AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson...

By samembrose

28.1K 808 731

Year 4 has just started, when 3 new boys get introduced to the school. All year, these boys cause trouble for... More

•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 18•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•
•Chapter 25•
•Chapter 26•
•Chapter 27•
•Chapter 28•
•Chapter 29•
•Chapter 30•
•Chapter 31•
•Chapter 32•
•Chapter 33•
•Chapter 34•
•Chapter 35•
•Chapter 36•
•Chapter 37•
•Chapter 38•
•Chapter 39•
•Chapter 40•
•Chapter 41•
•Chapter 42•
•Chapter 43•
•Chapter 44•
•Chapter 45•
•Chapter 46•
•Chapter 47•
•Chapter 48•
•Chapter 49•
•Chapter 50•
•Chapter 51•
•Chapter 52•
•Chapter 53•
•Chapter 54•
•Chapter 55•
•Chapter 56•
•Chapter 57•
•Chapter 58•
•Chapter 59•
•Chapter 60•
•Chapter 61•
•Chapter 62•
•Chapter 63•
•Chapter 64•
•Chapter 65•
•Chapter 66•
•Chapter 67•
The end

•Chapter 3•

933 25 65
By samembrose

"Will everyone please take their seats!" McGonagall shouts. Everyone in the main hall sits down - which helps to silences them all. I look toward the Slytherin table and wave at Flynn, who returns it.

"The sorting ceremony will begin shortly, however, as many of you would've heard, this year we are also introducing 3 new students - who will be joining our 4th year students. Now if you will excuse me, I will go and get all our new students, you may talk quietly amongst yourselves." She walks around the podium and makes her way out the hall.

"Who do you think the new kids are?" Julie whispers to me.

"I already met one of them. He bumped into me ad I was going to change, we chatted for a while and he seems like a nice guy. His name is Alex. Turns out he's a Malfoy."

"And he spoke to you? And didn't try and kill you." James says from across the table. I look at him with a angry face.

"Not that it's any of your business, James. but yes, he did speak to me and he was lovely." I say rudely to him, causing him to laugh.

Suddenly, the doors to the great hall open again, and McGonagall walks in again - this time with the first years following her, at the back of the first years stand three taller boys. One was obviously Alex, the next one was the same guy who was shouting at Alex when we were talking on the train, but the third I didn't recognise.

"We will now commence the annual sorting hat ceremony. For all who do not know, when your name is called, you will come up and sit right here." She pats the chair that the sorting hat is currently sat on. "And I will place this hat on your head, it will then tell you what house you will be in for the rest of your years at Hogwarts. The four houses are Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and slytherin. Each house represents the school as a whole, but it also carries a huge amount of house pride that has built up over the hundreds of years that Hogwarts has been running. We as the staff look to bring pride and legacy to our school and our individual houses. We hope that the same mindset applies to all of you, as it would be a great misfortune to have anyone bring dishonor to our school."

After the speech, She calls up the students one by one, until only the new fourth year boys are left waiting for their names to be read out.

"Alexander Malfoy." McGonagal reads with confusion. Alex slowly walks up the steps and sits down in the chair as chatter about the mysterious malfoy spreads amongst staff and students both.

"Silence!" McGonagall shouts as Alex sits down on the stool.

"Malfoy?" The sorting hat shouts out, "Well usually I would put any and all Malfoy children in Slytherin, but you're different." I look toward Albus, so I can scope out his best friend, Scorpius - who is a malfoy himself. When I finally spot him I see that he is looking toward Alex with the same confused expression as the rest of the school.

"HUFFLEPUFF." The sorting hat shouts out. Alex smiles and joins in at the Hufflepuff table, where I see Nick immediately introduce himself.

"Reginald Lastrange." McGonagall says with a slight tone of confusion in her voice, yet her face remains straight.

The guy who I hadn't met walks up onto stage and sits down, as the crowd starts getting louder with chatter. I look around in confusion, at all the noise being made, for a boy who looks harmless.

"Silence!" The professor shouts once again.

"Hm, a rather curious case. Although your bloodline would require an immediate Slytherin entry, something isn't fitting right in the obvious selection. HUFFLEPUFF." The sorting hat screams once again. He jumps off of the chair, giggling as he does so, and half runs over to Alex, who is waiting at the Hufflepuff table with Nick for him.

"And last but not least. Lukas Longbottom." I look toward the teachers table, at our herbology professor, who's last name is also Longbottom. He looks shocked that someone has the same name as him, which leads me to believe that he wasn't expecting nor did he know the new Longbottom at the school.

Lukas sits on the chair with a bored expression on his face as the hat is placed on his head. His face portrays the same angry expression that matched his tone toward Alex on the train earlier. I see his mouth move, but no words come out. Unlike his other two friends, the hat doesn't speak at all - before it calls out his house.

"Slytherin." The hat mumbles, something that has never happened before. It's common knowledge that the sorting hat will shout out the new students house, so that everyone could hear it, but for Lukas, it's almost like the hat was scared to say his house out loud. One thing is for sure, he's definitely not related to professor Longbottom, who seemed to be his complete opposite.

I watch as Lukas walk over to the Slytherin table, eyeing his friends with a smirk on his lips, while he walks past them. He sits down at the table next to Scorpius, who seems very eager to introduce himself. I watch as Albus eyes Lukas, who is only a seat away from him. Albus must think he's a bit suspicious, because he would never look at anyone like that after his incident with the time turner a few years ago - he's changed into a very goo judge of character, so he must have a strong negative feeling about Lukus.

"Let the feast begin." McGonagall says as the food appears in front of us. James reaches for the steak, as I stare across the room at Lukas. Something about him just makes me extremely curious. It's a strange feeling, but something is telling me I need to find out more about him, that's exactly what I plan to do.

I get up from my seat and make my way over to him, but as usual, something stands in my way.

"Albus, get out of my way." I say with annoyance.

"I know where you're going, but you can't talk to him. Believe me, he's bad news." I stare at him in disbelief.

"Who are you to tell me that he's bad news? Besides I think I should find that out by myself." I walk past him, but he quickly catches my wrist and drags me out of the great hall, while I groan protests at him.

"Why would you do that? I'm on a mission!" I say to him as he pulls me to the side of the hallway that leads to the great hall.

"You're only going to talk to him because you need to fuel your own need to know everything." He whispers with an angry face.

"That is not true." I cross my arms and look past him into the empty hall.

"Unfortunately, that is something that you got from Aunt Hermione. Besides, it's the first day, I doubt the kid will want to talk to you after seeing how he looked at Scorpius for introducing himself."

"Maybe your boyfriend isn't as friendly looking as he thinks he is. The only way to find out is for me to actually talk to him." This time I walk past him quicker then before, so he can't catch me, as I walk back to the great hall.

When I walk in, I look back to the place where Lukas was sitting, but instead of seeing him, I see Scorpius looking very disappointed.

I walk over to him and sit down next to him, earning myself a few dirty looks from a few younger Slytherins.

"Where is the new guy that was sitting next to you?" I say with a frustrated look toward him.

"Hello to you too, Dani. Lovely to see you, yes I'm well thank you." He sarcastically speaks with a cheeky look on his face.

"Hello, Scorpius. Where's the guy that was next to you." I say with my hands on my hips.

"He told me to piss off because I was being too friendly." He mutters as he keeps his head looking at his plate, while picking at his food.

"Yeah, I could see that." I say and get up, before walking back to the gryffindor table and sitting back down next to Julie - not before I notice the other two boys missing from the Hufflepuff table as well.

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