Savior with Pride Bakugo x Re...

By QueenGround_Zero

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🫀CURRENTLY TAKING A BREAK🫀 ⚠️THIS TAKES PLACE IN THE FUTURE😃⚠️ I want to make this book comfortable for e... More

Chapter 1- The promise
Chapter 2- Another meeting
Chapter 3- A date?
Chapter 4- A hero's gamble
Chapter 5- A one-time proposal?
Chapter 6- Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter 7- I'm not oblivious
Chapter 8- His mistake
Chapter 9- Consequences
Chapter 10- Out of the city for now
Chapter 11- Another day doing nothing
Chapter 12- The Truth
Chapter 13- Clarifying Past Memories/Present
Chapter 14- Impossible
Chapter 16- Your decision
Chapter 17- Meeting Once Again
Chapter 18- Is this it?
Chapter 19- He's Back
Chapter 20- His return

Chapter 15- Years in the Academy

173 9 5
By QueenGround_Zero

I am so sorry for the 13 days without publishing, Bakugo is a difficult person and making a romantic fictional relationship with him takes time. Without further ado, let's have a trip to Bakugo and Y/N's childhood🤗.

Flashback: 11 years ago 
Slight manga spoilers?

You stepped out of your house, then closed the door behind you while you fixed the strap of your bag on your shoulders. After getting your acceptance letter to UA, you felt like the greatest person to ever exist. In front of you was your childhood friend, you saw him walking out with his hand inside his pocket with a scarf wrapped around his neck. The one in front of you was none other than Katsuki Bakugo; the guy you grew up with.

He was a scary jerk and a bully, you're scared to even approach him. You grew up with him and he had some bad habits, he never hurted you though; but he did hurt your other childhood friend; Izuku Midoriya. Izuku was quirkless but that didn't stop you from being his friend, he was a very lovable child, you hated Bakugo for not realizing that. Once he looked over at you, you quickly turn your gaze to another direction. He was so scary.

"Hey you!"

You shifted your gaze to him, taking a grip of your sweater while slowly walking towards him. What can he possibly need from you? You didn't even breathe in his direction!

"Yes?" You asked, curiosity clouding your mind because this was the first time he addressed you without his parents around. He dug into his pockets and took out his hand to show you a rectangular object.

"You left this back in the living room, the old hag found it and gave it to me so that I could hand it to you." He said, forcefully shoving your purse in your hand. "Hey is that a UA uniform? What can a weakling like you hope to accomplish in UA?" He smirked.

"Well listen here 'Mr.I'm the greatest': I'm not going to UA to be a hero, I don't like violence even if it's for the greater good of our society. I'm going there as a general student, please talk about what you know." You said, rolling your eyes as you continued to walk.

"As if!" You hear in the background but you didn't turn around. It hasn't even been five minutes and he was already getting on your nerves.

Sooner or later you arrived in UA, you saw Bakugo walking to his classroom while you walked to yours. During your class, nothing interesting happened. You were disappointed that you had to use your quirk but what else could you expect from a school that formed heroes? You ended up in the nursing room because you couldn't control your quirk. Recovery girl took care of you though and she gave you a small note of things to not do for the rest of the week. You were so lost looking at the list that you didn't notice someone was walking in front of you. You bumped into him and you heard a grunt.

"Can you watch where you're going? Do you have shit for eyes or something?" You heard the familiar voice and looked up.

"Bakugo, oh man......I'm so sorry!" You apologized but he doesn't seem to buy it. He was about to walk away until he took a good look at you. You had bandages around your head, neck, feet and arms. He took a good look at you and you looked away from his gaze.

"And what? It's the first day of school and you're already getting your ass beat?" He smirked while grinning.

"It's not like that, it's definitely not that. I've never used my quirk until today and this is the consequences I'm recieving for that. So stop laughing because you're not funny." You said, pushing past him as you walk away. Bakugo stared at you in the distance while you walked away. You were badly injured and you were limping to even walk down the stairs. Deku saw you and decided to help you walk down the stairs. Deku was even nicer to walk you to Bakugo's house, you're certain he'll make a great hero someday; unlike Bakugo.

You arrived in front of Mitsuki's house while Deku handed you your bookbag. You smiled, taking the bag from him as you thanked him for tagging along with you. He looks so bubbly and so soft for someone who has been hurt by his childhood friends and for someone who was a victim of Hero society.

"Wow, I didn't know that Kaachan's house was this big!" He said in astonishment.

"Well yeah, I know I thanked you already Izuku but thank you again. If you didn't help me here, I wouldn't make it this far so early. So thank you once again." You said, struggling to even make a sound. You ended up hurting your throat when you used your quirk too.

"No need to be formal Y/N, it's fine!" Deku said and you smiled at him. All of a sudden, the door shot open and you see the angry blonde staring at both you and Deku with his scarlet eyes.

"Get inside, and why are you here Deku? Shouldn't you be where failures belong?" Bakugo said, clearly insulting Deku and you tighten your hand into a fist.

"Who are you to talk to him like that Bakugo? All you are is a selfish insecure brat that thinks the world revolves around you. Well newsflash Bakugo; we all have cool quirks, you're not the only one with a cool quirk around here. I don't know which stuck up person told you this or was it the teachers of our daycare? But you're not a god, you will never be a god. Stop being a little insecure piece of shit and leave Izuku out of this." You said but you saw sparks forming on Bakugo's palm.

He grabbed Deku by the collar and threw him on the floor. You quickly reached towards Deku and helped him up. You took a tissue from your bag and wiped the blood coming out of his head and lips.

"This is why I hate you Bakugo, if only I didn't want Mitsuki to hit you; I would have told her about your wrongdoings. Stop reflecting on your insecurities on Izuku, know that no matter what you do; you will always be a bully in my eyes." You said, helping Deku up while patting the dirt off his clothes.

"Sorry Izuku that I brought you here just so that this self-absorbed jackass can hurt you again. Please take this green ball, it's something I worked on with my teacher; it will heal you if you keep squeezing it." You said while glaring at Bakugo.

"Whatever," Bakugo whispered and walked back inside his house.

You on the other hand couldn't believe it, you slowly saw Deku walk away while struggling. You look back at the opened door and walked inside the house. You take off your shoes and set your bag on the floor. Mitsuki was kind enough to give you a room in her house, you were so unlucky that it was next to Bakugo's room. After taking a shower, you walk down stairs to the kitchen. On your way upstairs, you bumped into Bakugo and rolled your eyes.

"If you have something to say, you can just say it." He said

"And what business would I want to have with you? You're just a victim of hero society, you're filled with wrong expectations and that will continue to eat you alive. I don't technically have anything to do with you or anything I want to say to you. I'm not going to tell you what's wrong with you either Katsuki, because I want you to reflect on your actions and find out what's wrong with yourself." You said, pushing past him to your room.

"Oh and by the way; you need to humble yourself, that attitude of yours won't give you a free pass to being a hero." You closed the door behind you after the statement.

Never had you ever expected such a brat like him, you despised him to the core. Nothing about him sat right with you until the day he and Izuku had to fight all might. You saw something in him, there was a spark in his eyes; a spark of wanting to try his best. That's when you decided to lay your dislikes for him and look at who he was as a person. You grew closer to him, wanting to know what is leading someone like him to become a hero.

It was difficult though, he hid who he really was in the shadows and let his ego take over. During a training camp UA planned for the students, there was a villain attack. You used your quirk as much as you can to help but it wasn't enough. You along with some other students from Bakugo's class wanted to help Bakugo because the villain's main objective was taking Bakugo. You tried your best to protect him but he slipped away from your fingers like a grasp of sand. You were sad of course, you were blaming yourself for not being able to protect your friend.

Later. Momo; a girl from Bakugo's class said she could locate him. Coming from a student who's from another class, it was weird that you wanted to help rescue Bakugo. After saying you were his friend, they allowed you to join and that's what you did. Along the way, you had so many thoughts and worries about what could have possibly happened. You knew Bakugo, probably better than anyone else. You knew that he would get mad if you guys went to save him but at the same time; he would be relieved that you guys came and that could probably show him that you guys cared about him.

You guys ended up rescuing him, and without a doubt; he accepted. It was then you realized; he was starting to grow. He was starting to humble himself and that made you happy. You were so happy to the point where you ended up giving him a hug. Everyone around you was shocked, they swore you hated Bakugo. From a large screen, he saw the man he looked up to the most, ending his career. You looked over to him and saw signs of guilt in his eyes. Then there was something you whispered in his ears:

"You know Bakugo; don't carry all of this on your shoulders. It's not entirely your fault Bakugo, being here was our decision, not yours or anybody's." You whispered.

He looked at you for a brief moment before walking away with his hands inside his pocket. Something he seems to do when he's either worried or anxious. You looked at him as he walked away then walked behind him. Sooner or later; the guilt and pain he has been carrying would explode like his red explosions but come out as blue explosions instead.

Then came the provisional license test: You went with class 1-A instead of your class. The principle of UA decided to place you in every 1-A activities because of your quirk after seeing you at the sports festival.

He looked like he was doing fine but you knew that he wasn't. From the way to school and the hero license test; he wasn't doing fine. He didn't look like he'll be doing fine either way. While getting out of the bus, you walked behind him.

"Bakugo, are you alright?" You ask

"Mind your business Greeny." He said.

Where did this nickname come from? Did he call you green because your quirk revolves around nature? You smiled as you exited the bus behind him, you hated the color green but maybe this nickname is okay.

You didn't end up getting your hero license because you passed out while using your quirk to protect yourself and your classmates from the other students. Bakugo and Todoroki didn't pass the hero licensing exam either. Todoroki's anger got in the way and Bakugo's smart mouth got in the way but it wasn't only that. Bakugo wanted to be a hero, he would never let his smart mouth hurt that. It's something else and that something else was none other than his guilt over All Might's retirement. You didn't say anything to him on the way back to the school dorm.

After you took your shower, you walked to his dorm building and knocked on his door. He didn't open the first time but the second time he did.

"Greeny, what are you doing here? Shouldn't your ass be in bed because you passed out while taking the exam?"

"Yes but I came here to talk to you," You walked inside his room uninvited and he looked so offended. "Bakugo, are you alright?" You asked

"Yeah and why wouldn't I be?" He asked

"I don't believe you! You're not fine, is there anything you need?" You asked

"For you to get out of my room and go to yours, now get lost!" He softly/harshly pushed you out of his room. You stared at the closed door in front of you and walked back to the other dorm building that was for your class. Not even a while after, you looked out of the window and saw Bakugo leaving his dorm building with Deku following him behind. You used your quirk to make you look invisible; in nature, prey camouflage in order to hide from their predators and that's what you did.

You followed Bakugo and Deku to what seemed like Ground Beta, you gasped. They are not going to fight? Are they? You looked closer and are they about to fight? You deactivated your quirk and found a hiding spot. Words were shared in between them and you just stood back. You're not going to stop the fight because fighting/actions are the only way Bakugo can express how he feels. So you just sat back and watched them fight, at some point; Bakugo's explosion became blue. He was that angry?

You heard a noise behind you and you turned around to see All Might. You shook your head in disappointment and he fake smiled at you. Unlike the other students in the school, you never thought that All Might was a great teacher. He was a great hero but not to the point other people made him seem to be. He was just like every other person in hero society; quirk biased. The man was a great hero; true, but a great teacher? No. His act of picking favorites will get him in trouble one day, you slightly move away from him to give him space. You were so lucky that he wasn't your teacher.

"So young Midoriya and young Bakugo are fighting?" He laughed nervously while scratching the back of his neck but you didn't answer him and rolled your eyes. You looked back at the Deku and Bakugo fighting each other again while yelling at each other.

"Young Y/N, can I ask you something?" He asked but you didn't look at him, not even once. "What's the deal between young Midoriya and Bakugo? Are they always like this?"

"Sir All Might, I am in no position to tell you about the childhood of Bakugo and Izuku because it's not my story to tell. But you know what I'm going to tell you? I'm going to give you a piece of my mind.......You are a terrible teacher. I get it sir......I do. You're a hero, you're not fit for this kind of environment but I thought that it was pretty obvious that Bakugo was carrying the weight of your retirement on his shoulders." You said but All Might tried to stop you.

"I'm not done here sir; I know that this is not the way to talk to those who are superior to me but you need to listen to what I have to say and you will. Do teachers have favorites? Of course! But your favoritism is toxic, you are ignoring the mental health of your students and their physical conditions. Instead; you pay attention to Izuku. I'm not saying you shouldn't, because you should! By ignoring the health of your students just to take care of your successor is putting the life and the mindset of your students at sake. You even barely pay attention to Izuku too, you let him carry the burden of being the next symbol of peace. You let him think that he's just a tool of your achievements and the only thing he's seen as is being your successor."  Then you continued adding:

"You didn't come to UA to teach, you came to UA just to find your successor which is totally fine. But sir All Might, with all the respect I have for you; don't let your favoritism for the next symbol of peace cloud your judgments as a teacher and as a hero. Because look at Mr.Aizawa; he decided to train Shinsou from my class, it's not like he's ignoring his homeroom student's feelings just because he's training Shinsou. I mean this in the kindest way possible; if you're going to pick favorites, at least make sure those around you were not affected by your decisions." You said, leaving the All Might's side because Deku and Bakugo stopped their tantrums.

They were breathing heavily, and you just stood there; watching them on the floor while they were panting. You helped Deku up and tried to help Bakugo up right after but he slapped your hands away. That didn't stop you though, you reached for both his face and Deku's. You slightly placed each of your palms on their cheeks and smiled.

"Are you guys done here? Because look at yourselves; you guys really don't get it, do you? Let me give you a hint; you guys are like the Yin and the Yang, you guys balance each other and need each other to grow. Set your differences aside because that only gets you more pain and confusion." You said, letting go of their faces and slightly punched them in the head. You heard footsteps behind you and you turned around; it was All Might, walking with his head down. You let out a huge sigh of relief, as long as it's not Aizawa; everything should be fine.

All Might had a small talk with Bakugo but you were sure that it wasn't enough to change Bakugo's point of view. There will never be anyone that can understand Bakugo, he was a confusing person. Bakugo and Deku officially announced their rivalry as if they didn't announce that since middle school. You were unlucky enough to go to the same middle school as Bakugo, he constantly picked on Deku and you were always there to stand up for Izuku. The only reason why you constantly stood up for Izuku was because you knew that Bakugo would never lay his fingers on you, due to the relationship between his parents and yours.

You were glad that they had officially announced their rivalry between each other. In other words; this meant that Bakugo won't be aggressive and abusing toward Izuku anymore. After bringing Bakugo and Deku to Aizawa's room, you were making your way to your dorm when you wanted to ask Bakugo something.

"Hey Bakugo!" You called out; "can you please help me? Help me with controlling my quirk, as you can see; it gets me hurt all the time." You finally admitted while you were fiddling with your fingers.

"And how would that help me if I decide to take a loser like you under my wing?" He glared at you.

"By training me; you'll be able to get experiences from me. I really aspire to be like you Bakugo; people may find you as an asshole-which you kind of are, but deep down," You pressed your hand on the left side of his chest. "In your heart, I know there's something soft inside of that cold persona of yours. Watch me be the first one to realize that you are indeed a soft ball." You smirked, running away while grinning.

"Damn you! Come back! I'm not soft! Shit Green, what if my loser-for-classmates heard you?" He stared into your eyes.

"If your classmates heard me....hmmmmmmmm? Let me think! I'll guess they'll hear and see you being a soft angry boom boom man."

"Don't play with me! I'm not an angry boom boom man, that's a terrible nickname. Call me explosion murder instead. I'm not going to train you anymore!"

"Really? You want me to show the others your super romantic mangas?"

"Shut up! Why did you go to my room? Your training starts tomorrow!"

He walked away to 1-A's dorm building and you walked into your class's dorm. The next day; Bakugo trained you to hell, he didn't let you go for a split second. He almost blew you to hell and he almost killed you. You knew how dangerous and grueling it would be to train with him but you didn't expect it to be that hard. He barely even let you eat, he either trained you or he made you study so that you could become the smartest kid in your class. After learning everything you need to show from him; you guys had a fight. He was kind of disappointed that you won but he wanted a re-math.

Later, a fight broke loose throughout the whole city, as expected from war; bloodshed. Bakugo and some others ended up fine......but the rest? They didn't make it out well, you were still shook up by the villain's madness but you were alright. You had some minor injuries here and there but you managed to get out in great health.

Then came the trip where your class and Bakugo's class would be going out on a trip together. It was a reward they gave you guys for battling in the war. You guys had the chance to go to a vacation place as if that would make up for the deaths of those people. However, during the war; there were so many things you discovered about hero society that slowly made you lose hope for hero society. You and Bakugo weirdly spent quality time getting to know each other. He got rid of some thirsty men looking at you when you were wearing your swimming suit. When you asked him why he did it, he excused it with 'the old hag would kill me if I didn't.' You knew he was lying but didn't know why.

He constantly kept saving you from thirsty men and kept using the same excuse. You slowly started to have a huge crush on him to the point where everyone around you knew other than Bakugo. Momo; one of his classmates tried helping you confess your feelings for him but you backed out.

You were so late in confessing your feelings to him, you ended up graduating, and lost contact with him. You moved away to go to college and lost contact with him. You met a guy called Daniel during your college days and he kept you company. He was your best friend, he was always around you, helping you in every way he could. You had to come back to the city after hearing that the hero ranking would take place. The company you interned with gave you the permission to go see the ranking and you did. You hid in the crowd, watching Bakugo get the title of number two and the symbol of victory. You were so happy for him, even though being number one was his top priority; he was slowly maturing and finally accepting being the number two hero.

You met this girl called Ike and she was such a beautiful lady. She couldn't stop talking about her husband, you didn't know who her husband was or his name. The only thing you knew was that her husband was sure one hell of a dude. Her husband seemed as if he was someone famous who didn't want his name to be known to the public. You and Ike spent time together, talking about who knows what. She later became your partner for every article you write and you had to protect her because she didn't have a quirk. But later, everything started to become chaotic. She died protecting you and everything fell into pieces. Daniel was here to comfort you and you weren't able to sleep for weeks.

He gave you a break for three months and when you came back, he was ready to give you a brand new mission. It was to go to the building where Bakugo and Deku used to train together when they were back in UA. You were familiar with it because you knew where they used to fight. And there; you ended up meeting your long life crush and that was when everything started to rise and fall like a rollercoaster track.

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