to Diavolo. Belphegor's eyes glowed, and he blasted Shai and Diavolo with a bright light.

Their eyes went white. Belphegor showed them the future that Helenus saw. Death. Darkness. Loneliness. A tear ran down Diavolo's face.

When Belphegor stopped, both Shai and Diavolo dropped to the floor. "If you still want that future, then go ahead. But know, she will not show mercy to you either."

The Demon King ignored Shai and Diavolo, passing them, and entered the room.

"Ziana." He called out her name.

"Dad." Z was sitting on the bed, smiling at him. 

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