Supernatural Series Rewrite...

By queenofdeansbooty

152K 3.9K 1.4K

When the world starts to crumble around you, when you feel like you've lost everything, you gain a new perspe... More

Exile on Main St.: Part One
Exile on Main St.: Part Two
Exile on Main St.: Part Three
Exile on Main St.: Final Part
Two and a Half Men: Part One
Two and a Half Men: Part Two
Two and a Half Men: Part Three
Two and a Half Men: Part Four
Two and a Half Men: Final Part
The Third Man: Part One
The Third Man: Part Two
The Third Man: Part Three
The Third Man: Part Four
The Third Man: Final Part
Weekend at Bobby's: Part One
Weekend at Bobby's: Part Two
Weekend at Bobby's: Final Part
Live Free or Twi-Hard: Part One
Live Free or Twi-Hard: Part Two
Live Free or Twi-Hard: Final Part
You Can't Handle the Truth: Part One
You Can't Handle the Truth: Part Two
You Can't Handle the Truth: Part Three
You Can't Handle the Truth: Part Four
You Can't Handle the Truth: Part Five
You Can't Handle the Truth: Final Part
Family Matters: Part One
Family Matters: Part Two
Family Matters: Part Three
Family Matters: Final Part
All Dogs Go to Heaven: Part One
All Dogs Go to Heaven: Part Two
All Dogs Go to Heaven: Part Three
Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Part One
Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Part Two
Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Part Three
Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Final Part
Caged Heat: Part One
Caged Heat: Part Two
Caged Heat: Part Three
Caged Heat: Part Four
Caged Heat: Final Part
Appointment in Samarra: Part One
Appointment in Samarra: Part Two
Appointment in Samarra: Part Three
Appointment in Samarra: Final Part
Like a Virgin: Part One
Like a Virgin: Part Two
Like a Virgin: Part Three
Like a Virgin: Part Four
Like a Virgin: Final Part
Unforgiven: Part One
Unforgiven: Part Two
Unforgiven: Final Part
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning: Part One
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning: Part Two
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning: Part Three
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning: Final Part
The French Mistake: Part One
The French Mistake: Part Two
The French Mistake: Part Three
The French Mistake: Final Part
And Then There Were None: Part One
And Then There Were None: Part Two
And Then There Were None: Part Three
And Then There Were None: Final Part
My Heart Will Go On: Part One
My Heart Will Go On: Part Two
My Heart Will Go On: Part Three
My Heart Will Go On: Part Four
My Heart Will Go On: Final Part
Frontierland: Part One
Frontierland: Part Two
Frontierland: Part Three
Frontierland: Final Part
Mommy Dearest: Part One
Mommy Dearest: Part Two
Mommy Dearest: Final Part
The Man Who Would Be King: Part One
The Man Who Would Be King: Final Part
Let It Bleed: Part One
Let It Bleed: Part Two
Let It Bleed: Final Part
The Man Who Knew Too Much: Part One
The Man Who Knew Too Much: Part Two
The Man Who Knew Too Much: Part Three
The Man Who Knew Too Much: Final Part
Author's Note

All Dogs Go to Heaven: Final Part

2.2K 56 30
By queenofdeansbooty

Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader

Word Count: 2.3k

Warnings: angst, canon violence


Thankfully, Lucky agreed to lure the pack leader in so you and Dean can finish him off. Sam doesn't know this, but you plan to kill the leader before he can give the signal and turn any more people. Dean parks far enough away so the other skinwalkers don't smell you. It's far enough to get a clean shot though. Dean opens the trunk just as you and Sam join him.

"How are we supposed to get near something that can smell us a hundred yards off?"

"We don't," Dean says and opens a case full of rifles.

"We're taking the pack leader down?"

"Yeah, you got a better idea?" you ask.

"No, I... Crowley's not gonna be too happy about that."

"We don't give a rat's ass," you comment. "If we let that thing live one more second, and it sends out that psychic dog whistle? Game over."

"On the other hand, it could lead us to an Alpha. Then Crowley would give me my soul back."

"Are you kidding? 150 people turned into monsters. That's what you want?" Dean wonders as he grabs his bag of weapons.

"No. Of course not. I... I'm just asking."

"Alright, you know what? That's it. You say you're 'just folks', yeah? That you like baseball and apple pie or whatever. But truth is, I don't know what you are because you're not Sam."

"Dean, come on," he sighs.

"I mean, it's your gigantor body and maybe your brain, but it's not you. So just... stop pretending. Do us both a favor."

"We let this one go, and who knows what Crowley is going to do to me. You heard him. He owns me."

"Poor Sam. Scared of a little pain?" you ask and grab your bag. "Too bad. With the way you've been acting, it's not like you don't deserve it."

You and Dean walk away from Sam to get set up for when the pack leader comes to talk to Lucky. You can see him through your binoculars–he's scared shitless and nervous as hell. You really don't blame him. You, Dean, and Sam are parked on a roof nearby with guns trained on Lucky. As soon as the leader shows, you blow his head off.

"He looks nervous, right?" Sam asks. He is seated nearby putting silver bullets into his guns.

"Wouldn't you be?" you ask.

"I'd double-cross us. I mean, he's got to realize that it's his best bet if he wants to keep breathing."

"Nah, he'll go through with it."

"You mean 'cause he loves that family?"


"I'd double-cross us," Sam shrugs.

"Thanks, Dexter. That's reassuring," Dean says sarcastically.

"Just making conversation."

"Yeah, do me a favor a don't," you say.

Just then, a car pulls up next to Lucky, and he is on full alert. You and Dean have the guns because you don't trust Sam to not shoot just him.

"Here we go," Dean says, and Sam gets into position with his binoculars.

A bearded man gets out of the car along with three men. The roller door to the building Lucky is standing in front of opens and three more men come out. This might be an ambush if they didn't know any better.

"That big guy–the driver–is the guy Lucky met in the park," Sam notes.

You look through your sniper and see a bald man just behind the big guy Sam knows. The bald man is the leader based on a picture Lucky showed you before you left.

"And there's El Jefe," Dean mutters.

"Take him out," Sam orders.

"It's not clean. We got one shot at this–literally."

"I don't have a clean shot either," you comment from your angle.

The bald man walks over to Lucky and just shakes his head. You can't hear what they are saying, but you can see it. One of the men from the car opens the back door and yanks out Mandy and Aiden who are very scared. Mandy is holding her son close to her body, which the men allow as one of them escort her over to Lucky.

"Take the shot," Sam orders.

"I'm trying! She's in the way!"

"Take it anyway!"

"Sam! Seriously, shut the fuck up and let us do our job!" you exclaim and look through your sniper's scope.

You don't have a clean shot either. The bald man wraps his arm around Lucky's shoulders and starts to lead him inside the building. Lucky looks at Mandy and Aiden painfully, but follows. Everyone seems to go inside, and you groan because now you'll have to get involved...

This is not good.

"So, plan B?" Sam asks.

"We've got one?"


In order to protect your unborn baby, you and Dean think it's better that you stay in the shadows with the sniper while Sam and Dean go in for the hunt. You have no problems with that and get settled in at a really good spot–a spot where you can see everything and everyone. Luckily, Mandy and Aiden are out of the way from the important people. Sam and Dean have the leader while you are to take everyone else out.

The man that Sam recognized sniffs the air, and you know your cover is blown. They smell you, so it's time to close in.

"What's that?" the man asks Lucky.

As soon as he gets the words out of his mouth, Sam steps out from behind a partition and shoots the bald men. Dean reveals himself behind his brother and starts shooting. You look through the scope and aim and fire at everyone besides Lucky, Mandy, Aiden, and the brothers. Each man goes down as soon as you put a bullet in their brain, and Mandy screams in terror.

Sam runs away, distracting two of them who chase after him. Mandy hides behind some cages, but you're able to see her clearly through the scope. Dean handles whatever is happening down there, so you just watch as Lucky approaches them to get them to safety. She is scared of him, but she listens since she needs to protect her son. You watch through the scope to make sure they make it out of there before getting up.

It's time to move positions so you can help out Sam. You're on the second story of the building, which allows you to move freely without being seen. All the men are focused on what is happening downstairs rather than upstairs. You find a point to stay and aim, looking through the scope to see if you can spot the men who are chasing Sam.

"Y/N!" he yells.

You can't get a clear shot of anyone, so you keep on looking when you hear it. A low growl comes from the right of you, and you look over to see a giant wolf growling at you. One of them found you, and you're going to do everything you can to protect your child. The wolf starts running at you, and you rush to yank your sniper out from the barbed fence you were sticking the barrel through. The wolf is getting closer, and you're not moving fast enough.

With your right hand, you blast the wolf with your magic, and he goes flying across the room. That gives you enough time to take the gun out of the holes in the fence and aim it at the skinwalker. You shoot him in the heart, and he yelps as he goes down. Instead of a dog that's lying on the ground, it's a naked man.

You quickly put the gun back through the holes and stare through the scope to see what's happening. You scan the area to see Lucky in front of a locked door that you know houses Mandy and Aiden. The man who Sam recognized is threatening him, but you can't get a clean shot. There are obstacles in the way.

Despite not hearing what they are saying, you can tell by Lucky's body language that he's scared but willing to fight. Right in front of Mandy, he turns back into his dog form and starts barking at the big man. The man inches closer to Lucky, but there is still no shot. He stays hidden and shoots at Lucky, taking him down. He's not dead, just severely injured.

The man inches closer, and you see that you finally have a shot to take. His head pops into view, and he points his gun at Lucky. Before he can shoot him, you aim at his head and fire. The big man is shot dead on the ground, and you just sigh knowing it's all over now.

Sam and Dean make their way into the main room, and you just slump back into the wall. You put a hand to your stomach and close your eyes. You breathe heavily and just try not to cry from it all.


Now that the case is over and done with, you know you have to tell Dean about the true heritage of your child. You're not sure how he's going to react, but you know he'll be glad it's not Sam's. It's the middle of the day, and you're walking through the park with the brothers. You have takeout food in your hand, so you find a park table nearby to take a seat and eat. Sam and Dean do the same.

"I'll never look at a dog the same. Makes you wonder, though, huh?" Dean comments when a woman and her dog jog by.

"What?" Sam asks.

"How many packs are out there. What if they're all just waiting for the signal, you know?"

"So, I was thinking. You were right. You both are," Sam changes the topic.

"About what?" you ask.

"I'm not your brother or your best friend. I'm not Sam. All that 'blah, blah, blah' about being the old me? Shit. Like Lisa and Ben, right? I've been acting as if I care about them. But I don't. I couldn't care less."

"Is this supposed to make me feel better?" Dean asks.

"You wanted the real me. This is it. I don't care about them. I don't even really care about you two. Except that I need your help. You two are clearly not gonna stick around for much longer unless I give it to you straight, so... I've done a lot worse than you know. I've killed innocent people in the line of duty. But I'm pretty sure it's not something the old me could've done. Maybe I should feel guilty, but I don't."

"Sam, get to the punchline before I punch you," you threaten.

"I don't know if how I am is better or worse. It's different. You get the job done, and nothing really hurts. That's not the worst thing. But I've been thinking... It was... it was kinda harder. But there are also things about it I remember that I... Let's just say I think I should probably go back to being him."

"That's very interesting. It's a step," Dean nods.


"We do what we have to do. We get my brother back."

"Yeah, that's great and all, but Sam, do you mind giving Dean and I some privacy? Go kick a puppy or whatever you do these days," you say.

Sam just rolls his eyes and gets up, taking his food with him.

"You know who the father is, don't you?" Dean asks when it is just you two.

"Yeah, I do. I'm not going to beat around the bush. It's you, Dean. Castiel told me."

The look on Dean's face–if you two were still together–would have been the most heartwarming thing ever. He just looks so happy, as if this news is the best he's heard in a long time. You're not sure what he's going to say, but whatever comes out is certainly not what you expected.

"I can't believe what I'm hearing. I know you've heard what I confessed to Veritas, but do you know how long I've been waiting to have a family with you, Y/N? We get to be together again," he states, but your heart just drops.

"So, you're going to act like what happened before never happened?" you ask.

"Aren't you happy?"

"Of course, I am Dean. I just don't think you're understanding my tone here."

"What do you mean?"

"We're not together, Dean. We won't be together because of this child."

"What?" his face just falls, but you force yourself to keep going.

"Look, I love you, Dean. I have my whole life. That will never change no matter what you do or say, but you're the one who walked away. I can't ignore what happened last time because you hurt me so badly. I know I did my fair share of lying, but you didn't even try to see things my way. Did you know you made me feel worthless? Like trash? I tried to do right by you, but you never even gave me the light of day.

"I am more than happy to raise a child with you, but I can't be with someone who gave up so easily on me. You really hurt me, and I'm not crawling back to you this time. If you're serious about having me back into your life the way we were, it's going to take some serious work on your part to make that happen. I've already put in the work, now it's your turn. I'm sorry."

You grab your food and get up. It's best to leave Dean with his thoughts. He watches you walk away, but he does nothing to stop you. You're absolutely right. He fucked up so much that he lost you and his other family. Sometimes he can't get his head out of his own ass to see what he has before it's gone. He looks down at his hand and lets a single tear escape his eye. He clenches his jaw and wipes it away hastily.

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