Game of Thrones (Robb Stark)

By Kenna_Katherine

6.1K 118 2

Kenna Snow and her best friend, Kelly, escape from grounding, heading to the most beautiful swimming spot in... More

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89 3 0
By Kenna_Katherine

~Kenna's POV~

      That's it. I step forward, gripping my sword when Catelyn stops me. I grit my teeth and she shakes her head. She's right. Now is not the time. I take a deep breath and let go of the sword. He demands, "Don't try to frighten me. Your husbands in a cell beneath the red keep and your sons got no fur to keep his balls warm." At least he has balls you wrinkly disgusting old shrew. 

      Catelyn says, "You swore an oath to my father." He just says, "Oh, yes, I said some words...and I swore oaths to the crown too, if I remember right. Joffrey's king now, which makes your boy and his corpses-to-be nothing but rebels, it seems to me. If I had the sense the Gods gave a fish, I'd hand you both over to the Lannisters." I ask, "Why don't you?" He ignores me and tells Catelyn, "Stark, Tully, Lannister, Baratheon, give me one good reason why I should waste a single thought on any of you?" 


      We're on our way back and I'm silent, upset. She says, "I hope you understand why he has to do this." I grit my teeth and say, "I understand, my lady. We wouldn't be able to cross otherwise." She stops her horse and I stop as well. She puts her hand on mine and looks at me sympathetically. 

      I force a half smile and say, "We should continue, my lady." My heart hurts just thinking about it. 

      We make our way back and I follow behind her into the tent where Greatjon is saying, "...if we do that, they'll never get back across. " As we approach the table, everyone stands. Robb notices my face and looks at his mother, confused, "What did he say?" She explains, "Lord Walder has granted your crossing." They look relieved. She continues, "His men are yours as well-" Greatjon says, "huh." Catelyn continues further, "less than 400 he will keep here to hold the crossing against any who shall pursue you." Robb asks, "What does he want in return?"

      I hold my head down slightly and she responds, "You will be taking on his son, Olvvar, as your second personal squire. He expects a knighthood in good time." Robb sighs, "Fine. Fine." She looks at me and he asks, "And?" She says, "And Arya will marry his son, Waldron, when they both come of age." He says, "She won't be happy about that." She stays silent and he asks again, "And?" She answers, "And...when the fighting is will Marry one of his daughters. Whichever you prefer. He has a number he thinks will be...suitable."

      I can see the anger and sadness in his eyes. I can tell he doesn't want to. But he has too...He grits his teeth, "I see." He tries to lighten the mood, "Did you get a look at his daughters?" Other people snicker and I would normally laugh but this doesn't even bring a tickle to my throat.

      She says, "I did." He asks, "And?" She says, "One was...Do you consent?" He asks, "Can I refuse?" She answers, "Not if you want to cross." He spits reluctantly, "Then I consent." I clear my throat, "Excuse me my lords, my lady," and leave the tent. I walk through the camp to our tent and as I'm about to drop my cloak on the bed, Robb enters behind me, "You KNOW I don't want to do this." 

      I nod, "I know. You have to save your father, your family." I place my cloak down and he asks, "Do you hate me?" I shoot my head in his direction, "Hate you? How could I hate you?" I explain, "You'll marry his daughter in exchange for saving the people you love. I can't hate you for that. I just wish that wasn't part of the demands." He cups my face and looks me in the eye, "I will never feel for anyone the way I feel for you." I smile, "Nor I. I'll have you any way that I can whether it's as your wife, your squire, your friend, or your mistress." 

      We kiss passionately and when we pull apart, "So, it's time for some training. If I'm to fight, I'll need some more training." 

      We train and have another passionate night. We wanted to show each other exactly how we felt for one another that night.

- End of Chapter 21-

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