The Underworlds Hero

By Stillwell03

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Izuku was a kind boy until the age of 5 when he lost his mother to All Might. On that day, Izuku swore reveng... More

The Day Life Changed
When You Want Justice
Reunion of Friends
Understanding Emotions
Revived Project
Community and Combat
The Symbol of Evil
Titans Clash
The League
First Job
New Plans
Raiding I Island
Troubling Minds
Race Against the Heroes
The Wild Villains
2 vs 3
Invisible Girl's Past
The Underground Frenzy
All or Nothing
Triple Nightmare
Deika's Raid
Blades of Heroes
Mayhem of the League
Turning Point
Hiding Out
Dastardly Twins
Divide and Conquer
True Plans
Race Against Time
All Out War
Final Countdowns
Hand of Death
Chaos of the End
Tales That Are Told

Tedering Line

931 35 11
By Stillwell03

3rd person POV:

News spread about Guradieta's defeat fast. In a matter of hours, All Might learned of this to become infuriated to no end. Inside his office, him and his closest subordinates interacted trying to find out just how they could manage this loss. "That's two of us he's beaten. If this keeps up, we'll lose our foothold in the underworld with people not thinking us as a dangerous group anymore." "Come now Chisaki. He is only a single man." "But he's someone that one of the most powerful quirks on all creation. If only I had my hands on All For One's body, I could've extracted the genes to create the ultimate quirk." Garaki said this for Nine to get a question pop in his head. "Then why not get the genetic code out of my AFO?" "Yours is a copy. Any quirk I would make with that would be a copy of a copy, making it defective as a whole. I would need the genetic code from a real AFO user with now the only one in existence being that brat. Oh the true perfection I could make with that quirk. My research could progress exponentially if I could extract that boy's perfected genes." The mad doctor spoke as if he longed for this to happen.

"What should we do then sir?" A hooded man asks this for All Might to think. "Garaki, how are the high ends going?" "In a matter of weeks, Hood should be ready. The rest unfortunately will take a few months if we progress as we are right now." "What would make it go faster?" "If I could obtain the genes of an AFO holder, I could create the most powerful Nomu in all existence. And once a cultivation is complete, you could hold one of the most powerful quirks in all creation sir." The blond villain sat back in his chair thinking of how to handle this. "For a while, we've been dealing with this as a single aspect. If we are dealing with a man that can stop us if facing us one at a time. Then we'll have to think of a plan for him to be pushed to levels where he has to sacrifice one or the other." "Being that he's working as a hero in training, I doubt he's gonna let someone die in order to do what he wishes." Chisaki smirks at this as All Might begins explaining the situation. "Tell young Hagakure that I have a job for her."

Meanwhile with Izuku, Izuku POV:

"Alright Kirishima, this is gonna hurt a bit. I am really sorry, but I need to set your shoulder back." I state this while having my knee on Kirishima's back with his warm in my hands as he's face first on the floor. "Just do it fast please." "Count of three. 1....2...." "AHHH!" I immediately slam his shoulder back in it's socket before healing it with one of my quirks. "What happened to three!?" "You'd feel more pain if I did it on three." "He's got ya there shitty hair." Kaachan states this with a bunch of ice on his stomach while Toga held a compress on his back. "I gotta hand it to ya Midoriya, that guy was a monster. Shame I couldn't do much." Inasa points this out as he has Kendo help bandage him with Eri holding the first aid kit trying to help. "To be fair, this guy wasn't going down unless I stopped him myself. Even at base strength, he was insane." "Well, I guess I owe you two this time." I glanced at Ashido who was still really shaken up by the whole ordeal.

"You don't owe me anything. It's kinda our fault you got kidnapped since we didn't even think you were." Ochako walked over to start disinfecting some of our pink friend's cuts and scrapes to keep them from getting worse. She winced in pain a bit while I looked around to see everyone else patching themselves up the best they could. "Sorry you all had to get hurt. If I did something faster, maybe a lot of this damage could've been avoided." I started to feel a pat on my head before noticing Mr. Aizawa sit beside me. "You didn't do anything wrong. We all knew the risks and you at least tried to stop this. If it wasn't for you, I'd doubt we'd make it out of that alive." I started to smile a bit before seeing Eri yawn a little. "I think it's time for bed sweetie." "But I wanna stay up and *yawn* help." I picked her up in my arms and patted her head. "We understand, but you need your rest too honey. I promise everyone will be ok by tomorrow. But you staying up and hurting yourself for us won't make us feel better. Ok?" "Ok daddy." I began walking to her room while everyone started to finish their patch ups.

Once in Eri's room, I tucked her in and sat on the side of her bed. "Daddy, why do you have to fight?" "It's hard to explain sweetie, but daddy doesn't do it because he wants to. Daddy does it because it's something that needs to be done. When you grow up, you'll find someone or something you'll want nothing more than to protect. This is why daddy fights. To protect people like you and your mommy." This gave a tiny smile on the little girl as she nodded off into her dreams. I sat there for a few minutes before turning on a night light and turning off the main to slowly shut the door. "You've gotten used to parenthood kinda well." I glanced to the side to see Giren talking with me. "Yeah well, I'm going with this as the situations come. What are you doing up here?" He passed me a small bit of intel along with some names. "I can't debate a lot of it was either trying and making notes on it, or just trying to do what my parents did." I explained to him for Giren to point towards a balcony. We walked over there to sit down as he lit a cigarette. "So Giren, why help us? You do trade with both sides, why is it you prefer to help us?"

He blew out some smoke before answering. "When I was first starting my work as a broker in the underworld, I hit a bit of a snag and nearly got killed by a bunch of villains that my mistake nearly made them get caught. Because of this, they came after me and beat the crap out of me. It came to the point they held an axe to my neck prepared to chop my head off. I was beaten black and blue laying in a pile of my own blood afraid I was gonna actually die. But right before they got the chance, AFO came in and took them down. If he didn't do this, I wouldn't be standing here right now." "So you help cause of a debt you owe my father?" "For the most part." He takes another breath of his cigarette before continuing. "But you also have the ability to turn the tides of this world. I've seen a lot of people to know what ambition looks like in them. And the type of ambition you've got I've only seen in one other person in my life. Your father." He takes a few more breaths of his cigarette before saying a final bit. "I'll stand with you for as long as I can, but try to lay low for now. You took down two major components in All Might's empire, no doubt he'll be looking for you nod and keep his goons on high alert."

I got up to start walking inside for what he said. "Thanks for the advice." "Just make sure you don't do something stupid and hurt the people that care for you because of it." I nodded as I went inside to see everyone bandaged up that needed it. I immediately healed them before going to get some stuff for us to snack on and explain we'll he lay on low for now until some heats turned down. Everyone understood with some of my classmates kinda relieved due to being able to be normal teenagers again for some time.

Few weeks later

"And that finishes up today's lesson. Make sure to study hard for finals in two weeks." Nighteye excused us from classes for all of us to start heading out. While we did, Ochako tapped my back to get my attention. "Hey Izuku, wanna do a study session with me?" "Sure. Let's go to that cafe you like." Since we began laying low, me and Ochako began getting closer. We regularly hang out and she helps me take care of Eri. To be honest, I felt kinda normal during these weeks.I knew it was a fleeing feeling, but I felt as if I was a normal teenager and often found myself thinking of Ochako in ways I couldn't understand. When I talked to Momo and Jirou about this, they told me it was love. Obviously that's impossible, but I can't help but wonder if this is why Ochako makes me feel so happy and warm inside. "Ooooh! I smell romance in the air!" We both stopped and went red hearing Ashido say this. We turned to her and noticed Kaachan, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Toga with Ashido holding smug faces. "I'll kick your butts."

I placed Eri on my shoulders for us to start heading out. While leaving, we bumped into Hagakure seeming a little off. "Yo." I tried to get her attention, but she seemed really off. "Hagakure." She still didn't answer me. "Earth to Invisible Girl!" "AAAAHHHH!!!" She panicked  and jumped back to see me, Ochako, and Eri. "O-oh. I-it's just you three. W-what can I do for you?" "Are you ok? You've been a little on edge for a while." Our invisible classmate held her head down at this. "Not really." I tapped her shoulder to motion us to talk over in an empty classroom. She agreed for us to head in. She took a seat near the front with me pulling a chair up to sit in. Eri and Ochako sat in a seat beside  her for me to start. "So what's the matter?" Hagakure remained silent for me to sigh. "If I don't know, I can't help." "....How far would you go for your friends? Also, how far would be too far in your book?" This question made me raise an eyebrow. "You mind explaining a little more." She swallowed a lump in her throat before explaining.

"You remember when I said All Might is using my family as leverage for me to work for him?" "Yeah." "....He called me a few weeks ago telling me about a new job. This one was a big one." "So what was the job?" I asked for her to look at me with pleading eyes from what I could tell. "I want you to know that I would never do this if things didn't come to this! If I had any choice but this, I would take it and never let this happen! Please know that and don't get mad at me for-" "Hagakure! What. Is. The. Job." I watched her cry a bit while answering. "All Might wants me to lead you into a trap to kill you. He said you were becoming too much of a nuisance to ignore or throw weaklings at. So he has me sending you to an abandoned warehouse where Chisaki, Nine, the 8 Precepts, and the Volcano Thieves ready to kill you. He wants me to bring you and you alone or else my parents will suffer the cost." I remained silent for a moment before asking. "He's threatening to kill your parents, isn't he?" "Worse. He'll turn them into Nomu." I felt my blood boil when she said this.

"So let me get this straight. He's threatening you with turning your parents into the abominations that my father attempted to make and stopped in order to give heroes and civilians who were caught in accidents a second chance to bring me to this warehouse alone." "He also has quirk disabling gas ready. I don't know how, but they were able to make the quirk disabling bullets into gas." Eri started to look down at this for me to get an idea. "Ochako, tell this to Mr. Aizawa and get him and some pros to help the Hagakures. Eri, I'm gonna need your quirk for a small time. Since you're immune to your own rewind from what I can tell, I won't be effected if I have your quirk. I promise though to give it back the second I'm done." She nodded to walk up towards me. I made sure to make it as painless as possible for the horn on her head to disappear indicating she didn't have Rewind anymore. "What about you? It's still several against one. Even if you do have AFO, it's still a stacked against fight." "That's why when the Hagakures are safe, tell the pros to go to the warehouse Hagakure has us going to." She nods as her and Eri head out. "Alright. Lets go."

Meanwhile, Miruko POV:

Since the situation a few weeks ago, me, hothead, and bird boy began searching for the members of that Midoriya kid's group. We only got a few leads with them being mostly UA kids. Since they're taking villains we need down but can't, we decided to overlook them. Today though, we're going to talk to this kid Endeavor knows for some reason. Apparently, it's someone he knows personally. "So why are we at a convenience store?" "This is where he works." Endeavor walks in with bird boy still trying to ask about this guy. "So how do you know him?" "Long story, but I knew him since he was a child." 'So this is some kind of family friend or something?' We walked into the store to the cashier who looked like some kind of burnt chicken nugget. "Can I help yo-oh for god's sake, can't you leave me alone Endeavor!" 'Just who the hell is this kid?'

"It's uh...nice to see you again Touy-" "Dabi." "Excuse me?" "Dabi! I had my name legally changed to Dabi." "Ok dude, how does hothead here know you?" The guy gritted his teeth before answering. "This is my father." "Wait, so you're one of Endeavor's kids? So you gotta be Touya-" "WHY CAN NOBODY CALL ME DABI!?" "Sheesh kid. Relax." "Anyway, what do you want? If you're here for a special, the last was bought by a guy that came two hours before you all." "We're actually here to talk to you about the situation you've found yourself in helping out the son of AFO." "You know what I say to that?" The Dabi guy lifts his middle finger up and flips hothead off. "Go fuck yourself." "AHAHAHAHAHA! HE'S GOT YOU PEGGED FLAME MAN!" I started laughing uncontrollably on the ground with Hawks not that far behind me as he was using a shelf to hold himself up. Endeavor took a sigh before continuing. "Alright. I deserved that. But please, I need to speak with you-" "Wait a second." I stop them when I start hearing something from the distance. "Something's coming our way and fast."

We ran out of the store to see some kind of black thing coming near us. "What the hell is that?" "Looks like a Disturbed fan going overboard." Dabi came out to see with him immediately panicking. "GET EVERYONE IN THE AREA OUT OF HERE, NOW!" "Wait, what is that?" "NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! DO WHAT I SAID!" The thing kept coming with it's figure now being completely visible to look like those things All Might called Nomu.

"Strong fighters. Must fight STRONG FIGHTERS!"

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku will be facing his own issue while Dabi and the pro trio of Endeavor, Hawks and Miruko will face Hood. See how this turns out next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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