I Don't Understand.. [Errorin...

By LazyLinda77

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1st book📖 [Cover made by me] (Even though its a random drawing i made-) Status : ¡Not Completed Yet! Everyda... More

Info and explanation
Warm Up For Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Uhh.. Rewrite?
Chapter 10
Not a chapter, but-
..Book Expectation..
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Happy Valentines Day
Is it important..?
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
EEEEEK (Spoiler-)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Guess what 😃
(Important) Announcement

Chapter 2

942 24 41
By LazyLinda77

~~Ink's POV~~

The knocking on the door keeps on going until someone on the other side speak..

"Ink? Are you alright in there? I thought i heard something. Is everything alright?"

Of course, its Dream. Dream really cared about me and sometimes annoying. Since he would be calling me(with phone) in the middle of my fight with Error. And sometimes he would always ask me to hang out with him when im busy. But, its what friends do right? They cared and annoyed each other, or am i wrong?

"Ink? Why arent you answering? Except you arent Ink.." Dream said from the other side of the door.

I must have been thinking to myself for too long. I snap myself to reality and say "Oh, uh, sorry Dream. I was just thinking and forgot you are there. Everything is alright, just need a little help." I still struggling to stand up. "Okay, im coming in" Dream said, the door slowly opening and showing Dream standing behind the door. Dream stood there, looking at me with a shooked look. "OH MY GOSH, Ink! What happened?!" Dream said, then run towards me and helping me to stand up. He sat me down on my bed and run towards the bathroom (In Ink's room he has a bathroom) to find the first aid kit. Once he found it he rush back to me and started to heal some of my wound, then he put some bandages in some place that he couldnt heal, just like broken bones. After a while, he was done healing and bandaging me. Even though, there is still some blood dripping from one of the bandages.

"Ink, what happened?! Why you have so many wounds and broken bones?! What were you doing to get so much injured?!" Dream asked kinda panicking and worried. Before i could open my mouth to answer Dream question, Dream cut me off and asked, "Wait, is this wound and broken bones caused of you and Error fight isnt it?" I only nodded my head at Dream guess. "That assh*le! This is the 12th time! I swear, im gonna kill him if i see-" before Dream could finish his sentence, i cut him off and say "Dream, no. Its okay, im fine. You don't need to. He didnt hurt me that much." I smiled at him, there was silence inside the room. But, that silence broke by Dream sighing and say, "Okay, fine. But how about we go and buy some nice cream? It can made your day a bit better!" I nodded in agreement, then Dream started to drag me downstairs. But then a question pop into my head. "Dream, where is Blue?" I asked, "Oh, he is with his brother! He said that its been a while since the last time he saw his brother and he missed him." Dream answered my question. I mean, he is not wrong, it is been a while since the last time he meet with his brother.

Without me noticing, Dream already opened a portal to Undertale snowdin and go through it, leaving me behind. I ran through the portal before the portal was closing and catch up to Dream (Yes, Ink magically already feels better) Wait, who is talking? Are one of those creators? (Yes Ink, but im not that 'bad creator') Oh, well its nice having a 'good creator' here! And im 'magically already feel better' its because i already got healed and bandaged by Dream. (Ohh, okay. Well i got to go, continue on what you were doing. Bye!) Okay, bye!

(Anyway back to what we left)
After catching up to Dream, "Dream! *huff* why did you-- *huff* why did you leave me *huff* behind?!" I asked Dream while panting cause of how far i ran and i was kinda mad at him for leaving me behind. "Well, i try to get you back to reality. But it seems like you are really deep on your mind. So i just leave you and probably you will catch up to me. And look, you did!" Dream said then chuckled a bit. I just crossed my arm and looked away. And without me noticing again, we already arrived at the nice cream post (Or whatever you say it, the place to get nice cream?). We buy a nice cream and sat under one of the trees.

~~Error's POV~~

I go through the portal and closing it behind me (this is after he fight Ink).
I collapse myself on my bean bag. I started to play with my strings boredly. I didnt really know what to do, but i keep on thinking of the fight that just happened. Why didnt i just kill that squid already? But.. seeing him hurt kinda made my soul hurt too.. AGH! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

I try to get him off of my mind, but it seems like it didnt work. I even accidently made Ink puppet. I wanted to rip it apart. But, somehow i couldnt rip it apart. Its like, something blocking my way to rip it. Ahh, whatever. Im just going to Undertale and talk to Classic, maybe i will not feel bored talking to him.

So, i hid the puppet Ink under the bean bag just in case Nightmare comes here. Then i open a portal to Undertale snowdin. I go through it and closing the portal. I walk through the snowdin, trying to find Classic. After a while of walking, i see Dream and Ink sitting under a tree and eating nice cream. I don't know why, but seeing them together made my soul ache. But i put that feeling aside and keep walking through the snowdin still trying to find Classic.

While still walking, some voices started to talk to me.

*You know, if you are bored you could have just destroy another Au. Than just to waste your time trying to find Classic* One voice talk to me.

"Yeah, but i just don't feel like it." I said kinda annoyed.

*Hey glitch, i wonder. Why didnt you just kill that 'protector' when he was weak? Instead, you leave him still alive* Other voice, asked.

I stop walking and stood there in silence. 'They notice that too?' i thought to myself. I keep thinking of an answer but it seems like i have lost myself of that question and i don't know how to answer it, just like a kid that got lost in the forest and don't know where to go (Im really bad at describing things TwT).

*Wait.. don't tell me you like him, don't you?* Another voice guessed.

"WHAT, NO. I WILL NEVER LIKE THAT STUPID SQUID." I answer them, with an annoyed tone. I can feel my face burning a bit, i don't know why. There is no fire on my face. Weird..


'Do i actually like him?'

(1153 words! But this text does not includes by the way)

Actually, im not sure if i will make Ink soulless but killable or make Error don't know that he cant kill Ink (Im talking about Error's line about killing Ink).

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