Root Of All Evil.

By Bhettiboop

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21 contestants compete for 10 million dollars. If you win the challenge assigned by the co-owner Joe, you wil... More

Week 1 - Roomates.
Week 2 - "Tuba" diving.
Week 3 - Play Ball!
Week 4 - Pig Out.
Week 5 - RACEists.
Week 7 - Truth or Dare.
Week 8 - Quiz Show.
Week 9 - Blindsided.
Week 10 - Knockout.
Week 11 - "Why do you deserve..."
Week 12 - Thriller.
Week 13 - Football.
Week 14 - Pot of Gold.
Week 15 - Stripper's Poll.
Week 16 - Tug of War.
Week 17 - Bullseye.
Week 18 - Flagged Down.
Week 19 - Peers.
Week 20 - $$$. [Part 1.]
Week 21 - $$$. [Part 2.]
The Reunion! [Part 1.]
The Reunion! [Part 2.]

Week 6 - Sexual Healing.

2.6K 94 32
By Bhettiboop

Last week, the contestants had to take their driving skills too the test on the most famous racing track in Miami FL. Princeton started off slow, but fought his way back and got himself the win. The problem was, Roc, Prodigy, and Ray Ray were up for elimination. Princeton was going to give up his check for the 3 to stay, but when Ray Ray tried to throw Prodigy under the bus, he sent him packing. 16 contestants remain.

Roc sat in his room and looked across at Ray Ray’s bed. And even though Princeton and Prodigy were there, he no longer had a partner in crime. He didn’t have a close friend. He didn’t have someone who had his same exact bond.

“I can’t believe that he really tried to convince you to send me home.” Prodigy said shaking his head. “I never did anything to him.”

“That was the wrong move.” Princeton said. “And I was actually going to leave you guys just so that you three could stay. But that was a dirty move.”

“Y’all gone stop talking about him like he isn’t our friend.” Roc said in an outburst, looking at the two.

“Nobody said that he wasn’t.” Prodigy said.

“If he was a real friend, he wouldn’t have tried to throw Prodigy under a bus.” Princeton said.

“Princeton, chill out.” Roc said shaking his head.

“You chill out, Roc.” Princeton snapped back. “I kept you here. Don’t talk shit to me like I didn’t save your ass from get eliminated.”

“I don’t give a fuck, Princeton!” He shouted. “I’m not gone let y’all sit here and talk shit about Ray Ray. I don’t give a damn what he did.”

“Whatever Roc. Whatever.”

Prodigy looked at Princeton and Roc and could feel the tension in the room. He was going to say something, but the moment was already as eerie as it could get. He sat in the silent room with the two, and got onto his iphone.

“Moneygram!” Abby said peeking in and smiling.

Roc stood up, as Princeton brushed past him and Abby without saying anything, and went downstairs. Abby looked at him, then looked at Roc. “What happened?”

“Nothing.” Roc said also walking past her. Abby shrugged her shoulders, and walked downstairs. She stood there and began to read the card.

“Hormones is a deadly thing. 8 girls, and 8 boys. Meet me at the hospital at 4:00pm.”

“Woah.” Justin C. “I know he not about to have us do what I think he’s gonna make us do.”

“Is he gonna make us have sex?” Kiloni said in an outburst, as she covered her mouth.

“I don’t think he would make us do that.” Abby said shaking her head. “Lets go.”

Everyone had arrived at the hospital, and was guided to a room on the 5th floor, near the elevators. They’d walked in, and seen a hospital bed. They’d looked at the table next to it, and seen strawberries and whip cream.

“Oh shit. I think he might make us do what we think.” Diggy said as his eyes bulged.

“Welcome to the hospital room.” Joe said smiling with a doctors suit on. “Now I know that all of you boys in the house have seen a girl in the house that you thought was pretty, and you girls have seen a boy in the house and went ‘damn!’ before.”

Everyone had began to laugh under their breath, and look around.

“Well today, you’ll get to tell that person how you feel.” Joe said. “Today, you’ll be making each others blood pressure raise, and hearts race. What you’re gonna do, is pick a partner of the opposite gender. Then, one of you are going to try and make the other persons heart race, by doing some seductive things to seduce them. And trust me, if you turn them on, the heart monitor wont lie, and neither will their hormones. Now you wont be going extremely far like going oral or getting naked, but you can do whatever you think will turn that person on. If the heart monitor shows more then 3 heart beats before the line thats in the middle of the monitor, that person will be out. If you fail to turn that person on, then you will be out, and the other person will move on to the next round. Understood?”


“Now here, I have the strawberries and whip cream for you to use IF you want!” Joe continued. “At the end, it’ll be one winner at the end. Alright?”


“Pick your partners.”

“Nooni.” Roc said grabbing her by her hand, and pulling her close to him. Lolo was immediately upset at the fact that Roc didn’t pick her.

Princeton had began to look around, when Bella grabbed him by his hand, and pulled him closer to her. He quickly turned to him, and put on a huge smile on his face.

“Where are you going?” She winked.

“Fuck.” Star moaned. She was very upset at the fact that Ray Ray wasn’t there, so she was lonely. Suddenly, Justin C walked up to her, and tapped her.

“Hi?” She said with a shy look on her face.

“Hey. Uhh…did you want to be my partner?” He asked in a nervous tone.

“Sure.” Star shrugged. “I don’t mind.”


Prodigy had formed with Bahja, Jaden had formed with Reginae, and Justin B had formed with Babydoll. Diggy had seen Abby, but wasnt into tom boys. He quickly formed with Lolo, as Abby stared and figured out that she was left with Myles.

“Not niggatar.” She said in her head. “Fuck.”

“Alright now that you got your partners, who’s coming up first?” Joe asked.

“Me and Prince.” Bella said grabbing his hand, as she tugged him with her close to the hospital bed.

“Alright. Whoever lays onto the bed, must be completely still so that it won’t track your heartrate movements.” Joe said.

“I’ll be on the bed.” Princeton said strapping the heart rate monitor band around his arm, and laying face up.

“He lost.” Kiloni giggled to Roc.

“Alright, Bella. Ready, set, go!”

Bella moved her hips close to Princeton as he stared at her. She had climbed on top of the bed, and began to kiss him on his cheek for 10 seconds. She’d stared at his heart rate monitor, and seen that it was still steady. She then ate a strawberry as she sat on top of him, and slowly licked her fingers. That also didn’t make his heart rate go up.

“You gotta do better than that, Bella.” He said smiling at her. Bella realized that she had 10 seconds left, so she put a small dab of whip cream on the right side of his neck, and placed her tongue on there, and began to suck on it off extremely softly.

“Oh my god…” Princeton whispered as he closed his eyes, with his mouth open. Joe looked at the heart rate monitor, and it was racing extremely fast. It was so fast that there were 5 heartbeats before the midway line. Everyone started to smile and laugh under their breaths.

“Princeton, you’re out! Bella, you’re going to the next round. Next up, Justin C and Star.”

“Gotcha.” Bella said winking at him as he got up from the table.

“That doesn’t count.” Princeton grinned.

Justin C laid on the bed, as Star turned her back towards him. She began to lift up her shirt slowly, when his heart rate monitor began to race immediately.

“You boys hormones are out of control.” Joe laughed. “Alright Star you’re moving on. Next up, it was Lolo and Diggy. Diggy laid on the bed, as Lolo began to lift up his shirt, put whip cream on his abs, and began to lick it off. It ticked, but he wasn’t turned on. He wasn’t attracted to Lolo. So nothing she did, worked. His heart rate monitor stayed steady.

“30 seconds up, Lolo!” Joe said. “Congragulations Diggy, you’re moving on! Next up, Roc and Kiloni.”

Roc laid onto the bed, and grinned at her. She’d crawled onto the bed, sat on top of him, and placed a strawberry into his mouth. She then grabbed the bottle of whip cream, squirted it onto the fruit, and bit into it as he bit into it also. His heart rate was still steady, until she lifted up his shirt, and placed her whole entire tongue onto his abs and slowly licked her way to the top of his chest.

“Fuck, Nooni..” Roc sighed as he put his head back into the pillow. His heart rate monitor was going crazy.

“Roc, you’re out.” Joe said shaking his head. “Next up, Reginae and Jaden.”

“I’ma see you later tonight.” Roc whispered into her ear as he got up, and walked to the other side. Kiloni smiled at him, and walked to the winners side.

Jaden laid onto the bed, and let Reginae kiss all on his cheeks. But along with Diggy, he wasn’t attracted to her. They were so disconnected, that the heart rate monitor began to go extremely slow. Her 30 seconds had ran up.

“Times up! Reginae, you’re out. Next up, Justin B and Babydoll.”

Justin B had lifted up his shirt, and even went as far as lifting up hers, and kissing her on her stomach. But she kept her heart rate. And it didn’t speed up once. His 30 seconds had ran out.

“Justin B, you’re out. Next up, Prodigy and Bahja!”

“None of that turned you on?” Justin B said to her with an attitude. “You truly have issues.”

“I seen the pictures leak of you. You will never turn me on with a penis that small!” Babydoll said to him, as everyone began to laugh extremely hard. Justin B was infuriated.

Prodigy had began to kiss Bahja on her lips, as everyone cheered in excitement. He continued, until he bit her bottom lip, and looked her in her eyes.

“Prod.” She said smiling hard. Her heart rate monitor slowly built up.

“Bahja, you’re out! Last but not least, Myles and Abby.” Joe said. Abby laid onto the bed, and knew that nothing would work. She found Myles a little unattractive, so he couldn’t turn her on at all. Next thing you know, Myles started doing Roc’s “i’m back” dance, as Abby and a few others began to laugh. Abby’s monitor shot up.

“Nice trick, Myles.” Joe said. “Abby you’re out. For the 8 of you, congragulations on making it to the next round. Now, you’re gonna have to do it again, with different people. So choose your new parters!”

Diggy had formed with Bella, Jaden had formed with Babydoll, and Myles had formed with Star. So all that was left, was Prodigy and Kiloni. Roc was extremely angry. Not at Kiloni, but at Prodigy.

“First up, Diggy and Bella!” Joe said. Bella was someone that Diggy was attracted to, this time. Bella had began to move her hips, as she lifted her shirt all the way up to her bra. Princeton watched, and was mesmerized the whole time. She then turned back to Diggy, and licked her lips at him. His heart, began to pound at that point.

“Diggy, you’re out! Next up, Prodigy and Kiloni!”

Prodigy laid onto the bed, and closed his eyes for a good while. He then opened them, and seen Kiloni sitting on top of him. She then lowered lips onto his neck, and began to kiss it softly. Next thing you know, she felt something poking her butt. She looked down, then looked back up at Prodigy as her eyes bulged.

“Oh my gosh, Prod!” Kiloni giggled. “Do you have a boner?”

“Oh hell.” Prodigy said flying back into his pillow in embarrassment. A few people covered their mouths in disbelief, as the rest began to laugh very hard as the watched. As for Roc, he was heated. Prodigy’s heart rate monitor was going A - wall.

“Alright?” Joe said moving his head the other way, and laughing. “Alright Kiloni, you’re moving on. Next up, Myles and Star. Myles had began to break dance and do crazy dance moves, just to make her laugh. He turned around and seen her cracking up. Another successful heart rate moment.

“Myles, you’re moving on. Last but not least, Jaden and Babydoll.” Joe continued. Jaden had lifted up his shirt, and flaunted it to her. That didn’t work, but then he put whip cream onto the part of her chest that wasn’t covered, and licked it off with the tip of his tongue. He heard the heart rate monitor beeping.

“Where’d you learn to do that at?” Babydoll said complimenting him. “You’re a little boy!”

“My dad’s gonna kill me.” He laughed.

“Babydoll, you’re out. Now we’re onto the third round!” Joe said. “Pick your new partners!” Bella had picked Jaden before Kiloni did, so she was stuck with Myles.

“Alright! First up, Myles and Kiloni.

But after working with the other boys, Kiloni had ran out of tricks. She crawled on top of Myles, and allowed her skin to touch onto his skin. She then leaned into his ear, and began to lick it. Myles heart rate monitor was pounding.

“Do we have to stop?” Myles joked.

“Next up, Bella and Jaden!”

“You cant turn me on, little boy.” Bella said teasing him. Jaden then lifted up her shirt, and began to kiss all on her stomach. Not caring about not resisting, Bella allowed him to do it, and was enjoying it. Her heart rate monitor began to fly up.

“G-spot.” Jaden said winking at her.

“Alright! We’re down to the final two. Jaden and Kiloni! Get ready.” Joe said.

At this point, Kiloni knew that she had to pull out whatever she could. And she did. She began to show her sparkly purple underwear to him, as she pulled the top of it back, and smacked it against her skin. Jaden tried to resist, but couldn’t. Once he heart the heart rate monitor, he knew that it was over.

“Game over! Kiloni wins!” Joe said as she began to jump and cheer for joy. Everyone had went back to the house, and prepared for eliminations. But first, Roc pulled Kiloni to the side.

“Babe, I have to tell you something.” Roc said.

They talked for 10 minutes, before he finally went into the vault room. Abby then walked up to her after him, and tapped her.

“What was he talking about?” She laughed.

“Nothing.” She said shaking her head as she made her way towards the bus. “He’s just being a jealous asshole because of the challenge today.” Everyone then formed into the vault room, and prepared for another elimination.

“I’m voting for everybody from now on.” Roc said shaking his head at Prodigy. “Especially after the way that they did us.”


“Welcome back to the vault. It’s getting down to the wire guys, so lets start voting.” Joe said. “Who wants Lolo inside of the box?”

Everyone except for Reginae, had voted for her. “Lolo, you’re at risk at being eliminated.”

“What did I do?” Lolo said in a confused state to the people that voted for her.

“Who wants Myles to go into the box?”

No votes.

“Who wants Prodigy to go inside of the box?”

No votes.

“Who wants Bella to go inside of the box?”

No votes.

“Who wants Roc to go inside of the box?”

Everyone who voted for him last time, had voted for him again.

“I don’t know why you guys put me into the vault.” Roc shrugged. “Kiloni is my girl. She’s not getting rid of me.”

“Roc, you’re at risk of being eliminated.” Joe said. “Who would like Justin C to go into the box?”

Everyone except for Jaden, raised their hands.

“Wow.” Justin C laughed sarcastically. “Okay.”

“That’s 3 people. The rest of you go to the house, and i’ll call you out when it’s time for eliminations.”

The three were on their way to a nearby Benihanas. On the bus ride, Roc was making out with Lolo as Justin C watched.

“Wow.” He laughed. “You cheat on your girl, then go back to her as if you didn’t do anything. Maybe I should take care of your little ‘Nooni’.”

“Yo, you’ll never take Kiloni away from me.” Roc snapped as he stopped kissing Lolo. “I’ll bet the 10 million dollars that i’m gonna win on that.”

“Whatever, man.” Justin said sarcastically as he laid back, and listened to his music.

They’d arrived at the restaraunt, and he ran up to Kiloni and hugged her as they walked ahead of Justin C, and Lolo. They’d heard the two mumbling under their breaths, but didn’t pay it any mind. The three ate their food at the restaurant, when Kiloni got the note card.

“One person to talk to alone, huh?” Kiloni smiled. “I’ll take Lolo!”

The boys walked out as Kiloni smiled at Lolo. She took a sip of her drink, and sat it down as she finally began to talk.

“So who should I send home?” Kiloni said in a serious tone. “Because I want to send Justin C home, but Roc is a bigger threat and-“

“Send Justin home!” Lolo said in an outburst, as she finally calmed down. She didn’t want Roc to go anywhere. “Justin is an asshole, and he’s a bigger threat than Roc.”

“Not really.” Kiloni said shaking her head. “Justin hasn’t won anything. Yeah he’s built and he’s tough, but he hasn’t won a challenge. Roc is fast out there and flies into attack mode. Justin is all bark and no bite.”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Lolo said standing up, and leaving the table. “But hey, it’s your decision.”

It was a gloomy night, but everyone still came out to watch the eliminations when the 4 arrived home. Kiloni came out with Joe, as Lolo, Roc, and Justin stood outside.

“Kiloni, who would you like to come up, and get their che-“

“Lolo, I want you to pack your bags, and get the fuck out!” Kiloni said immediately. It caught her off gaurd, as she stood there in a confused state. Roc stood there, and smiled at her the whole time

“That quick, huh?” Joe said in a weird tone. Everyone looked in a confused way because they didn’t know that that was what Lolo was doing behind closed doors.

“You thought that you could hit on Roc, and he wouldn’t tell me a single thing?” She continued. “He told me everything after you did it! About how you were kissing him when Hunni got eliminated, on the bus, and how you snuck into his room last night. He doesn’t want you, and he doesn’t want to fuck your red headed “I want to be Rihanna” ass! And now, everyone can know how much of a hoe that you are! Go home!”

Lolo had covered her mouth, and teared up out of embarrassment as she walked onto the bus, and drove home. Abby was clapping on the side, as she watched Roc run up to Kiloni and give her a huge hug.

“Nooni.” He whispered as he hugged her.

“I love you, baby.” She whispered back, as she watched Justin C walk back into the house.

“Alright.” Joe smirked. “Well, there are now 15 on you left. Get some rest, and prepare for the day tomorrow. Sweet dreams…”

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