|Requests Closed| Sansest On...

By Catt3rCat

59.7K 1.7K 1.1K

Just a sansest oneshots book. This book does not have a consistent update schedule cause I am a menace and a... More

Nightmare x Horror
Killercreammare Part 2
Badguys Poly + Ccino
Ds!Drink Part 2
Valentines Special: Inkmare
A/N Important please read
Drink Angst
Reaper x Cross
Ds!Drink Angst
Ds!Drinkberry Part 2
Inkmare Angst
Ds!Crerrormare Angst
Ds!Dreamare Part 2
Ds!Blue x Ds!Nightmare


2.8K 64 17
By Catt3rCat

This was requested by Ki_raa! This oneshot is sort of a continuation of my Crossmare oneshot but it is not necessary to read it to understand this one. It's rather long as well, or longer than I usually make my oneshots. So uh yeah! Hope you enjoy. Also i might make a part three of sorts if anyones wants me to.

Nightmare wasn't too big of a fan of animals, especially Ace. He didn't understand how or why Cross and Dream would fawn over the cat as if it was their child or something. It was somewhat irritating to him. After all they could be doing way more productive things instead of taking care of a cat. Nightmare would never admit it but he would definitely prefer if they were to pay more attention to him than a cat.

Nightmare's tentacles flicked in irritation when he felt the cat rub against his legs. Honestly if he could get away with it he would probably get rid of Ace but Dream and Cross would never forgive him so his hands were tied.

He wouldn't be so opposed to keeping the cat here if Cross and Dream weren't so obsessive about it. He didn't even remember why he let Cross keep Ace in the first place.

Nightmare sat down on the couch. He was still rather irritated and it was plainly obvious. When Nightmare was in amood like this most people would avoid talking to him but Dream wasn't like most people.

"Heya Nighty!" Dream exclaimed while sitting down next to him on the couch. He placed Ace, who he had been holding in his arms on his lap. Ace stood up on Dream's lap before positioning himself and laying back down on Dream's lap.

Nightmare groaned, turning away from Dream.

"What's wrong Night?"

"I don't want to talk about It.."

"Don't be like that! You can always tell me anything you know."

Nightmare sighed. "You and Cross have been paying way too much attention to the cat and I'm sure that both of you have way more important things to attend to."

"Sorry Nighty i didn't mean to make you feel left out like that."

"What no-"

Dream wrapped his arms around Nightmare. He quickly kissed his cheek before laying his head against Nightmare's shoulder.

"This is completely unnecessary Dream.." Nightmare grumbled. His face was flushed a light shade of blue.

"What do you mean it's unnecessary? You're upset we haven't been paying more attention to you right?"

"W-what no!"

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean i'm not jealous of that cat!" Nightmare exclaimed.

"Look Night it's okay to be jealous-"

"I'm not!"

Dream giggled. "Whatever you say Nighty!"

Nightmare rolled his eyes. "I'm going upstairs."

"W-what? Nighty? Don't go!"

"I'm going to go hang out with the only sane person in this house."

"And who might that be?"

"Very funny Dream."

"I'm being serious."

Nightmare rolled his eyes again. And started walking up the stairs.

"Wait Nightmare!"

Dream sighed. He really wanted to follow after Nightmare but he didn't have the heart to get up after Ace had fallen asleep on him.


Nightmare walked down the hallway until he came to a door. He swiftly knocked on the door and waited for a response.

Killer peaked out of the door. "Oh heya Night! What's up?"

"Your boyfriends are too obsessed with that cat.." Nightmare grumbled.

"They're your boyfriends too!"

"Yeah whatever."

Killer opened his door more. "Do you want to come in?"

Nightmare nodded.

He followed Killer into his room and sat down on the side of his bed.

"So besides Dream and Cross not paying enough attention to you, how are you doing?" Killer asked. He had a big smirk on his face.

Nightmare rolled his eyes. "This is not what this is about and you know it."

"Are you sure about that Night?"

"Yes, yes I am."

"Well Nighty y'know i can always give you the attention you're looking for~"

"I didn't come here just so you could flirt with me."

"Oh come on! Don't be so cold. We've been dating for two months after all."


"So you should be more used to me flirting with you."

"You've been doing this way before we even started dating. Not to mention the very inappropriate things you said that i told you not repeat ever again." Nightmare stated. He glared at Killer slightly.

"If i've been doing it so much why aren't you used to it by now. Hmm?~"

"I am. Just because i'm used to it doesn't mean I like it.." Nightmare mumbled.

"Oh so you don't want me to pay attention to you huh? Why did you come here then?"

"It's because you're the only slightly rational person in this house right now."

"I'm far from rational, Nighty."

"Well you're acting more rational than Cross that's for sure."

"Y'know maybe you should go talk to them instead of talking to me.."

"Fine! lets go!" Nightmare exclaimed, grabbing his hand and dragging him downstairs.


Dream sighed again. Running his hands through Ace's fur. He had a feeling Nightmare might've been upset about Ace. Dream had known Nightmare for a long time and he knew that he could get pretty jealous like this sometimes but Dream really didn't mean to upset him like that.

"Hey Dream!"

"Oh hello Cross!"

"You seem kinda upset is everything alright?"

"Yeah Night's just kinda not really that happy with me right now.."

"Oh! I think he's upset with me too. He's been acting pretty weird this morning and i haven't had the chance to talk to him yet.."

"I don't think he's too happy about the cat situation.."

"Oh.. well i guess that makes sense. It's my fault Dream. I'm sorry."

"What do you mean it's your fault I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong Cross."

"Well you see.. I know Nightmare wouldn't be too happy taking care of Ace and since I found I found him I thought it must be my responsibility to take care of him and since I've been doing that I haven't really had enough free time to go on missions.. or more like I forgot about them. I'm sure Night is pissed off with me because of that.." Cross explained. .

"What no! Night could never be mad at you. Well maybe a little upset but i really doubt he's angry with you."

"Thanks Dream I really appreciate it!"

"No problem Crossy!"

Cross face turned bright purple.

Dream giggled. "You still get flustered so easily Cross.."

"Well-" Cross began to speak but he automatically stopped when he saw Nightmare and Killer coming down the stairs.

Nightmare and Killer made their way over to Dream and Cross who were still sitting on the couch.

"Oh Nighty your back!"

"Hey Night!"



"I just wanted to say that I i'm sorry for being upset with you for such a stupid reason."

"What? Nighty it's okay! It's okay to to talk about your feelings and it's okay to be jealous."

"I'm not jealous!" Nightmare exclaimed. His face flushed bright blue.

"Someones embarrassed~"

"Shut up Killer!"

"I- I wanted to apologize too.." Cross mumbled.

"What why?"

"Well uh you're upset with me aren't you? I mean I haven't really been doing that well with getting things done lately and-"

"It's fine Cross."


"I said it's fine. I don't want you worrying about such things."

Cross felt his face heat up again. "A- alright."

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