The Wolf Queen (The Queen's S...

By herlittlenightmare

618K 34K 8.6K

Betrayed, lost, broken. This is Azalea's reality now. Once a slave, now a warrior. A future queen tasked w... More

One: Crucifixion
Two: Havoc
Three: Misery
Four: Decay
Five: Agony
Six: Murder
Seven: Revenge
Eight: Branded
Nine: Exile
Ten: Unsteady
Eleven: Depthless
Twelve: Bleed
Thirteen: Lamentation
Fourteen: Remorse
Fifteen: Sinister
Sixteen: Conduit
Seventeen: Hell
Eighteen: Burn
Nineteen: Surrender
Twenty: Rot
Twenty One: Infinite
Twenty Two: The Crown
Twenty Three: The Challenge
Twenty Four: Possession
Twenty Five: The Prophecy
Twenty Six: Unity
Twenty Seven: Silence
✨ A N N O U N C E M E N T ✨
Twenty Eight: To Die For
Twenty Nine: The Mountain
Thirty: The Ritual
Thirty One: Cursed
Thirty Two: The Alpha
Thirty Three: Devil's Demise
Thirty Four: Rabids
Thirty Five: The Sound of Silence
Thirty Six: Resurrected
Thirty Seven: Reborn
Thirty Eight: Ruthless
Thirty Nine: Poison
Forty: Ambush
Forty One: The Bargainer
Forty Two: Hard For Me
Forty Three: Submission
Forty Four: In Too Deep
Forty Six: Blood Tipped Lies
Forty-Seven: A Debt Owed
Forty Eight: Consumed
Forty-Nine: Check, Mate.
Fifty: Queen's Gambit
Fifty One: Frenzy
Fifty Two: Raw
Fifty Three: A Debt Paid
Fifty Four: Ravaged
Fifty Five: Remade
Fifty Six: Truth
Fifty Six: Dare
Fifty-Seven: Remembrance
Fifty-Eight: The Circle
Fifty-Nine: Ashes
Sixty: In Depth
Sixty One: Rising Flame
Sixty Two: Evolution
Sixty Three: Unity
Sixty Four: Restitution
Sixty Five: Exquisite Pain
Sixty Six: Winter Has Come
Sixty Seven: New Order
Sixty-Eight: Wriath
Sixty-Nine: The Reaper
Seventy: Into The Woods
Seventy One: The Wedding

Forty Five: Persecution

6.5K 397 94
By herlittlenightmare

"That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt." -John Green

"For The Lover That I've Lost." By: Sam Smith


"Young" By: Sam Smith

My steps were light against the cracked marble floor of the church cathedral, my back ram-rod straight as I strode into the room, taking in the scattered benches and remnants of Michael's capture. I ignored the chaos and faced instead the pew, or where one would've been. I fought hard to rein in my anger at my future sister-in-law, both because I had never felt such anger towards her, but also because she was centuries older than me and I would not win. But reason left my mind when I met her eyes from where she had herself draped across Michael's bare chest, his body resting along the length of the one remaining bench in the room. Camille's mind greeted mine warmly, nearly shaking my resolve, but I held fast, a muscle in my jaw clenching. Her eyebrows raised and her features stiffened into concern, her gaze raking me over head to toe while Michael eyed me out of the corner of his eye.

"What is it?" She tried to push past my mental barrier but I forced her back.

"This is her?" I heard him stage-whisper, a coy grin working his mouth even as she elbowed him in warning.

"Somehow I thought she'd be....well, older."

Kore's dark and lovely power flowed through my mind like warm honey, strengthening me from the inside out. My eyes itched and burned, my mouth curling into a sardonic smile. My spine tingled and I knew without confirmation that Elizabeth was in the room, hidden in the shadows.

"And here I thought you'd be more attractive." I deadpanned, staring hard at him.

Michael simply laughed. "I like her."

Camille finally managed to peel herself off of her half-naked mate and approached me, her slender fingers reached for a wayward strand of hair but stopped short at the snarl curling across my lips. I forced myself to push past her hurt expression and focus on the bigger picture, the future of my pack.

My voice sharpened into what Jacob liked to call my "queenly tone" when I fully-faced the pair, locking my hands behind my back. Michael watched me with something close to fascination, like a rare species of insect he'd suddenly come across and couldn't stop staring at. My body bristled at the unwanted attention and from deep inside the shadows an answering growl rumbled back.

"As amusing as your childish behavior may seem, I am afraid I have no time for it. That being said, I have a matter to discuss with Camille." If my indifferent tone offended her, she didn't let it show, choosing instead to mask her emotions. That was fine with me. If I was going to be the queen my pack needed me to be, I had to be willing to make sacrifices. I just wasn't sure what the ramifications of those sacrifices will be.

"Alone." I clarified when he continued to lay there, unbothered and clearly unmotivated to obey.

"Michael." Camille softly prodded, a blank look spreading across her eyes. My jaw ached as I ground my teeth together, tension and rage an unruly combination, yet no less alluring to my wolf.

"Fine." He sighed, heaving himself off of the couch, his eyes meeting mine just before he left the room, a warning flashing across their depths. "But I won't wait long." Blood spurted into my mouth as I bit my cheek, desperately trying to keep the retort at bay.

"Go, Michael. This is not a woman you want to pester today." Camille's warning only seemed to egg him on, but finally he departed. The room seemed to darken under the weight of Camille's stare as she waited for me to explain, but how could I? Where would I begin?

The root of my anger was not Emilee. No, it was the fact that once again a being of higher power was playing with my wolves, toying with their futures. However innocent she may deem her actions to be, I did not condone it, especially with my unmated females and males. The mate bond is sacred, and if there is something linking Emilee to Camille, it was to be cherished. Not toyed with or mocked. Doing so would not only endanger Camille, but Emilee as well, since her wolf is no doubt highly possessive and close to the surface. The darkness rages closer than ever, and I will fight like hell to make sure it doesn't swallow her whole.

Sighing, I turned and braced my hands on the rim of the pew, the weight of my crown suddenly heavy on my head.

"A monarch is not a monarch without the people she rules." I spoke to the cavernous room, my gaze firmly planted on the detailed statue of an angel above the doorframe. I could see every intricate feather, the petals looked soft enough to touch. "I was always destined to be queen but my wolves are what made it happen. So, it is with delicate seriousness that I ask you this question, and keep in mind that I expect an honest answer. Anything less and you will not appreciate my reaction."

My words were met with silence but the air grew heavy. I turned, my arms dropping to my sides when I caught her gaze. My heart threatened to leap into my throat at the unyielding expression on her face.

"So, now that you've finally reunited with your mate," My lips pursed and I rose a condescending brow. "Where are you off to now? Any fun plans?"

"Get to the point, Alpha." She sneered, a warning flashing across her eyes. The amulet grew uncomfortably warm from its place between my breasts.

"Very well, if that is what you wish." I circled her, my wolf was very close to the surface, heightening my awareness of her body and the tension in the air. I had never felt more wolf, while in human form until I stood here, advocating for what was mine.


Camille's expression wiped of all emotion. "What about her?"

My throat seared with a low growl, my gaze clashing with hers as the power of my birthright awoke, rippling through my body. "Do not test me, Camille. She came to me, hurt, in pain, her wolf so close to the surface that she was almost feral. I do not have time to chase your answers. So tell me, what are your intentions with my Beta?"

Her eyes held mine for a long moment, shining with emotion, before she let out a defeated sigh, running her hands through her hair. "I don't know, Azalea. She intrigues me," she held up a hand and I barely was able to put a stop to the snarl forming on my lips. "Let me finish. She intrigues me, but not like Michael. Michael is my mate, body and soul. And yet, this girl, she reaches me in places I have not known still existed. She has subtly burrowed her way into my heart. You must know is not my intention to play with her feelings or cause her harm, and perhaps I was a little....overzealous this morning."

My lips twitched and I briefly let my walls down. "Next time at least put on a shirt. The girl was nearly feral."

Camille's body sighed with relief at my sarcastic statement, only to tense when I sobered, my expression grim. "You realize what this will mean for her? This is not a game, Camille. I realize Michael is your chosen, but times are changing and perhaps your hybrid blood is recognizing something in her. I cannot tell you what this means, only that it is not inherently unusual. There have been cases of wolves having more than one mate, but," I paused, biting my lip and waving at myself.

"But what?" She asked, her voice soft.

"They usually ended up tearing each other apart, too overcome with jealousy." I avoided her gaze.

"Well there's an idea." Kore abruptly purred into my mind, distracting me. "Only replace the "tearing each other apart" part with "tearing off your clothes." I nearly choked on air at her brazen statement, too shocked to scold her inappropriate timing. A smug feeling tugged on the bond and I mentally sent the goddess dagger eyes in response, refocusing my attention on Camille.

She laughed bitterly at my statement, her mouth twisting into a pained grimace. "Lovely."

I sidled up to her, my fingers tapping my bottom lip in thought, my gaze locking on hers. My voice was uncharacteristically harsh when I spoke, and I had to work hard to keep the guilt at bay. "Whatever is between you two, I expect you to figure it out and in the mean time, keep your distance from her. Your bond with Michael has just returned, take some time to enjoy it. Privately." I glowered. "I have already put down one rabid wolf, don't make me add a second to the grave."

She looked down at me and nodded, a slight smile lifting her lips. "As you wish, Alpha."

I left the church with my crown a little lighter and my heart no less heavy. Sighing, I shook my head, my feet carrying me across the sand and towards the garden. My fingers dipped into the cool water as I stared down at my reflection. The woman staring back at me looked....hard, and cold. Thick scarring crawled from the juncture where neck meets shoulder, and split into three, the puckered red lines slithering up my neck like crude vines. I winced at the memory of such brutal pain, unimaginable pain.

"Such are the responsibilities of a young ruler." A voice drawled suddenly, shattering the memory I had found myself immersed in. I turned and caught Adrian's gaze, dark from where he brooded. His pretty features almost looked feline in the low light.

He unnerved me and my wolf.

"Can I help you?" I wasn't in the mood for company.

His lips peeled back into a harsh version of a smile. I bristled silently, awaiting his answer. "No. Calista wishes to speak with you."

I snorted, past the point of manners. "Well, please let her know that she is welcome to come speak to me herself instead of sending her little pet."

His eyes narrowed and he took a step, his hands fisting at his sides. "Watch your tongue."

I grinned, itching for a fight. "Or what?"

I waited with baited breath, and was shocked when he released a deep breath and stepped away, his muscles slowly unclenching. I watched him closely, my brain desperately trying to understand what he was. He didn't smell human, nor did he exhibit any characteristics a vampire normally would. And he certainly wasn't wolf. That meant he was....well, I had no clue honestly.

"Nothing." He bit out, running a fleeting hand through his hair.

And then I saw it, the harsh point to his ears, the dark gleam in his eyes, and it all made sense. Well, it didn't really, because my brain was so frozen in shock that I wasn't registering anything. My breath hitched and my heartbeat went into overdrive, drawing my wolf to the surface.

"What are you?" I whispered.

"Calista expects you, don't be late." Adrian merely winked, vanishing into thin air, leaving me behind with my eyes nearly bugging out of my skull. One thing I knew for sure, my world just got a whole lot bigger. And, I was late.


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