The Stray and The Radio Demon

By RedDemonica

31.1K 965 57

Olivia Spencer has been running ever since she landed in Hell. From her family, her past and her life, until... More

Ch 1: Arrival
Ch 2: New Beginnings
Ch 3: First Day
Ch 4: Crystal Clear
Ch 5: Two Small Steps Forward, One Giant Leap Back
Ch 6: An Unwelcome Visit
Ch 7: New Crazy Family
Ch 9: A Dance Moving Forward
Ch 10: The Unbearable Itch
Ch 11: The Past Creeps
Ch 12: Truth or Drink
Ch 13: The Wounds of the Past
Ch 14: Reginald Shultz
Ch 15: Formerly Octavia Von Bast
Ch 16: Dancing Closer and Yet Still So Far
Ch 17: A Deal Worth Making
Ch 18: Beignets of Love
Ch 19: A Cold-Hearted Understanding
Ch 20: The Edge of Despair
Ch 21: Revenge of the Damaged
Ch 22: Healing Together
Ch 23: Nightmares and Distractions
Ch 24: Cooking Together
Ch 25: True Colours
Ch 26: First Date
Ch 27: Stress Reliever
Ch 28: Fittings and Mobs and Dogs, Oh My!
Ch 29: The Extermination Masquerade
Ch 30: The Von Bast Estate Expedition
Ch 31: Devestation of the Heart
Ch 32: Road to Recovery and Strength
Ch 33: A First for Two Becoming One
Ch 34: A Home of Their Own
Ch 35: Unnatural Feelings
Ch 36: The Interview
Ch 37: Survival Skills
Ch 38: Dream a Little Dream of Me
Ch 39: New Allies
Ch 40: Bonds Forged and Burned
Ch 41: The End of It All
Ch 42: Light In Your Eyes
Ch 43: Fluttering Relief
Ch 44: Price of Redemption
Ch 45: The Beach Episode Pt 1: Arriving
Ch 46: The Beach Epsiode Pt 2: Vulnerable
Ch 47: The Beach Episode Pt 3: A Walk To Remember
Ch 48: The Beach Episode Pt 4: Shenanigans and Fear
Ch 49: The Beach Episode Pt 5: Revenge At Its Finest
Ch 50: Memory Lane
Ch 51: The Talk He Dreaded
Ch 52: The Rut Pt. 1
Ch 53: The Rut Pt. 2
Ch 54: Vampire's Allure
Editor's note: I'm sorry, but this needs to be done.

Ch 8: Preparation

875 29 2
By RedDemonica

The Cleanse was over a month away. On a positive note, it was the one-year anniversary of the Hotel's opening. Even though they had redeemed no one yet, Charlie still wanted to have a major party to celebrate. A feast, a celebrity singer for the dance and decorations galore, the whole shebang. As much as Olivia loved to cook, she wasn't exactly looking forward to cooking for that many demons. Charlie said she was expecting at least 40-60 demons to attend. Even though no one believed in redemption, everyone knew the hotel had the best party's, so they expected a large turnout. They had planned all month, looking for the best entertainment. The biggest celebrity they could find was an incubus demon called Finnigan Saffron. Olivia knew him as a narcissistic asshole, but he had an incredible voice. Everything was lined up for a spectacular evening. It would start the day after the cleanse, to brighten everyone's spirits after the terrible massacre.

Olivia and Alastor sat and planned the feast for a week. They argued and bickered about what should be cooked and how it should be cooked until they finally settled on a menu. Roast beef with gravy, roasted potatoes, three salads and three desserts. It would be simple but lots of food. Both of them dreading the work that would need to be put in, but if it made Charlie happy, then they couldn't say no.

Three weeks before the year's end, Olivia woke up gasping. Her nightmares still came and went and tonight was no different. She sat up, sighing and wiping the sweat from her brow. She had this nagging feeling in her chest. She looked out the window and saw the dark red sky, and it brought a little comfort to her. She got out of bed, running her hands through her short hair and walked towards the window. She sat on the bench under the window, leaned her forehead against the cool glass, and closed her eyes.

When she opened them again, she looked down to the street and saw a figure standing right under her window, staring right at her. She sat up and furrowed her brow in confusion. She looked closer and saw pale green eyes, full of malice and hate. An image flashed in her mind, those same eyes on top of her, in a dark and cold room. Dark laughter surrounding her senses. Olivia gasped and jumped back. She tripped in her haste and fell to the floor. No, no, no, no! He couldn't have found her already. It wasn't possible. She slowly crawled to the window and peeked over the ledge. There was no one there. She let out a shaky breath as she looked over the street and saw it was empty. She sat on the floor and hugged her knees to her chest. She rocked back and forth as a panic attack settled in. She put her head between her knees and took multiple deep breaths. Once she could breathe steadily again, she stood and put on her robe. The room was suffocating, so she went for a walk. She noticed the time was 3:50am. She wandered the halls until she came to the doors to the night club. They were unlocked, so she strolled into the quiet and dark room.

She walked up the stairs of the stage, towards the piano, letting her hand glide along it as she strolled passed it. She stopped in front of the violin and that longing feeling returned in her chest, overpowering the anxiety. She picked it up and her memories flooded her mind, back to her younger self when she was alive, learning to play. She placed it on her shoulder and brought the bow up to the strings. She froze for a minute, afraid to open that door again. She then brought the hair across the strings and that familiar, beautiful sound echoed in the empty room. She played a song she knew from her childhood, one that her mother taught her and it brought warmth to her chest. Her shaking stopped and a small smile came to her face as she closed her eyes. She let the melody take her on a trip through her memories. To her learning the violin, her mother singing, walking with her older brother as he led her through the gardens. The tempo was soft, hypnotic, and it calmed her. She let out a deep sigh as the song finished. She put the violin down and stroked the side of it before walking away. She touched the pendent laying at her throat, looking at the time to see it was just after 5am. Well, she might as well shower and get ready for breakfast. She walked back to her room to prepare for the day.

In the far back corner of the nightclub, deep in the shadows, Alastor leaned against the wall, eyes wide with intrigue. It blew him away at the passion she put into that performance. Her list of talents were growing and yet she didn't rely on any of them to be the incredible demon she could be. He smirked with mischief. He would have to watch closely for an opportunity to help her realize her full potential, whether she liked it or not.


The day of the cleanse arrived which made Charlie was the most upset, as usual. The Cleanse was very hard on the Princess of Hell, so she stayed in her room most of the day with Vaggie. Alastor was a little on edge as even he knew not to mess with Angels on this day, though the screams outside where like music to his ears. Olivia helped keep him busy in the kitchen preparing the food to be cooked tomorrow. Niffty, Husker and Angel we're decorating the main stage area with banners and streamers, making sure the lights and speakers worked. Midnight came and the screams outside stopped. Charlie emerged with Vaggie to find the decorating finished and gave all three of them rib cracking hugs. Angel stayed back to put the finishing touches up while the rest of the group made their way to the kitchen to find Olivia and Alastor to see if they needed help. When they entered the kitchen, they found Olivia rubbing her wrist in pain while Alastor was leaning against the counter, both looking exhausted. A mound of cut up vegetables and roast beef plated and wrapped behind him. Charlie walked forward.

"You guys doing ok in here?"

Olivia glanced up, "Surviving." She glanced at Alastor who chuckled.

"Indeed. We just finished up." Alastor stretched his back with a loud crack.

"Finally." Olivia sighed and slumped forward. "Can we go to bed now?"

Alastor nodded. "Yes, I believe we deserve it after today."

Before they moved, Angel burst into the kitchen.

"Charlie, it's your worst nightmare!"

Alastor smirked. "Can you stop announcing yourself every time you enter a room?"

Olivia hid her giggle behind her hand. Angel just glared at Alastor then turned to Charlie.

"The banner fell again and I can't get it to stay up!" Angel flung his arms everywhere in frustration.

Husker snorted. "Is that your excuse for all your clients?"

This time, everyone laughed. Charlie patted Angel on the arm and escorted him out before he could strangle Husker. Everyone else split towards their own rooms, except Charlie and Vaggie. They slept most of the day so they nitpicked the decorations with Angel to make sure they finished everything. When morning came, Charlie was vibrating most of the day. She was so pumped for the party she couldn't contain it. It was contagious as Olivia was also feeling the excitement.

Alastor and Olivia practically didn't leave the kitchen the entire day. Alastor's shadows were helping bring things back and forth from the kitchen to the Grand Dining room. Supper started at 4pm today so everyone could make it to the dance at 7pm. Olivia was looking forward to a night off and to dance her stress away. Supper went without a hitch as about 40 demons showed up for the food, which was expected. Charlie and the gang ate with the guests this time. Charlie stood up, clinking her glass and made a toast to Olivia and Alastor for the amazing food. Olivia blushed and ducked her head while Alastor stood and bowed with a large grin. He hooked an arm into Olivia's and hoisted her up and made her bow with him. She blushed harder but followed his lead as a small smile creeped onto her face.

Once supper was finished and cleaned up, Olivia went upstairs and changed into her evening outfit. She curled her hair, put on the deep red dress with thick straps and matching heels. She felt a little exposed as she wasn't used to showing off much of her chest as this dress showed off a nice amount of cleavage. When she finally headed down to the nightclub, Charlie was impatiently pacing in front of the bar. She was wearing black slacks with a white button up blouse. Vaggie was beside her with her arms crossed. She was wearing a dark grey sundress and black boots. Husker was in his usual position behind the bar, cleaning glasses. Olivia approached them.

"Everything ok?" Olivia cocked her head.

Charlie ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders.

"Finnigan is late! He hasn't arrived yet and I'm not sure if he will!" Charlie sank to her knees in a dramatic display of dread.

Olivia glanced down at her and then at the clock. It was 645pm and Finnigan was supposed to arrive at 6pm. Before she could say anything, the glass doors burst open. In walked the incubus singer as Charlie looked up and smiled. She ran over to Finnigan.

"Oh gosh! You made it. Did you get lost trying to find the ho-" His raised hand interrupted her.

"I do not get lost. I show up when I show up. Get that into your pretty, dense little head." He patted her head and walked forward with his hands on his hips. A few other demons followed behind him with luggage as Finnigan eyed the room with disgust. "This is the place? I thought the Princess of Hell could be able to afford a better looking venue, but I guess this will do."

Vaggie was fuming by the time he walked passed her. Olivia was leaning against the bar, not looking too impressed. She had heard about him. Half the time he never showed up on time most places he was supposed to play and was incredibly selfish. Yes, he had a good voice but that's all he had going for him. She turned, ordered a shot of whiskey from Husker and downed it. She then felt a hand on her shoulder and felt a shiver run up her spine. She turned to find Finnigan's face inches from hers, recoiling as much as she could with the bar behind her.

"Hello beautiful. You are the most gorgeous thing in this place." He grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

Olivia shuddered, which he took for pleasure as she took her hand back.

"Um, thanks." She turned away, hoping he would take the hint.

He didn't. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and leaned against her.

"My sweet darling, I hope you catch my show later and I hope to catch you in my room afterwards for a personal reward for my incredible talents." He winked and walked towards the stage.

Olivia was shocked and dumbfounded into silence by his bold statement as her jaw dropped. Husker looked pissed and glared after Finnigan, a glass breaking in his paw as he started to climb onto the bar.

"I'm going to fucking kill that fucking creep!"

Vaggie grunted, "I'm right there with you." She made her spear appear.

Charlie panicked. "Guys, guys! I know he is quite......vulgar, but we have no one else to fill in for the entertainment this late." She smiled to calm them down. "Once he is done with his performance, I'll make sure he leaves pronto." She put a hand on Olivia's shoulder. "You going to be ok?"

"Sure, once I stop vomiting in my mouth. Husker, another whiskey please." Husker gave her a double, and she downed it with no issue. "At least he will be on stage and nowhere near me." Olivia slumped on the bar while Husker put a cloth to his bleeding paw.

Vaggie leaned against the side of the bar and Charlie tried to comfort everyone. Alastor came down through the doors with Niffty on his heels.

"Hello, my friends." Alastor took in all of their defeated expressions. "Did I miss something?"

Husker snorted. "You could say that. A fucking perverted hurricane swept through."

Alastor cocked his head. "Oh, this I must hear!" Once the story was told to him, he wished he hadn't. "So where is our illustrious guest?" Static got louder around them.

Charlie waved her hands. "Don't worry, Al! He won't be near Olivia again tonight. We will make sure about that."

Alastor looked to Olivia who was leaning on her hand, fidgeting with the toothpick in her Gin and Sin cocktail. He felt a protectiveness rush through his chest for a split second, but he pushed it away. Olivia sighed.

"Well, let's get this party started." She forced a small smile towards Charlie and hooked her arm. Charlie smiled and walked with her towards the stage.

Vaggie stood next to Alastor and without looking at him, she said, "After the performance, I'm sure Finnigan might be in an unfortunate accident which causes him to disappear, don't you think?"

Alastor's grin widened maliciously. "Of course, my dear. Unfortunate for him indeed."

Alastor chuckled darkly before walking towards the girls. Vaggie smirked as she followed him.

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