Game of Thrones (Robb Stark)

By Kenna_Katherine

6.1K 118 2

Kenna Snow and her best friend, Kelly, escape from grounding, heading to the most beautiful swimming spot in... More

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85 3 0
By Kenna_Katherine

~Kenna's POV~

It wasn't long before I woke back up again. The fighting was still going on but I couldn't see Robb or Theon or anyone else. I see a horse and run, nearly falling over every few steps. I can tell from my dripping shirt that I'm losing a dangerous amount of blood. What is it dripping with? Blood. Almost every inch of it is soaked in blood.

I get on the horse and it hurts like a bitch. As I sit up, holding the reigns, I feel another rush of fiery pain in my leg. Someone shot another arrow in me, damn it! I cry in pain and snap it in half. I make the horse run and my vision starts going dizzy. I don't plan on it, but If I DO die, at least he'll have my body to bury.

I get to the edge of the woods and my body can no longer hold itself up. I hear someone yell, "Over there!" I get over there and I nearly black out.

~Robb's POV~

Her cloak falls and you can see an arrow in her leg and in the back of her shoulder. I yell, "Get her down! Now!" Theon grabs her and she groans harshly. Jaime was right, she was shot, but did he do it or did he just see it?

Her shirt as gone from grey metal to a deep burgundy red. Her skin is turning pale too. At this rate, she'll die. We rush her to a tent and the physicians treat her. Please don't die on me, Kenna. I NEED you...


~Kenn'a POV~

I wake up and see that I'm in the physicians tent, but it's smaller than the normal one. I see Robb looking down at his hands, worried. I simply say, slightly slurring my words, "If you keep looking like that, you'll get frown lines."

He look at me and asks, "you're awake?" I respond, "No, I'm in pain." I laugh and he chuckles, "I think you're just uncomfortable. You were given milk of the poppy so most of the pain should be taken away."

      He asks, "What happened?" I think back, "I don't know. One minute I'm fighting a man and the next I have an arrow through my shoulder and I'm hit over the head from behind. Then I woke up and rode here but I passed out. Where did you find me?" He replies, "We saw the horse and you on top. You nearly fell off."

      He looks upset so I say, "At least I didn't die. Why kind of girl would I have been if I broke my promise." I smile and he kisses me on the head. I try to get up and he asks, "What are you doing?" I respond, "Not laying in bed like a little baby. I'm fine, Robb. I'm just going to practice my sword outside of the tent."

      He just sighs, "There's no persuading you otherwise is there?" I shake my head and he gets up, holding his hand out for me. I feel a little weird, but not drunk or high. He helps me up and I ask, "Where's my cloak?" He says, "It's in the tent." I nod and make my way there.

      Robb goes to talk to some more men and I unsheathe my sword, groaning lightly as I do so. As I start swinging it, I notice it's harder. Manageable, but still harder nonetheless.

      I start pretending to spar with someone when I hear someone calling, "Girl! You there!" I look over and see the royal ass, Jaime Lannister. Good, they caught him...

- End of Chapter 23 -

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