Peter Stark one-shots

De touchyourtoesoriwill

67.3K 1.3K 565


-Introductions from the Annoying Little Donkey(if you know what I mean)
"Peter, meet the Avengers"
It was KNIFE to meet you
Time Warp
I just haven't met you yet.
Avengers React to Spider-Man Homecoming (The building and trailer)
3 am call
Rogue Avengers and Peter Parker
Family Sized
Mark II
"Does he talk?" P1
"Does he talk?" P2
"Does he talk?" P3
IMPORTANT (not a one-shot)
The Building Part 2
Angels and Avengers
Avengers React to FFH Scenes Pt. 1 (trailer)
Avengers React to FFH Pt. 2 (mysterio's the bad guy)
Avengers React to FFH Pt. 3(illusion....)
Avengers React to FFH Pt. 4(tulip field/plane scene)
Tortured Boy
The Plane Part 3
"Mr. Stark?? Its an honor, sir!!"

The Lake Part 1

2.2K 47 7
De touchyourtoesoriwill

So, I'm going to do sort of like a series thingy. Basically, this one is like the aftermath of the Homecoming movie all together, there may be a part 2 because I want to do a reaction to the building and the lake in different circumstances.... Does that make sense?? Also, I will probably do the aftermath of Endgame, Far From Home and Infinity War, but a bit later. Sorry, I also don't have a writing schedule I basically just write when I get an idea, so here we are.

Peter lives in the Avengers compound and they suggest to take a break from all their working on the hot day in the pool, it triggers Peter, no one except Tony knows about his run-in with the Vulture and he only knows about the lake and the boat.

TW: Panic, Homecoming, Mentions of Drowning and Suffocation, Flashbacks


All the Avengers were either chilling out or cleaning up around the compound. Luckily, no one had any missions or anything, unfortunately, it's too hot outside to do anything, at all. We all finally decided to gather in the living room to watch some TV. 

I few minutes into the movie, I heard a bang that seemed to be coming from the other side of the room and all of a sudden, the air had stopped flowing.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y.? What happened?" Mr. Stark asks the wall lady.

"It seems that the overuse of the A.C. Unit has caused the machine to malfunction. I'm afraid there is nothing you can do except wait it out." The A.I. answered, almost remorsefully.

A series of groans and complaints were heard around the living room, we only got to about halfway through Tangled and everyone was already sweating.

"Okay, there has to be something, or someway, we can fix that air conditioner." Uncle Clint says.

"You heard Fri, there isn't. We have to wait it out."  Uncle Steve replies.

"I knoooooow, but for how long?" Uncle Clint retorts.

"No idea." Aunt Nat answers for Steve.

After many, many, many, many, hot, painstaking, sweaty seconds we moved to the kitchen to find something to drink.

Mr. Stark pulled out some wine for the adults, Wanda and I got some lemonade. For a few moments, we sat in silence and chugged our drinks, some already on their second helping. 

"Is there nothing else we can do to cool us off?" Sam asks the group.

"Well.... We do have that new pool that we installed a few weeks ago." Mr. Stark suggests.

I really rather not, just thinking about water brings me back to my time in that lake.

"Um, is there, uh, anything else we can do?" I ask cautiously.

"I don't know, uh, you okay, Peter?" Uncle Bucky looks at me worryingly.

"Oh, uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just, ya know, making sure there aren't any other options." I stutter.

"Well, I think the pool is our best bet for right now." Wanda says.

"Alright, *clap* I think that settles it, everyone already has their bathing suits in their respective changing rooms by the pool." Mr. Stark informs us.

I really don't want to do this, I feel my breath picking up speed, suddenly, there's a strong hand on my shoulder and I know my breathing has come at least close to regulating.

"You okay, kid?" Mr. Stark pushes.

"No, yeah, I'm fine, sorry, I uh, just... forgot where the pool was?" I suck at lying.

"Alright, no problem kid, right this way," Mr. Stark chuckles, "Also, you know.. you can tell me anything, especially when you are uncomfortable, okay? I don't like being lied to." I can tell Mr. Stark cares, as he is using the last sentence to cover it up, but I can't seem like a wuss for not going to the pool, they'll think I'm weak, they'll probably kick me out for being so weak.


"Oh, sorry, yeah. Of course." I rush to answer, hopefully not making him suspicious about anything.

Mr. Stark looks at me, as if to analyze what I had just said, but looks away after a few seconds.

"Let's go." 

And with that, we head down to the newly added pool.

I begin my trek out to the large pool, as Mr. Stark had said, there were bathing suits that fit us all in our changing rooms. I had on a pair  of red and blue trunks and a grey t-shirt. When I got there, almost everyone was in the water, those who weren't were most likely still getting changed.

"C'mon, Peter, why don't ya come in the water? It feeeeelllssss ssssooooooo niiiiiccccceeeee." Uncle Clint stated.

"Uh, I'm good for now, but thanks." I reply.

Some of the Avengers give me an odd look, while others completely ignored my response. I settled by the pool, only barely letting my toes touch the water. 

After a few minutes had passed, I felt something grab my feet. I look down and see Uncle Clint trying to pull me into the pool. 

'This can't be happening.' I think to myself as I try to keep out of the water.

Within seconds, my head is submerged underwater and my thoughts go back to the lake immediately.

The parachute blocking my eyesight, I can't move, I can't see, I can't breath. 

I try kicking the parachute off, but to no avail. There's no Tony to save me this time.

I can't figure out which direction is up or down, all I can do is feel myself sinking, or floating? I can't tell.

Strong hands grab me and push me further down into the lake.

"-te, P -te an -er -s pl - se.  -pen yo-r eyes. Peter, please open your eyes, c'mon bud." I hear someone say. 

I'm not dead? Or am I? Does death always feel so exhausting? I need to breathe. I need to breathe.

With that I take in a huge breath and feel all the water trapped in my lungs, I try to cough it up as much as I can. I need to breathe.

"Oh my god, Pete. You scared me." Tony pulls me into a hug.

"What happened?" I ask, completely oblivious to their shocked, scared, worried, or in some cases, guilty faces.

"You practically drowned, Peter. What happened?" Aunt Tasha clears it up to me.

I remember now. I remember thinking about the Vulture, and the lake, and the, well, nonexistent parachute.

"I, I uh," I sent a look to Mr. Stark as if doing so explained everything.

Apparently it did because his eyes widen in realization.

"Oh, Pete. I'm so sorry, I didn't think that would've effected you this bad. I didn't think, I mean. I didn't know, I mean. I know that it should've effected you in some way, but I didn't, I'm so sorry, Peter." Tony rambled.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, I didn't tell you. I was worried you would think I was weak." I mumble.

"Oh, Peter. We could never think that, okay?" Tony responds. 

It was at this moment I looked up and saw all of the Avengers looking at us in question.

"Uh, I'm sorry, are we missing something here?" Uncle Bucky asks us.

"I'll tell you later. Peter, go up to your bedroom and get changed. Call me if you need me." Tony shoos me along.

I obey easily, not wanting to be there when he tells them.

***—Tony's POV—***

As soon as Peter looks at me, I realize what happened. A panic attack, he remembered the Vulture. I remember freaking out and being SO glad that India had WiFi. I completely forgot to ask if he was okay afterwards. I'm so stupid. I can't believe I didn't check in with him.

I make sure Peter has left the room and has gotten to the elevator before explaining what happened to cause such a reaction.

"Well, I wasn't exactly there for the backstory and never asked for one, but uh, basically, I was in India- yes, India, when I got a message from FRIDAY, who had received it from KAREN, which is Peter's AI in his suit, basically saying that his heart rate had sped up at an alarming rate. So, since I was India, I called one of my suits and sent it to Peter's destination." I paused for effect.

"It wasn't anywhere I was familiar with, but I still sent one of my suits cause the kid's heart rate was very, scarily fast. Then, all of a sudden, FRIDAY alerts me that KAREN wasn't picking up any heart beat, and that the last thing KAREN said before she cut out was that her systems were malfunctioning. So, I sent my suit to go as fast as it could and it led me to a lake on the outskirts of Queens."

Everyone looked at me in utter horror. I took a deep breath before continuing. 

"I detected a heat signature about 5 feet below the surface and found Peter wrapped up in his suit's parachute.  I commanded the suit to pick the kid up and it brought him to a nearby playground. He had gained consciousness during the ride there at some point." 

Everyone looked in complete shock.

"That's why he didn't want to get in the water." Sam stated the obvious.

"Yeah." I force the sarcasm out of my voice.

"I'm so sorry, Tony, I had no clue." Clint practically begs.

I sigh, "I know, Clint. No one knew, not even me and I was the one who saved him. I should've made sure he was really okay." I mentally kick myself.

"No, its alright. Okay? Like you said, no one knew, and its not like he made it obvious." Steve points out.

"Yeah, I guess, I'm gonna go check in on the kid." 

With that I head up to his room and knock on the door.

"Hey, Peter? Can I come in?" Without a response I walk in on Peter playing with his hands on his bed.

"You okay, bud?" I ask even though I already know the answer.

He takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Mr. Stark."

This kid is gonna be the death of me.

"How many times kid, 1. Stop apologizing, its not your fault, I completely understand. 2. It's Tony, c'mon."

He gives out a short laugh, void of any emotion, "Tony, I should've told you, though."

"I'm not gonna deny that, kid. You should've told me, I understand why you didn't, but that doesn't make it any better, okay?"


"Alright, now lets go downstairs, Bucky's cooking tonight." I ruffle the boy's hair before making a beeline for the kitchen.


Okay, I'll admit, not my best work. Also a bit short.... Not gonna lie, I wrote most of this while listening to a Christmas playlist on Spotify...

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this load of garbage and have a wonderful day/night.

DONT FORGET TO VOTE (only if you liked it obviously)

I appreciate all comments.

——Your Extremely tired author.

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