Savior with Pride Bakugo x Re...

谞讻转讘 注诇 讬讚讬 QueenGround_Zero

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馃珋CURRENTLY TAKING A BREAK馃珋 鈿狅笍THIS TAKES PLACE IN THE FUTURE馃槂鈿狅笍 I want to make this book comfortable for e... 注讜讚

Chapter 1- The promise
Chapter 2- Another meeting
Chapter 3- A date?
Chapter 4- A hero's gamble
Chapter 5- A one-time proposal?
Chapter 6- Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter 7- I'm not oblivious
Chapter 8- His mistake
Chapter 9- Consequences
Chapter 10- Out of the city for now
Chapter 11- Another day doing nothing
Chapter 13- Clarifying Past Memories/Present
Chapter 14- Impossible
Chapter 15- Years in the Academy
Chapter 16- Your decision
Chapter 17- Meeting Once Again
Chapter 18- Is this it?
Chapter 19- He's Back
Chapter 20- His return

Chapter 12- The Truth

220 8 19
谞讻转讘 注诇 讬讚讬 QueenGround_Zero

_Mention of blood
_Mention of death
_Mention of nightmares
_A slight NSFW scene


There you are, hanging from a building with fireworks in the background. Your work partner is reaching down to catch you from falling off the building. She used all of her energy to bring you back to the roof but she didn't make it out alive herself.

You reach down to catch her but she is slowly falling down the building smiling. She didn't catch your hands at all, she wanted to but that's not why the person hired her. The man hired her to protect you at all costs, to lay down her life when it comes to protecting you.

"IKE!!!!!!" You scream, extending your arms but it was too late, there she was; laying on the floor with blood coming out of her body.

"IKE NOO!!!!!" But it was too late, she was gone in a blink of an eye.

Your body shakes with fear from the nightmare, small drops of sweat fall from your temples to your neck. You wake up, rubbing your eyes due to the brightness of the room. The sheets are tangled in between your feet, you turn over feeling a body next to you. Confused about why exactly that body is where it is, you open your eyes to see the most beautiful view ever. It's Bakugo; looking over at you, self-conscious about your morning face, you turn around to look at the other side of the wall.

Your heart is beating so fast, you press your hand over your chest. Never have you thought that you'll be having this nightmare again. You were unable to do anything, you were unable to move. You slowly tighten your grip on the sheets, looking over to Bakugo.

"Good morning," You say, keeping the covers closer to your chest.

"Hey, why are you shaking so early in the morning?" He says, getting up to stretch out his arms. You look over your shoulder, seeing his bare muscular back.

Forgetting about why you're in his room, you sit up and look around. You look under the covers, trying to see if your clothes are still on and they are still there. A sigh of relief exits your lips and Bakugo looks over at you as he hands you a glass of water.

"Why are you checking under the covers? I would never touch you without your permission, you know that!" He says

You raise your eyebrows, never touch you without permission huh?

"I know, but what am I doing in your bed?" After gulping the water, you hand him back the glass.

"You really don't remember?" You shake your head as a no. "You're ass came over to my room around 3 AM because you were cold."

You did what? You don't remember your body being cold at all. You don't even remember walking to Bakugo's room, was all of that a dream?

"It was not a dream, get off my bed now. I need to fix it before we head out." He softly/harshly throws a big shirt at you and you caught it before it hit your face.

"Head out?" You ask, slipping the covers over your now warm body.

"Yeah, we'll be going somewhere. Now go take a shower, you don't smell too nice."

Lies Y/N, he loves the way you smell.

You stand up to wear your gray slippers, Bakugo turns around admiring the way his shirt falls to your knees. How much does he have to pay so that he can see this view every morning? Before you make your way out of the room, you turn to look at him.

"Thank you for keeping me warm then, I'm feeling better now" You turn to leave the room.

"Idiot, wait!" You turn around and look at him with your arms crossed over your chest. "What caused you to be so cold last night? That was not normal!"

"I don't know, maybe it's because I used my quirk too soon." You say

"I told you to let me do it!"

"But I wanted to do it!"

"Well look at you now, you were cold! Idiot!"

You sigh, walking out of the room. "Bakugo, let me go take a shower before we start arguing so early in the morning."

"It's Katsuki for you!"

You ignore him and open the door to your room. He's groaning loudly in the back and you smirk. Looks like you're already getting on his nerves early in the morning.


He's hopeless

After taking a shower, you walk down to see Bakugo sitting on the couch. He's typing something on his computer, he turns around to look at you.

"Come here!"

Without questioning him, you walk to him and sit down on the couch. He smells very good and it's so early in the morning. He moves the computer in front of you, it's a website. Confused by what's in front of you, you turn to look at him.

The look in his eyes looks different than other times, he seems worried and incomplete. You didn't know why he was like that but you knew better than to question him about it. He seems as if he's trying to cope with today, he's playing with the silver ring on his finger. He misses her that much?

"Katsuki, are you alright?" You ask, knowing him, he shakes his head as a yes and changes the topic.

"We're going back to the city-"

Your gaze shifted to the rug on the floor, why so soon? Just when you guys were spending so much time with each other.

"Yeah, alright"

You slowly type in your name on the website when you realize what it's for. It's the hero commission website, when heroes go out of town, they use that to keep track of where they are. After typing your name, you update your status to; Alive. They didn't actually put you as dead, did they?

"Katsuki are we going now?"

Worried, you look at him, fiddling with your fingers. Not only are you hungry, but you also want to spend more time with your friend. He hasn't been spending lots of time enjoying what life offers. He's always either patrolling or doing hero missions. He did have girlfriends, a wife even but she didn't last. He had many girlfriends that didn't last a lot of time, but the one he had before meeting you was his wife.

You didn't know his wife until that day.

She used to work with you when Daniel was the CEO. She used to be one of the best reporters, but something happened. She died and if Bakugo knew how she died, he would not forgive you at all. 

She was a very pretty and kind-hearted person, she was the perfect girl. No wonder why she almost became Bakugo's wife. She was everything Bakugo would want for his partner; independent, strong, nice, kind-hearted, beautiful smile, and someone always ready to help. She was almost everything you're not, you always felt as if the only reason Bakugo paid attention to you was just because you knew his mother.

No, that's not you being insecure but you couldn't help but wonder if Bakugo would pay attention to you if you weren't his old neighbor. He was known for being the little delinquent of UA, and you were brave enough to be close to him just to realize that he has a soft spot and that he wasn't the monster people described him to be. He was just misunderstood, if Kirishima; a kind-hearted soul can get close to Bakugo then he isn't a monster.

"Follow me!"

He takes out his keys and turns off the computer. He quickly walks to the door not even waiting for you to get out. Once you're out of the house, he closes the door behind him then you follow him to his car. If you guys are not going to the city then where are you guys going?

"Katsuki, aren't you supposed to normalize telling me where we're going?"

He loudly groans and takes a huge turn in the nearest corner. When your stomach growls, he turns around to look at you. He didn't cook this morning, neither did he let you have time to cook this morning. He pulls over to the nearest restaurant, walks out of his car just to bring you something to eat.

"Katsuki, you could have just let me pay-"

"Yeah, and where's your purse to pay me back?" He raised his eyebrows, curiously looking at you. You gulp looking away from his gaze then back to the donuts in front of you.

"That's what I thought, now sit back and stop complaining, idiot."


It was a long drive to the other side of town considering that where he's bringing you is far. He stops by a flower shop and picks up a medium-sized bouquet. Confused about why he bought a bouquet, you look over to him. Did he suddenly forget that your quirk is nature? That's kind of rude.

"I'm sorry Katsuki for being in your business but why buy flowers when you have mother nature next to you?" You silently laugh at your corny joke. Mother nature? Maybe you should start using that name.

"I'm not going to take advantage of you like that," He stops for a brief moment as he pulls over a parking lot. "Plus; if using your quirk makes you the way you were last night then I'd rather buy flowers. You almost fucking choked me to death while you were begging me to keep you warm."

All lies Y/N, he enjoyed it

You look out of the window as he picks up the flowers and walks out of the car. Following him behind, you look around. You guys are heading towards a cemetery. You didn't bother asking him why you guys were heading that way. Clearly, there's an obvious reason why people go to cemeteries but are his reasons the same as the rest?

You continue following him until he stops in front of a grave, he places a flower on top of the grass where the grave is. He touched the grave, slowly looking down at his ring finger. He's gently massaging the ring and sits on the floor next to the grave. You take a good look at the name written on the grave.

Ike Dai

Shocked by the name you see, you slowly walk backward. You're the reason why she's gone. Just when you thought you escaped that reality.

"She used to work under the company you're guiding now." Bakugo softly says "She constantly used to talk about you."

You shake your head in disapproval seeing how broken Bakugo looks. This can't be happening.

"I knew where you were all this time, I just didn't know how to start a conversation with you after all those years. She used to look up to you a lot, and I thought that if she was with you, she would have been safe. She was but she died because I wasn't there!" He says as tears run down his cheeks.

No Bakugo, you got it all wrong. You killed her, you were the reason she died. You should have noticed that today was the day Ike died. No wonder why he looked so sad this morning, this is what was eating him up.

"Katsuki, it's not because you were weak."


He's broken

"Bakugo, I've known you since forever and this is not you. You're strong-" You say, trying to stop yourself from remembering the way she died. Ike died in front of you, and yet he is blaming himself more than you're blaming yourself.

"NO, I'M NOT!!! SHE HAD OUR KID GROWING IN HER BELLY. If I was there, I could have saved both her and our baby." You place your hands over your mouth. When you let her fall off the building, you didn't know she was pregnant and you didn't know.

"W-what?" You ask, astonished by his sudden words.

"Yes, she was indeed pregnant. We thought of naming the little boy Satsuki." He cries

"Katsuki, please get up. Stop crying, it's not your fault, I swear, it's not your fault." You say to him but also to yourself. You're trying to make yourself feel better when you know you shouldn't. The look on her face when she fell down the building is now clouded in your mind.

"Katsuki, please, let's go somewhere you can relax and forget about this."

You take the keys from his pocket and help him up. This can't be happening. You look back at the grave again then walk back to the car. You miss her and it was all your fault.

This can't be happening

This can't be happening

You didn't know that she was dating Bakugo

This can't be happening

But you escaped that reality

Here's what happened:

You are getting dressed, fixing your hair, and making sure you look decent. You check yourself a second time and grab your purse. You don't do this stuff often but today just happens to be a day where you have to risk your life for another newspaper.

You hear a knock and you proceed to head out of your apartment. You and your partner Ike are to work on this paper together. Ike has been your friend ever since you stepped inside the company. She was the first to speak to you, after Daniel of course.

Throughout your years of knowing her, you learn that she was a kind-hearted girl and that she had a husband. She was everyone's friend, no one hated her. You never knew the husband she was talking about, neither did you know what he looked like. But by the way, she described him, he was definitely one hell of a dude.

She was mostly a private person, she hasn't shared any crucial information about her husband. Neither had she said the name of her husband. You probably guessed that her husband was famous or something. Most wife carries their husband's last name but Ike didn't. You didn't ask why since she also didn't seem to mind.

"So Ike, are you ready?" You ask, showing her your keys as she squeals in happiness. She's wearing a red wine dress, it showed every curve of her body. She is a very pretty person, she's also a part-time model. She wears her hair up in a formal ponytail and looks at you.

"Yes, of course, I drive." She takes the keys from you.

You never understood why she was always where you went, it's like she was your guardian angel. She keeps you safe even though she didn't have a quirk of her own.

There would be no point in using your quirk tonight, all you'll be doing is going to a party organized by a bunch of villains. You need to make a report for it and release an article about it. Hopefully, everything goes smoothly.

After arriving in front of the building, there are two men outside of the building; checking everyone who is going inside the building. They were wearing sunglasses when it wasn't even sunny outside, it was barely 9:00 PM. Placing the small unnoticeable camera and recorder in your purse, both you and Ike step out of the car.

"Good evening ladies, I.D?" You both showed him your I.D and they let you enter. Once they made sure you were far enough inside the building, one of the bodyguards pressed on their microphone to let their boss know that you're here.

You and Ike are enjoying yourselves at the bar, talking about a bunch of nothings until Ike left for the bathroom. You check down at your watch, it's been 30 minutes, where is she?

You turn around, feeling a presence behind you. The man looked intimidating, he looked as if he's about to kill a nation. This man was your target, he was the man you'll be writing an article about. He sits down next to you and you grin.

"Drink?" He asks, you nod, taking this chance to look for Ike. You turn around for a brief moment, looking for Ike but she is nowhere to be seen. You turn back around and pick up the drink in front of you. He smiles as you take a gulp of the drink.

"So, were you the girl that came with Ike?"

"Yes-" you cover your mouth. Why are you saying the truth all of sudden?

"Are you here to do something?" You shake your head as a no and he smirks. You were telling the truth, you're not here to do anything. You're just here to do your job, nothing else.

"Alright, if you say soooo~~~" he sings, walking away while waving at you. What was that for anyway? You see his silhouette slowly disappearing through the crowd and you let out a huge sigh. It almost feels as if he did something to your drink.

"Y/N!!!!" You hear, turning around to see Ike panting.

"Ike, where the hell were you? I've been looking all over the place." You analyze her face, looking for scars but there weren't any. You let out a sigh.

"I found them! I found where they are hiding the bullets." She says

"Couldn't you start with that Ike? I thought you left."

"I'm sorry but can we go now?" You laugh taking your purse with you.

Ike is guiding you to what seems like the top floor of the building. There's no visible elevator in this place, no wonder why Ike was panting.

She shows you the room where there are a bunch of bullets on the shelves. You take out your small camera and take pictures. Everything was fine until a group of men kicked the door open.

"Y/N, stay back!!!" Ike says, walking towards the group of men.

"But Ike, you don't have a quirk!!" You say

"It's fine!!!"

"No, it's not, I can fight!!!" You stand in your fighting position getting ready to use your quirk but it was in vain. You couldn't make tree branches.


"Y/N, what's wrong?" Ike looks over to you.

"I can't use my quirk, I'm guessing it's because of the drink that man gave me." You hold your head in pain.

"........Then make a run for it," Ike says.

Looking at her as if she was crazy, she turns looking at you in the eyes. She's serious! But she doesn't have a quirk, what is she going to do now?

"Y/N! I'm fine! Make a run for it." She closes her eyes and there's a sudden sweet smell coming out of the room.

You look over at her, she actually had a quirk. She apologetically looks over at you. The man who hired her told her to protect you all her life. That's exactly what she is doing, you walk out to the roof getting ready to jump off the building. Hopefully, you can use your quirk by then.

A man comes out of nowhere and you keep walking backward. You're close to falling off until Ike kicked him on the floor. It was too late, you fell down but there was an opening on the wall. You place your feet inside the opening as a support to stop you from falling off. You look down on the ground, seeing cars passing below you. You try reaching on top but there was nothing there.

"Give me your hand Y/N." Ike reaches down for you. You were skeptical at first but you took her hand anyway. She struggles to bring you up. A firework explodes in the background.

"Almost there"

"Ike no, you have a husband." You say

"I know, but my job is to protect you. If I don't protect you Y/N, he'll kill me." Tears start to form in her eyes as she manages to pull you back on the balcony. She slowly lets go of your hand to catch onto something but there was nothing there.

Everything is happening so fast yet so slow. Ike is slowly falling down the building while smiling. Everything was in slow-mo, her hair is floating with the wind. Another multicolored fireworks exploded, lighting up the sky.

"IKE!!!!!!" You yell, seeing her body laying flat on the sidewalk.

Your quirk is finally working, you make a tree branch and sit down next to her body on the sidewalk. You hold her hands in yours, tears running down your face.

"Ike.......why.........why.........did you do that?" Your throat feels husky and dry.

"You're my friend, how good of a friend am I if I can't protect you? Plus; that's what I was hired to do." She says, blood leaking down her temples. You tightly hold her bloody hands in yours. What did she mean by hired?

"What about your husband Ike? What about him? How will he feel about this?"

"I don't know.Y/" Her hands are slowly becoming cold.


You've never felt so helpless before. You can heal people but you can't heal those who are close to death. The only time you can heal a dead person is if you were the one that killed them. Even then, you still use your quirk; hoping that could make a major difference.

The ambulance came and the whole block was shut down. The hero commission members came and gave you a coat and a bottle of water.

"You did a great job Y/N" You look at them, confused as to why they are congratulating you.

"What do you mean?" You ask the man in front of you.

"Nothing, just know that it was either her or you." The man says then walks away.

You didn't understand what the man was trying to tell you. As you sit down on one of the benches while the doctors are healing your small wounds, you go back to your memories about what happened.

Ike has a sleeping quirk, and your quirk wasn't working. She told you to make a run for it and turns out there was no place to run to so you had to jump off a building. Before you fell off the building, Ike used all of her energy to catch you. She pulls you back on top of the building but she falls down instead. It was your fault, you should have caught her but you didn't.

You were questioning your life decisions, you couldn't feel your knees neither can you feel your arms. Your body is shaking in fear, you killed your friend and there's no walking away from that. This was something planned all along, who would plan such a devilish plan?

You didn't go to her funeral, you were feeling too guilty to do so. You're the reason why she's dead, you shouldn't attend her funeral where many people would cry. You didn't want anyone to tell you where she was buried or anything of that sort. It's not that you didn't care, you felt like you were a fake friend to her because you couldn't save her.

You didn't try finding her husband like she asked you to either. What were you going to tell him? That you killed your best friend who happens to be his wife? He would hate you, there's no denying it.

The hero commission edited the CCTV of the event and made it seem as if she threw herself off the building. When you asked them why they did it, they didn't have an answer. They made you sign a contract where you keep the truth hidden in the dark.


You park by the hot springs place, bringing Bakugo inside with you. Bakugo and you used to spend a lot of time going to different places. You later found out that you both loved going to hot springs better than anyone else. Just like he wanted to get his mind off his dead wife, you wanted to get your mind off the fact that you killed his wife.

How can you tell Bakugo that you killed his wife?

You didn't know that he was her husband, but that's not a question of whether you knew him or not. You shouldn't have done that, especially to your fucking friend. The fact that you can smile knowing you killed her just says a lot about you. Bakugo was so eager to know the guilt you were carrying but is he going to be ready for that information?

You didn't spend much time in hero meetings, that's probably one of the reasons why you haven't met Bakugo. You probably were the ghost of the hero commission, you only worked in the shadows. Now, after you met Bakugo, you wanted to spend more time with him so you joined the original hero line up.

After getting your ticket to the hot springs, Bakugo went to the men's room and changed while you made your way to the women's room. You take off the annoying bandages around your head and back, slowly tracing the burning scars on your body. They weren't big but they were very obvious, one part you hated about your quirk was that it doesn't erase scars.

You look at the small burning scar on your chest and let out a huge sigh. These burn scars hurt a lot, is that how Ike felt when Ike had all those scars on her body?

Wearing your towel tightly around your chest, you walk out of the bathroom to hot-springs #4, which was the only hot spring open.

You still had your underwear under the towel, of course, you can't just walk in front of Bakugo and show him your naked body. Every time you both went to hot springs, you always wore your underwear. It's just weird if he sees your naked body in the open.

You pull the door open and walk inside the hot, steamy room. There he was, playing with a bunch of small plastic ducks. He probably has calmed down now.

Your gaze shifts to his wet damped hair, and his muscular chest. There's no point in denying it, Bakugo is indeed a handsome person. His red scarlet eyes and his small nose seems like perfection to you. But were you allowed to say such a thing? Even though he has calmed down, you know he still misses his wife.

Bakugo sees you standing by the door, he turns around and sighs.

"Are you coming in or not?" He looks away, "I thought we were here to relax?"

"We are, just let me take off my towel first."

You were self-conscious about your scars, especially since Bakugo didn't have any visible ones. He was known for having the clearest skin back in UA, he still does. But just the thought of someone with no visible mark seeing your burning marks makes you a little self-conscious.

Being the brave person you are, you take off the towel and walk inside the hot-springs. You didn't stay next to him because that would be so awkward. You went to the other side of the hot-spring, it wasn't big or anything, it was big enough for 10 people to fit.

You played with the water, making weird shapes with it. You were thankful that this hot-spring is natural, if it wasn't; you wouldn't be able to manipulate the water. Bakugo is staring at you on the other side of the room, you weren't happy, and that concerned him.

"Hey, idiot!" You look towards him. "What's eating you up?" He asks

No Bakugo, that's probably the last thing you should be worried about. The last thing he should be worried about is you because you deserve to be sad. You killed your friend and there's no turning away from that.

You blink and breathe as hard as you can, ready to lie to him again.

"Oh nothing, I'm not sad. I just thought we would have more time to spend with each other instead of going back to the city so soon." You ask, still looking down at the steamy water.

"I know you're lying to me, if you don't want to tell me; that's fine."

"I just told you, it's nothing you need to worry about." You say but you see him swimming towards you. Oh no

"Really?" He places his finger under your chin, lifting your face to meet his gaze. "The look in your eyes says different." You pull away from his hold, looking somewhere else other than his face.

You're sadly not ready for that information Bakugo

"So you really don't want to tell me?" He starts to swim away but you caught him by his biceps.

"I-I don't know how to tell you this Katsuki." He turns to meet your gaze, you were almost at your breaking point. For some reason, you were sadder than he was.

"I want to tell you but I don't know how-to, it's just.....I don't know how you'll react-"

Something warm caught you off guard, his pair of lips are warm against yours. You don't deserve this, you don't deserve him. You place your hand on his bare chest, trying to pull him away but he holds both of them to stop you from doing so. You didn't want to cry in front of him but you wanted to do so at the same time, this is so confusing. Bakugo is a great listener, believe it or not. Even if he'll give you a response like 'shut up', but the second you get quiet, he'll tell you to continue.

He holds you by your waist, pulling you closer to him, he was also wearing his boxers, guess he did respect other people's privacy. Your eyes are still open, not moving your lips the way you are supposed to. When he noticed no response from you, he pulled away. You wanted to kiss him back but did you really deserve to do so? You don't deserve to be happy, you chose to end a life just so that you could stay alive. He wanted to comfort you but it was quite difficult for him since he didn't understand what was up with you.

He travels his lips to your neck, sucking on your skin then places light kisses on the place he just made a mark. You are making a pleasant noise that he has been yearning for. He smirks against your skin, slowly pulling down the strap of your bra. You wanted it, you wanted him but did you deserve that? You pull him away from you.

"K-Katsuki, not now........please"

This was the only time he couldn't read you like an open book. You both spend the rest of the time, playing with the water and staying as far away from each other as possible. Both of you were broken; Bakugo was broken because he couldn't protect his ex-wife and you were broken. After all, you thought you escaped the reality of killing his wife.

Once he finds out, your life will never be the same, his touch will never feel the same. That is only if he forgives you for killing his wife. Which he would most likely not, but it was worth trying considering that Bakugo had a sweet spot for you.


Bakugo drove back to his home, packing some of his belongings to bring back to the city with him. You were helping him carry some things but he couldn't stop yelling at you not to do so. You both ended up placing the belongings in the trunk. You waited for him to lock his door and slowly walk to him. There's a bench in front of his house, that made everything easier.

"Katsuki, before we head to the city, I need to talk to you." He looks at you, finally happy that you wanted to talk to him now.

He sits down on the bench next to you, waiting for you to start a conversation. You didn't know how to so he started first.

"It's going to be a new day tomorrow, idiot. I don't have all day, plus; I need to go to Ike's parents' house and check if they are alright." You shifted in your seat when he mentioned Ike, how do you tell him?

"You have something to tell me, don't you?" He turns to look at you, "and I'm guessing it's about Ike."

"Y-yeah......uhh.....yeah........I do." You fiddle with your fingers.

"It's about Ike, I......uh......umm....I was the reason why she's dead." Bakugo looks over at you laughing, you couldn't possibly be serious. When he looks into your eyes, his smile falls off his face. You were serious.

"What do you mean? I don't fucking understand anything, elaborate."

"I killed her Katsuki, I was the reason why she died Bakugo, I threw her off a fucking building." You admit, tears running down your face. Meanwhile Bakugo's world is slowly shattering, he trusts you so much. He went to the cemetery with you to show you that he and Ike will forever be old news. He went to the cemetery with you to get his old wife's blessing to start something new.

"Katsuki please, say something. It's too quiet please."

Your voice is caught in your throat, chest lifting up and down, tears running down your cheeks. Bakugo was so confused in this situation, he used to love his wife but you were always the one he loved first. However, he's not going to forget that Ike had his kid growing inside her belly. He loves you but he will not forget the fact that you killed two human beings, especially when you were supposed to be a hero.

"What were her last words?" He asks

"She told me to tell you that she loved you." You look down on the floor, feeling guilty about all of this.

He still hasn't said anything so you reach out to touch him but he forcefully pulls his arms away from your hold. He looks down at his engagement ring on his ring finger.

"At what cost?" He asks in the softest way possible, once you don't answer, his voice rises a little higher than before. "AT WHAT FUCKING COST?"

Wiping your tears, you let out a huge sigh.

"Myself, Katsuki. It was either her or me."

"Who told you to do this?" You shake your head in disapproval, you were forbidden from saying the name of who gave you that order.

"It was me Katsuki, I did it, all on my own." You lied

"You're lying to me again.......FUCK........" He paces back and forth.

"You know I fucking hate liars, why did you do it? WHY DID YOU DO IT HUH?" You didn't have an answer, the man didn't give you a reason. You were under a drug, but it was still your fault.


You didn't have anything to say, you didn't know what to say.

"I can't Katsuki, not like this............because I don't know."


You still didn't say anything, it doesn't matter now. What's the point? They were the ones that gave you the drug, you didn't choose it.

"SAY SOMETHING!!!" He yells

"What's there to say Bakugo, I fucked up. I'm sorry"

"How dare you smile around me huh? How dare you? How fucking dare you? I trusted you. You know what? Get in my car then I'll drive you home, afterward; I don't want to hear from you. EVER." You get up and wipe your tears, following him behind.

You sit in the back seat this time, he's driving down to the city at an extremely high pace. Everything is happening so fast, it didn't take him 3 hours until you got home. You quickly took out the bags from the trunk.

"Katsuki goodnight-" He drives away.

You sadly open your door with the keys, what are you going to do now? You wipe your tears with a small handkerchief. You yelp when you see Kasui on the couch, sleeping. What the hell was he sleeping here out of all places? You softly shake him to wake up.

"Kasui, what are you doing here?" You ask, placing your bag on the floor.

"Y/N, I'm glad you're back. I heard that you'll be coming to the city today so I came by to drop you some of these paper works." He gets up and shows you the pile of paper on the coffee table.

"Where did you find my keys?" You ask, taking your coat off.

"You left them back at the company, I know I shouldn't but I really wanted to check up on you. I called you a couple of times so I guessed your phone was cracked." He hands you the keys.

"No it's alright...........are you staying?"

"No..not at all, just welcome back." He opens his arms and pulls you in for a hug.

"Kinda noticed that you needed a hug, you're.......crying?" He says, a little confused because there are no tears in your eyes but your eyes are red.

"Thanks, Kasui, expect me at work tomorrow." You say, waving goodbye to him.

"Is it pro-hero Dynamight that's bothering you?" He curiously looks at you

"What?" You turn to look at him

"It's not?"

"Well, that sounded like more of a question than a statement. Ms.Y/N, are you alright?" He asked, sincerely this time. Kasui, you're still innocent, this topic is too much for you to handle.

"It's fine Kasui, just go home. Thank you for checking up on me."


"-night~" You fake smiled as you close the door.

You sit down on your couch, thinking about your life and what you have accomplished.

Turns out Ike's husband was Bakugo and she was also pregnant. Bakugo claimed he lost feelings for her which he kind of did but got mad when you told him about his wife. It's understandable that he felt that way, you should have expected him to feel that way. He still kept his engagement ring so that meant he still cared about her. The look of sorrow that was in his eyes when you told him the things that he wanted to know so much. He didn't know what to do in this situation, he promised himself that once he found his wife's killer; that was the end for them.

You were disgusted that you have a crush on your best friend's husband. Saying you don't know shouldn't be an excuse anymore, you should have known, you should have done your research. You trace the place on your neck where Bakugo kissed and smiled. This is the last time you'll feel his lips against yours, the last time you'll ever feel him close to you. You are willing to set your emotions aside because you were disgusted with yourself.

Without noticing, tears are running down your cheeks. You wrap your arms around your body wanting comfort when you know you shouldn't. You've never cried so much until today, you were embarrassed for letting those tears run down your face. You wipe them away and proceed to do your work.

When Bakugo found out that you were the one who killed his wife, what was he going to do? He's already falling head over heels for you, he kissed you multiple times. He shouldn't have moved on so soon but he believed that his wife would be proud of him for moving on. He didn't know what to do in this situation, considering that his wife had a baby growing inside her stomach and that he took a sudden interest in you. Everything became more complicated, after all of the time he spent reviewing the way he feels about you; this is what you welcomed him with?

Bakugo didn't go home tonight, he felt disgusted and betrayed. He went to Kirishima's house, Mina wasn't there because she went to spend time with her parents. Bakugo didn't say anything to him about what happened but Kirishima could tell that something was wrong. He didn't ask anything though, he and Bakugo are sitting on the couch while watching a movie. Bakugo's mind was somewhere else other than the plot of the movie. He was thinking of all the possibilities and how he could forgive you but his pride was hurting. He's not going to forgive you, that's for sure.


Someone from the shadows is crying in the distance, she's finally able to move her body after 3 years of being underground.

She thought you forgot about her, she was happy but angry at the same time. Why were you with her husband? Who are you again? What kind of friend makes their moves on her husband because she was dead? She smirks from the shadows, never has she thought she'll be harming a friend.

Since she was declared dead, the man that hired her to protect you won't care anymore. She never knew you were that kind of person, but you'll regret it. She takes off the bandages from her body and picks up the flowers Bakugo left for her.

"I'll take you back Katsuki baby, watch" She says, brushing off the pile of dirt she has on her body. "And as for you Y/N, how dare you?"

讛诪砖讱 拽专讬讗讛

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