DISCONTINUED Ultra Secrets (T...

By chocolate_dimplez

291K 7K 3.9K

Kash promised Cammie that he would never leave but when the fast paced, gang life he once lived catches up wi... More

Chapter 1 - Hand Cuffs & Coffee Stains
Chapter 2 - Foolish Woman
Chapter 3 - Gender
Chapter 4 - Number 41127
Chapter 5 - Greasers
Chapter 6 - Arm Candy
Chapter 7 - Price After 6
Chapter 8 - Quick Fix
Chapter 9 - Blinded
Chapter 10 - Bad Habits
Chapter 11 - Heir to the Throne
Chapter 12 - Bond
Chapter 13 - In Charge
Chapter 14 - Stairs
Chapter 15 - Thanks to Sally
Chapter 16 - Wild Card
Chapter 17 - If It Counts
Chapter - 18: Making Progress
Chapter 19 - My Love
Chapter 20 - Jujitsu & Jesus
Chapter 21 - Eyes Off
Chapter 22 - The Bonfire
Chapter 23 - An Arm and a Leg
Chapter 24 - Status Quo
Chapter 26 - Threes
Chapter 27 - Ms. French
Chapter 28 - Cabin
Chapter 29 - Notes
Chapter 30 - Answers and some bad news :(
Chapter 31 - Beef, Marriage, & Money Laundering
Chapter 32: Unlimited Authority
Chapter 33 - Dating The Enemy
Hey There
IM BACK Chapter 34: Background Info to Catch Up! Chapter Next week
Chapter 35: Harris Peterson
The chaper will be up tomorrow at 12
Chapter 36: Truths and Vices Pt. 1
Chapter 37: Truths and Vices Pt. 2
Chapter 38: Transition
Chapter 39: Corona & Cocoa Mix
Chapter 40: Tigertail
Chapter tomorrow
Chapter 41: Freeze Dance
So about this book...

Chapter 25 - Flame

6.6K 188 80
By chocolate_dimplez

Kash fumbled with his keys, slowly opening the front door because he expected something to happen. He walked in very slowly and saw that Cammie was lying down on the couch with the phone on the floor. He looked at the time, straining to see but it was around 7 in the morning. He held his head because the intensity of his headache just kicked in. His arms and hands felt like they were on fire and he closed the front door back gently. 

As he did, he didn’t notice Camron taking his time, walking down the stairs, “Daddy. Daddy,” Camron smiled as he saw his father, knowing that he went to bed last night without seeing him. Camron hugs Kash’s legs and Kash couldn’t even bring himself to touch his son. He was unclean-

Cammie couldn’t wake up at all right now because she was in a very lucid nightmare. She stood over Kash’s casket and looked him in the face, raising the black veil from her face revealing her tear stained cheeks, “I’m so sorry Kash. Just please come back,” 

Somehow he was speaking to her saying, “You never cried all the times you told me to go. Why do you care now?”

“Because I love you!” she shouted at his dead body and everyone at the funeral looked at her crazy.

Suddenly Blaze took her shoulders and led her away, “Cammie I’m going to need you to wake up,” he told her.

“No!” she shouted at him.

“Mommy. Mommy,” she heard in her dream and at that time Kash was heading up the stairs. 

Cammie’s eyes shot open and she stared into the eyes of her son and heard Kash’s footsteps, “Daddy’s home,”

Cammie kissed her son on the cheek and got up just in time to see Kash walk into the room and shut the door, “Oh thank God,” she put her hand over her chest.

God? When did she ever believe and thank him? So much was going on that suddenly she believed and it bothered her.

Cammie headed up the stairs and opened the room door, watching Kash go in to the bathroom, “I was so worried. I thought something happened to you-“ she started to say as she followed him to the bathroom door but he closed the door in her face. 

Cammie’s insides dropped and she stood by the door not knowing what to do. Kash started to run the water in the bath tub and undress. Cammie knocked on the door, “Kash what happened?” she sked him.

Cammie cracked the door and saw that Camron came in after her, “Camron go back to your room. Lie on Rubin’s bed if you want to,” she told him and waited for him to leave.

Cammie looked at Kash who was already in the bath tub and went inside of the bathroom, closing the door behind her and locking it.

She cautiously walked over to Kash who was staring blankly at the wall before the tub. Cammie sat down on the edge of the tub, looking at Kash’s drained face. 

She looks at his tattoos and tries to touch his arms but he leaned away. They were fading and he talked about getting them redone but hasn’t done so yet. 

“What happened Kash? Where were you?” she asked him again.

Kash’s throat was dry, he had a pounding headache and he felt like he was overheating. Kash’s eyes closed down and he pointed at his towel. Cammie got it for him and he struggled to get out of the tub and wrapped it around his lower half. He walked out of the bathroom and collapsed on the bed.

“Ambulance. Call the ambulance,” he said to her.


Donatello was up, his mind finally clear but his eyes made it easy to tell that he was drinking the night before. He dragged himself out of his bed and went to take a shower, leaning against the shower wall most of the time. Afterwards he brushed his teeth and urinated for what felt like forever. 

“Alcohol is not for me,” Donatello said as he changed his clothes. He had no recollection of what happened last night and he felt like it was something that he would have to explain to everyone. He knows that he tends to run his mouth when he is drunk if he isn’t vomiting. 

He headed upstairs to Slim’s condo and knocked on the door, “Open up. I’m good now,” he said and waited for Slim to respond. He knows that Slim is probably sleeping right now because he tends to over sleep everyday but instead he was in the living room, hanging up with Cammie.

Slim opened the door and let Don in, not looking at him, “You look worried,” Donatello said nonchalantly.

“Well Jacie told me that I pretty much don’t have a chance, you dug a ditch for yourself last night and Kash is in the hospital,” Slim ran through the information quickly, almost not wanting to go into detail.

‘Wait why is Kash in the hospital and what did I say?” Donatello looked at the bags with the can of beer he drank.

“He can’t talk and he is really weak. We don’t know what is going on yet,” Slim looked over at Donatello, “-did you kill someone? A woman to be exact. Someone’s mother?” Slim asked him.

Donatello’s eyes widened, “What did I say exactly?”

Right now Cammie and Valentina were in the hospital. Valentina headed out to get water for both her and Cammie because they were both calming down from crying after Kash woke up. He seemed to be getting worse. He was able to speak before but his speech slurred, however now he couldn’t speak at all and there were tissues at hand in case his nose began to bleed again.

Cammie held Kash’s hand and they stared into each other’s eyes and tried to imagine what the other was saying. One of the many things that was on Kash’s mind was Riley asking, “Is daddy going to die. Please don’t let him die,”

Dying. He felt like he was about to in a matter of moments. Valentina returned without the water but with the Dr. Gates, officers and investigators. Kash and Cammie froze as they watched them walk in.

“Ms. Fredericks, I need you and Mrs. McDufy to leave the room while we speak with Raoul,” Cheif Lyle told her.

‘Do you know what is wrong?” Cammie asked Dr. Gates who hesitated and made eye contact with the officers.

“It seems to be an ecstasy pill but with deadly side effects,” he informed Valentina and Cammie.

“An ecstasy pill?’ Valentina asked.

“I need the both of you to leave the room, please,” one of the officers showed them the door. Valentina kissed Kash’s head before she left but Cammie stood there.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she stood her ground. The officer tried to remove her but she slipped out of his grip.

“Ma’am you are making more problems for yourself,” the officer warned her.

Kash grabbed the Chief’s arm, making eye contact with him and tightening her grip, “James. Let her stay,” Chief said.

The officer let Cammie go and she pulled up her chair next to Kash’s bed. 

The Chief got a chair himself and sighed, ‘Raoul McDufy, we have a few questions for you. We understand that you can’t talk so they are yes and no and if we need you to explain we have a white board and a marker,” they passed Kash the two items.

“Did you go out to eat with some of your friends?” Chief asked and Kash nodded.

“Did you drink?” Kash nodded, “And drive?”

Kash wrote down that he only had one glass, “Did you make any stops before you went home?” he asked. Kash looked over at Cammie and then shook his head no. Lying would only slow the process down.

Carol Anne smiled at the mother of her son’s friend as she drove off and the cussed aloud. Josiah and Jeremiah laughed at her, “I can’t believe she didn’t make breakfast for you guys at least,” she complained.

“She asked us if we wanted fruit snacks,” Jeremiah said.

‘Eww, fruit snacks taste like erasers,” Josiah complained.

When they arrived home, Carol Anne turned the news on and started making breakfast for them, “How can you not give them breakfast. Fruit snacks my black ass_” she mumbled to herself. She went to plug her phone in because it died and she left it that way and she has to go to work in a couple of hours. Since the boys are out of school, she had to get a nanny and she would be here any minute. She would allow the nanny to make breakfast but doing it herself made her feel more comfortable. 

After the weather, Carol Anne heard the breaking news, “Security and police officers swarmed the LA Hospital as Raoul McDufy is brought inside after what some sources say is a life threatening reaction to ecstasy,” Carol Anne hurried and scrapped the eggs into the plates and told the boys to come and eat.

She turned the volume up and paid attention, “No one can get in right now but we do now that he has node bleeds, headaches, chills, slurred speech and the skin feels like it is burning-“

Carol Anne had some last minute paper work with a case that she was working on so she went to her work bag and took it out. She rewinded the television and wrote down the symptoms. She searched through the file of someone who was involved in a recent drug bust. 

Carol Anne continued searching and found, “Drag Ex, a pill similar to ecstasy but with dire side effects,”

“Oh no Kash,” she went to get her phone.

Kash refused to answer any further questions because admitting that he did this to himself was going to kill him and Cammie. 

“Do you guys have a treatment? Can you help him?” Cammie interrupted. 

The Chief looked at the doctor and nodded, “We do have a treatment. We can actually restore his health 80%, he may remain with some side effects for a while,”

“Then fix it,” Cammie said to him.

“However, we need Roaul’s help,” the Chief said and began to explain why this was happening, “-this drug is something that we put out onto the streets,”

“Ecstasy? So you guys contradict all of the work you do? Why put it out there just to try and trace it again?” Cammie bombarded them with questions.

Cammie’s phone rang and she told them to wait while she answered it.

Meanwhile, Ivan hurried upstairs to Slim’s apartment and knocked on the door, “I swear Don is always here when I come over.”

“I live right downstairs, why would I stay there all day?” Don asked.

“What’s going on?” Slim asked.

“These,” Ivan pulled a small plastic bag with three circular pills inside. One is purple, the other pink and the last one yellow.

“What is that candy or something?” Donatello asked.

“Nah, far from it. One of my friends said he had some new shit_ that he wanted to try. I thought people were just fucking_ around with weed and that’s what he meant but he came back with these,” Ivan said, “They’re called Drag Ex.”

Carol Anne wanted to know how Kash was feeling and Cammie said not too well but there is something going on.

“Ms. I am going to need you to get off of the phone,” the officer said.

“Alright. I have to call you back,” Cammie said and walked back over to the bed.

“So you guys want to make a deal with us, right? His life for something that we know? Am I hearing that correctly?” Cammie asked.

“That would be correct,”

Cammie looked at Kash and twisted her lips to the side, “How would you guys like to get all of us in one place to talk?”

Kash opened his eyes wide and tried to touch Cammie’s hand, “Yeah that would be a good idea. We’re not agreeing to this unless all of us are here. I can call them now.”

“That would be great,” the chief smiled. If Kash could smack her he would but the way she looked back at him and smiled, he knew he had to trust whatever she was doing.

Slim was the last person that Cammie called and he had to warn her, “Cammie don’t act like the mastermind. Please don’t get involved,”

“Alright. I know that already,” Cammie told him even though she hates having to bite her tongue. 

News reporters chased them down as they came in. Donatello, Ivan and Slim got here at the same time, Becky and London came together, and Travis and Jason arrived last. Carol Anne knew to steer clear. 

The minute Kash saw Donatello, he became upset but his body was too weak to sit up and do anything.

The officers and chief filled them in about the new drug and how they created it and put it on the streets.

“I hope you guys know that because of this new drug, sales are going down for us. We stick to Marijuana and Cocaine. Not even heroin even though that’s where the money is at,” Slim said to them.

“What do you even want from us?’ Travis asked.

“Well the deal is that if we treat Raoul-“ the Chief began.

“Who is Raoul?” Becky asked, “-oh sorry I’m new.”

“I think London’s stupid is rubbing off on you,” Ivan muttered.

“This is not the time,” Cammie tried not to yell, “-treat Raoul and what?”

“Then you guys help us take down Victor. Because of him, we are considered corrupted. He’s getting some of our best officers killed and bribing some of them,” Chief said.

“Now wait a minute. Sounds like we are just helping you. And the last time I checked, the cops are killing us. So what if you lose your best men? That makes no sense,” Ivan argued.

“Okay wait, what was the original plan when you guys made this super drug?” Jason asked, wanting to restore order to what was being asked.

“Our plan was to create a demand for this new drug, Drag Ex to take away from the sales. But we had no idea that it was going to be deadly. So when we released it, Victor Wellington picked up with it because it is a money maker so he continues to distribute,” the chief said.

“That plan sucked,” Jason said frankly.

“That’s why we have to get it off of the streets with your help. Since Victor is the main supplier it will put you guys back on the top and we’ll allow you all to operate as long as you stay under the radar and hide behind a legit business,” the chief said.

“I told you guys that we can’t take down Victor alone. We need to have some sort of upper hand,” Cammie shook the officer’s hand, “-Raoul and I are already working on the business. We have some ideas,”

 The doctor, the chief and the officers left, deciding to come back later to question Kash. 

“You don’t think this will back fire?” Donatello asked.

“No, they owe us one for helping with Victor. They’ll keep their word,”

As Don spoke, Kash looked at him, his body aching for revenge on whatever he may have done. He balled his fists up and then sat up, pulling the blanket to get up. He was weak but every ounce of energy was put into trying to get out of bed, “Kash what are you doing?’ Cammie rushed over to him, looking at how he gazed at Donatello.

“I’m gonna kill you if I find out that you’ve been fucking_ us over. I promise,” Kash told him, his throat dry but his words somewhat like 1,000 daggers raining on Donatello’s head.

“Chill man. You are always mad about some shit_,” London made Kash lie back down.

“What did I do?” Donatello tried to play innocent even though he wanted to know if Kash found it out.

“You were responsible for the security tape being tampered with because you were there that night and you killed whoever called me. And you bought the guy all new shit_,” Kash cussed at him.

Kash was losing his voice again and coughed. As he did, Cammie saw that his nose was bleeding and she got him a tissue. He took it and pinched his nose, “You’ll get yours, bitch_,” Kash could no longer speak.

Jason and Travis looked at each other because they were the only ones other than Cammie who knew about the tape. 

“Why are you making this bigger than what it is? It’s not even directly about you. I just have shit_ in my past that I can’t let resurface because it is trying to drag me down,” Donatello couldn’t come up with any other lie to tell and Slim could sense it.

“Just go man,” Travis pulled him outside of the door but Donatello shouted back in.

“Get over it man! You’re still holding a grudge because I fucked_ your bitch_,” Donatello shouted and he knew right then that things were going to get out of hand. Becky put her hand over her mouth and laughed.

“I don’t think you should have said that,” Becky said as she stepped back in the corner.

Kash picked up the white board, wrote on it and then turned it to Travis who was still holding Donatello. It read, “Bring him back in and close the door.”

Travis pushed Donatello back over to the bed and Donatello got in his face, “What exactly is your weak ass_ going to do? All you do is talk,” Donatello taunted him. Kash glanced over at Cammie who made Travis give her his belt.

She wrapped the belt around Donatello’s back and proceeded to kick him in the back, something she has done twice and loves to do, “Don’t you ever call me out of my name again! Anything I have done with you is over and done!” she let him go. He reached for her but Slim grabbed him and escorted him out.

“You want me to deal with him?’ London revealed the gun in his waist band.

Kash shook his head slowly and Cammie took the words right out of his mouth, “He’ll destroy himself. He won’t up and leave this group anyway,”


Carol Anne slipped her phone in her bag as she walked out of the door, giving the nanny directions, “I made breakfast for them already so just fix them a simple lunch, and don’t let them eat that lemon cake until 6,” she told the nanny as she headed down the hallway, shouting back to the nanny. 

Carol Anne had Kash on her mind and the contacts she took from Donatello’s phone. Arriving at work, she tried to get everything done as fast as she could so that she could use the computers to search all of the numbers. Upon doing that, two very suspicious people came up. 

One was a dock man and she knew that a lot of times people get bodies thrown in the water and anchored down. The other name that popped up was Morris Duke, a 41 year old sadist and masochist who also happens to be an arsonist. He is a registered sex offender and Carol Anne was sure that he could aid in the disappearance of whatever woman Donatello killed.

Carol Anne printed out his information and left her shared office, heading to Detective Blake’s office. She knocked on the door, not meaning to disturb the conversation he was in.

“Come in,” he said.

She walked in, seeing that he was speaking to someone and apologized, “It’s fine.” He apologized and told his fellow detective that he would catch up with him later.

“What do you have for me today Carol Anne?” he asked her.

She pulled a c hair up in front of his desk, “You’re still working on that case with the disappearing girls right?” she asked him.

“I am, we got a few leads this morning. That’s what Miles and I were just talking about,”

“Well I think I have your guy,” she showed him the look up.

He glanced over it and sighed, ‘Carol Anne we can’t just go and search his house if this what you want,” he told her.

“I know that. I just think you should look into it,” she said to him as she took the papers back.

“I will,” he said as he jotted the name down, “-but don’t go off on your own and put yourself in harm’s way,”

“I won’t,” she said to him as she left.

After work, Carol Anne called the nanny and told her that she would have to watch the boys a little longer because she had something to do. She promised to pay her more but the nanny refused, even though she needed the money.

Carol Anne headed to Travis’ home where Jason was also staying and rang the doorbell, “Come on! Hurry up!” she yelled.

Travis opened the door and sucked his teeth, “Why are you ringing down the bell. I didn’t sleep all day,” he complained.

“Come on. I’m giving you guys something to do,” she said as she walked in and looked at how the place wasn’t as neat as it used to be when they lived together.

Travis closed the door and Carol Anne started walking around and neatening up, “Why the hell is it do messy in here?” she questioned. She went into the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator, “Do you guys even eat?”

“Where is Jason?” she kept asking questions.

“Relax, he went out to buy some Chinese and I’m not your business anymore so don’t worry,” he snapped at her.

“You’re right,” she approached him, “-but our children come here often and I want to make sure they are fed and in a clean environment,” she said to him.

“And when they are here that’s taken care of,’ he said to her and they locked eyes.

Carol Anne rolled her lips together and sat down on the couch next to him with her arms folded. Travis sat back with his hands on his lap. Carol Anne glanced over at him, looking at the eyes she used to be in love with. When she was young and naïve, all she cared about was having kids with him so that they could have “colored” eyes. She felt stupid for letting Travis’s sweet talking get her this far but she didn’t regret what they had. She just wished they both made an attempt to understand each other.

Travis caught her looking but she turned away. He smiled and touched her knee but she crossed her legs, making his hand fall to the couch.

“I thought we said we were going to try for a girl so she could have two kick ass_ older brothers,” Travis reminded her something that they planned out a while ago.

“No, no no. Her you go trying to get in my head. You can have a daughter with someone but it won’t be me. I’m not having any more children,” she said.

“It’s not that bad having kids,” he said.

“You’re right it’s not. But I don’t want to have any more kids with you or anyone else for that matter. I feel like my life is over,” she said to him.

“You think I ruined it?” he asked her.

“Huh-“ she began, “No Travis it’s just that I have way more responsibilities than ever before other than to mind my own so I can’t focus on a baby right now,” she told him.

“You would consider it though?” he asked her.

Carol Anne sighed and shook her head, “Travis we’re not even together and we haven’t been in so long. You can’t seriously be trying to impregnate me again.”

“I feel like I’m ready to be a man and be with you again. I know that I’ve messed up but I do need and want you Carol Anne. I miss living with you and the boys,” he told her.

Carol Anne sighed, “I just don’t want to deal with anyone right now. I just want to be alone until I feel ready,”

Jason came in the with the Chinese and looked at Carol Anne, “Carol Anne, In would have ordered another box,” Jason came in and Carol Anne stood up to give him a hug, “I hope you like sports because that’s all we watch.”

“We have something more important to do,” she said pulling the papers out of her bag and she began to explain to them what she thought.

“You really think that Donatello contacted this guy to get rid of a woman he killed?” Travis asked.

“Positive,” she told him.

“But why do you even care to know? He was drunk right?” Jason asked.

“But he has killed lots of people and I know you have and I doubt you get all emotional about it the way he did,” Carol Anne responded.

“You do have a point but how are we going to go about getting this guy to talk? Go to his house and straight up ask him?” Jason asked.

“You might have to act out that cliché,” Travis started, “I’m lost and-“

“-need the phone,” Carol Anne said as she stood on the creaking porch in the rural area. The guy basically lived on a farm because he was excluded from every other society. He was a huge, brawny guy with a straggly beard and deep set eyes. His skin was white but he looked and smelled like he hadn’t bathed in days.

Jason had a small camera on a ring and had Carol Anne wear it. He also put an ear piece in her ear and a small mouth piece on the edge of her jacket. 

“How long will it take you?” he asked her.

“Uhm until they answer,” she said and he stared at her up and down. He backed up and allowed her to walk inside after him. The only lights on was a small lamp.

“Phone is over there,” he pointed at the wall that separated the kitchen and the living room. 

Carol Anne noticed that he had a sweater tied to the front of his jeans, “Yeah Travis can you pick me up at-“ she was about to give the address and then he stopped her.

“Give them the address to the market on the main road,” he told it to her and she repeated it.

Carol Anne gulped and hung the phone up afterwards, “May I sit?” she asked him.

Travis and Jason had to drop her off way up the road so that Morris wouldn’t see them.

Morris sat across from her and looked at her as she crossed her legs, “Why do you live here all alone?” she asked him.

“I’m not much of a people person,” he said to her. 

Morris stood up and went over to the television, “Do you want to watch tv?” he asked her and she shrugged.

He picked up an unusually small remote and pressed a button. Soon Carol Anne shrieked out in pain as the ear piece let out a high pitched whine in her ear. She fell off of the couch and onto the ground, “Stop it!” she yelled.

Travis didn’t waste time, instead he stepped on the gas pedal and took off down the dirt road. 

Morris angrily yanked Carol Anne up and snatched the piece out of her ear, “You thought you were smart? You’re the second dumb bitch_ to come here thinking you knew something,”

In the meantime, Cammie went to go and see Victor, “It’s you again,” the guard she always has conflict with said as he saw her walk in.

“The little lady with the attitude,” the other teased her.

“You guys better watch out,” she pointed at them.

“Or what?” the guard laughed.

“I beat someone up today and I will do it again as long as one of you have a belt,” she said.

“Psh,” he pushed her back, “-you have to wait, he’s in there with someone right now.”

Morris had Carol Anne by her hair and was dragging her to the basement. She used her first with the ring to continuously hit him in the face, with one blow the ring hit him in the eye and he released her, making her tumble down the stairs. 

It was dark for a moment until she realized that her eyes were closed. Opening them. She wished that they were closed. There was a woman with no clothing sitting in a pile of ashes. The basement smelt like death, fire and oil. The woman’s limbs were burned badly and she couldn’t even open her mouth to scream.

Carol Anne looked around, there were shelves filled with things that seemed to belong to women that might have been down here.

‘Who is he even talking to?” Cammie asked as she folded her arms.

The door opened and she looked up.

Travis ran up the porch steps and banged on the door. He realized that it was open and pushed it open, nearly running into a flame. Morris has a flame torch blowing in Jason and Travis’ direction.

“Shit_,” Travis said.

“Are you Victor’s girlfriend? I can’t believe he got himself a well put together young woman,” Cammie said as she looked at Zoelle and half smiled. However, Zoelle could not face her and she hurried away.

“Is it my breath?” Cammie asked the guard.

“Get inside,” he pushed her in.

The door locked and Cammie was staring at Victor who was drinking a cup of coffee, “Please sit,” he told her and she did so.

“Calm down man!” Travis shouted over the flame. 

Morris stepped closer and Travis took his gun out, “I have to shoot him,” he said.

“In the hand,” Jason told him and Travis aimed, getting him in the arm, making him stop. Travis and Jason forced their way in as Travis wrestled the torch away. 

‘Carol Anne where are you?” Jason called out.

Carol Anne’s eyes were watering as she picked up the bloody clothes, the cane and the locks of hair in a bag. It seemed as if he kept memories of the women he killed.

‘I’m down here,” she looked at the woman who started to scream, “And I need a lot of help.” The woman’s tongue was cut out.

Morris was way bigger than Travis but he did not let him get the best of him. The fact that Morris liked pain made it hard to fight him and Travis as running out of breath.

Jason unlocked the door and Carol Anne ran upstairs, “You can’t fight him that way-I know what to do,” she said. It seemed as if Morris was deaf to everything around him and went mute.

Cammie sat quietly and waited for Victor to speak, “You can’t win,” he said to her and she noticed it was Duncan’s voice.

“We can,” she sat back.

“Can I tell you a secret?’ it returned to Victor. Cammie shrugged.

Carol Anne stood behind Morris and grabbed his ear, “Morris-I’m gonna need you to calm down baby. I can’t have you all tired when we start-“ she said to him and watched his chest relax. She began to feed into his fetish, telling him how she would bound him to the chair and remove her clothes, burning them all. Once he calmed down, he sat back on the chair and was easier to talk to.

“Did Donatello have you get rid of anyone?”

“Yes,” he replied as he smiled crookedly. 

“I had to break it off with my girl. She’s been fucking_ around too much,” Victor said as he lit a cigar.

“She doesn’t seem that way,” Cammie replied.

“You didn’t seem that way either. But I knew she was like that from the jump. But this time she fucked_ up. She was messing with the enemy,” Victor told her.

“Listen-Donatello gets around to everyone,” she explained. Victor chuckled.

Jason was outside, calling the cops. Knowing it would take them a while to get here, “Ruby Pierce right? He had you burn her?”

“To a crisp. God she was so pretty,” he said.

Carol Anne rolled her lips together, “Why did he have you do it?” she asked.

‘He didn’t tell me but he was nervous-I smelled it,”

“Well Kash and I have similar qualities and looks so I see why she went for him while I was in here,” he said.

Cammie twisted up her face, “What are you-what are you saying?”

“Aww come on Cam, you’re smarter than that,” she reached over and playfully smacked her arm as she sat still.

“Kash has been fooling around with my girl. Now I’m not with her anymore but there are dangerous consequences for that,’ Victor told her.

“See a real man would go after the guy that messed with his lady but Kash didn’t kill Don, he let him stay and get comfortable. Now Kash did the same but believe me I will handle it,” Victor said.

“You can’t force me to believe that,’ Cammie stood up, “-because he wouldn’t do that.”

Jason, Carol Anne and Travis were already leaving when the cops arrived. Carol Anne was in the backseat with her head in her hands, “Don’t cry about it,”

“Travis you don’t understand. Donatello killed that kid’s mother. You know how closed Rubin was to her? She wasn’t even dead all of this time. Imagine how Kash is going to feel-what he’ll do,”

“We won’t tell him now,” Travis said.

‘We have to,” Carol Anne said.

Everyone had a secret that they wanted to keep, feeling like it was better off not to tell but it only made things worse. And as more secrets were kept, more lives were in danger.

_Don’t have time once again but what do you think. Silent readers please resepond because I have a lot of work. I balance, school, finals, work and home life to write so please comment. I cannot continue if the amount of comments dwindle._

I have finals next Wednesday. If you want an update next Wednesday, leave a decent sized comment or something but if it’s not much I will post Wednesday after next but it will be good.


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