Game of Thrones (Robb Stark)

By Kenna_Katherine

6.1K 118 2

Kenna Snow and her best friend, Kelly, escape from grounding, heading to the most beautiful swimming spot in... More

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109 1 0
By Kenna_Katherine

~ Kenna's POV ~

      This is my chance! I draw my last arrow and aim for his head. It shouldn't be hard; it's rather large. Just as I release my arrow and it flies into the side of his head, an arrow is shot from behind him and flies into his chest, poking out through the front as well.

      I put my arrow back and run over there. As I run over, I see Theon. He must have been the one that shot the arrow. Bran falls to the ground just before the man follows suit. I could have sworn that it was Kelly I just shot, but I know that it's not true.

      Theon gets another arrow ready and points it at the woman as Robb picks up Bran. Bran's got his leg cut. Robb asks, "Are you alright?" Bran responds, "Yes, it doesn't hurt." Theon says, "Tough little lad. In the Iron Islands, you're not a man until you've killed your first enemy. Well done." Right words, wrong timing, wrong place. I understand that he's trying to cheer Bran up in a sort of way though.

      Robb says, "Have you lost your mind? What if you'd missed?" Theon says, "He would've killed you and cut Bran's throat." Robb yells, "You don't have the right-" but Theon cuts him off louder, "To what?! To save your brother's life?! It was the only thing to do so I did it!" They both have their points and I couldn't agree more with either of them.

      Robb asks, "What about her?" Referring to the only one of those people left alive. I look at her. She looks dirty, like she'd been living in the wild with no place to bathe in sight. Ever. She gasps and pleads, "Give me my life, my lord, and I'm yours." Robb looks away and informs, "We'll keep her alive." She sighs in relief.

      I don't know what I would do if it was one of my siblings. If they were alive... Robb says, "Kenna, take my brothers horse for me." I nod and hold Theons shoulder, squeezing it lightly in a reassuring way. I take the reins and we go home.

It's now night time and I sit my clothes down while Robb takes his shoes off. He says, "That was nice shooting today. Especially from that far away." I smile, "I've shot from farther." He just chuckles and I get in bed.

He gets in next to me, wearing no pants again, and I lay on my side, my elbow keeping me up. I ask, "How's Bran's leg?" He sighs, "It's fine. He'll need a few stitches but he doesn't feel any pain." I nod and he asks, "How are YOU doing?" I ask, "What do you mean?" He explains, "You killed a man today. That's not an easy thing."

I sigh and respond, "It was fine, I guess. I mean, it DOES bother me, but the only life I can think about is Kelly." He says, "It wasn't your fault. It's the Kings and Queens." I say, "She visited me the night before." He asks, "What?" I nod, "Yea. She asked me why your father was questioning me and then just left. She called me, 'little warrior'. Strange."

He looks deep in thought and I get a little closer, putting my hand on his chest, "I don't want to think about any of that right now. I just want to be with you."

We both smile and We kiss, passionately. We have another impassioned night together with a few added quirks;).


I woke up just before sunrise and Robb was still sleeping. I grab the paper from next to me and the weird little thing I'm using to draw and get to work finishing his face.

I hope we get to be like this for a long time to come...

- End of Chapter 17 -

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