Game of Thrones (Robb Stark)

By Kenna_Katherine

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Kenna Snow and her best friend, Kelly, escape from grounding, heading to the most beautiful swimming spot in... More

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107 2 0
By Kenna_Katherine

~ Kenna's POV ~

      I start getting dressed, just pulling my pants up, when I hear Robb stirring in his sleep behind me. I turn around and see his eyes fluttering open. I chuckle and kiss him on the cheek, "Good morning." He smiles, "Good morning," and grabs my face gently, kissing me sweetly on the lips. I say, "Come on, bubs. Gotta get up." He looks confused, but doesn't say anything. I forgot that "bubs" isn't from this time period. 

      You know, speaking of time period, I haven't even thought about whether or not I should or even WANT to go back. I mean, when I think about it, really think about it, I would honestly rather stay here. Whatever, I'll think about it more later. Robb gets dressed and we both go out, meeting Theon and the old man who I know now as Maester Luwin.

      He hands Robb a tiny scroll. Robb asks, "Treason? Sansa wrote this?" His own sister wrote about his family having to do with Treason? Maester Luwin says, "It is your sisters hand, but the Queen's words." Poor Sansa. He continues, "You are summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new king." Robb asks, angrily, "Joffrey puts my father in chains, now he wants his ass kissed?" That little priss I saw Lord Tyrion slap the other day? He's the new king? What's happened to the old one? 

      Luwin says, "This is a royal command, my lord. If you should refuse to obey-" Robb says, "I won't refuse. His grace summons me to King's Landing, I'll go to King's Landing. But not alone." He hands Luwin the scroll and says, "Call the Banners." Theon chuckles and I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Luwin asks, "All of them, my lord?" Robb asks, "They've all sworn to defend my father, have they not?" Luwin responds, "They have." Robb says, "Now we see what their words are worth." Luwin nods and leaves. 

      Theon looks at Robb, proud, happy. This is not something to be happy about. Theon asks, "Are you afraid?" Robbs hand is shaking, "Must be." Theon responds, "Good." Robb takes the words right out of my mouth, "Why is that good?" Theon responds, "It means you're not stupid." Robb just look at him and a crows caws loudly outside of the windows. I have a great feeling that something bad is going to happen. 



      Robb's just finished getting ready for the feast with the Bannerman tonight when he puts something wrapped up on the bed. I look curiously at it, "What is that?" He responds, "It's something I've made for you." He unwraps it and I see a beautiful sword. It has a stunning black leather handle, Gold metal pieces surrounding certain pieces of the handle, and the blade itself is a prepossessing type of metal. He smiles at my reaction and explains, "It's called a Dragon's sword. It was very hard to make, but we did it. I've been told that it can pierce even dragon's skin. I had it made incase you ever need me and I'm not there. This could be the next best thing."

      I look at the tip of the blade and see a wolf etches into the metal. He says, "The sigil of my house." I blush. I can't believe he made me such an exquisite sword. I get up and sheath it, tying it to my waist and putting on my cloak he handed me after breakfast. I put it on and we make out way to the banquet hall.

      There's many people here. I can feel my anxiety spiking ever so slowly.  Robb sits at the end while Grey Wind is lying underneath him and I'm next to him, eating the fairly good meal they provided for everyone. Theon is next to Bran and there's more people surrounding the following people. I've grown to like their wine as well. 

      A man proudly says, "For 30 years I've been making corpses out of men, boy. I'm the man you want leading the vanguard. Robb says, "Galbart Glover will lead the van." The man yells, "The bloody wall will melt before an Umber marches behind a Glover." Men and their stubbornness. He insists, "I will lead the van or I will take my men and march them home." 

      I say, "What in the hell does it matter who's marching behind who when you're both going to the same place to do the same thing and want the same outcome?!" He looks at me shocked and I continue, "I know you must have a lot of pride and pride is an...important thing, but what matters more is fighting to stop the Lannisters from murdering Ned Stark!" He yells, "I will not be talked to like that by some whore!" I stand up and both Theon and Robb stop me. It's a good thing too because I can guarantee that I'm better with a sword than this drunk, prideful fool. 

      Robb says, "You are welcome to do so, Lord Umber. And when I am done with the Lannisters, I will March back North, root you out of your Keep, and hang your for an oath breaker." Woah, I kinda love serious Robb. The man stands up, yelling, "Oath breaker, is it?!" He flings his food on the ground and I put my hand on my new sword, ready, as everyone stands up. The man yells, "I'll not sit here and swallow insults from a boy so green he pisses grass!" He's really pushing every one of my buttons. He grabs at his sword and Grey Wind runs across the table, pouncing on the man, before anyone can stop him. The man screams as he falls on the ground. 

      Grey wind bites his hand ferociously and finally stops, coming back to Robb. He gets up, groaning in pain. Robb says, "My lord father taught me it was death to bare steel against your liege lord. But doubtless, the great Greatjon only meant to cut my meat for me." The man yells, kicking his chair across the room, "Your meat..." he looks around holding up his hand that it missing two fingers. Ew, gross. He continues, "is bloody tough." Some people chortle while Robb smiles. So the man is no longer mad? 

      Everyone is laughing and I'm as confused as Bran. The rest of the night went by smoothly. 

      After the feast, Robb said he wanted to visit Bran so here we are at his door. We step in and Robb makes his way to the side of Brans bed, shaking him lightly. Bran asks, "What? What is it?" Robb hushes him lightly. Bran asks, looking at Robb still fully dressed, "Where are you going?" Robb explains to him what he said to me on our way up here, "I'm going south, for father." Bran says, "But it's the middle of the night." Robb says, "The Lannisters have spies everywhere. I don't want them to know we're coming." Bran points out, "They have more men than we do." 

      Robb responds, "Aye, they do." Bran asks, "Can't I come with you? I can ride now. You've seen me riding. And I won't get in the way. I-" but Robb refutes, "There must always be a Stark at Winterfell. Until I return, that will be you. You are not to leave the castle walls while we are gone. Do you understand?" Bran nods. He continues, "Listen to Maester Luwin. Look after your little brother." Bran says proudly, firmly, "I will." I smile. Robb says, "I'll send letters whenever I can. But if you don't hear from me, don't be scared." He puts his hand on Bran's shoulder, "Until I return." They look at each other one last time before me and Robb leave. 

      At the bottom of the stairs, Robb turns and asks me, "Are you sure you want to come? You've already been taken from one home, you don't have to fight for another. You can stay here and try to figure out another way back." I explain, "Despite my best efforts, I've not been able to stop thinking about finding a way back home, whether I want to or not. I don't want to." He looks confused. I explain further, "All of my siblings are dead, my mothers is a drunk, drug addict and my step father does nothing but hit me. I've nothing to go back to. Here, I have you, your family, this." I kiss him on the lips and say, "I'm sure I want to do this." He smiles and we ride out...

- End of Chapter 18 - 

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